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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. mennonites wear prints all the time. the girls were dressed appropriately, considering what their options were.
  2. not defending by any means, BUT, at my church and most around here, we wear jeans to church. john would fit right in. even shorts, in summer, have been seen. its much less formal than in my childhood. seen the movie, the Jesus Revolution? i think that is when things changed. i lived through that time period and remember the dress code well. i still see men is suits sometimes too, so dont misunderstand. its all a matter of preference of the person.
  3. i mean this in all sincerity, as i dont live in the area of tornadoes etc. where does one find 'cover' in a theater? you are already in a room with no windows so are you to just get down on the floor?
  4. hey ya'll, i made it home! boy was it a long 3 weeks but i enjoyed the time with my grandkids so much. my DIL is doing very well following a serious surgery and in fact is recovering very fast. i was able to come home much earlier than i expected. things i learned: 1. i am not a 'camper' type of gal, although i did enjoy it while it lasted. the trailer i stayed in had a few issues (one being it kept blowing the circuit breaker at inopportune times that left me without heat for a literally 36degree overnight once) and it had apparently had a pipe break due to a freeze just before i took possession of it that caused a consistant leak that had me mopping the floor daily, multiple times a day. after a week, i gave up, moved to a hotel and when the owner came back to town, i handed it off to him. 2. i was introduced to a new coffee in the trailer that was THE BOMB! it is called Berres Brothers coffee roasters ' cinnaman grogg'. omg, it was so smooth. i was able to bring the bag of ground coffee home with me and they gifted me another bag of a different flavor. i am going to research it online and see if it comes in k-cups otherwise i may have to break out my new keurig with both the k-cup and the brewer pot. it was just the best. 3. i dont do tornado/serious storm warning/watches/baseball size hail etc! i was glued to a storm watcher web site and following some really bad weather for a long afternoon one day. my DIL and grandson nearly got caught up in it driving home from baseball practice. they were literally like 10 minutes ahead of the southern storm driving north east to home with a storm right due north of us! they got home and it started to pour and wind and little bits of hail -- we did not get the big hail but the school they had just left most certainly did get the softball sized hail. 4. three weeks is a long time to not sleep in your own bed. 5. i can drive in snow!!! never had to before but one day on the road, woke up to snow, lots of it, and continued to be in snowy/rainy/icky conditions for about 3 hours straight. i was so internally stressed out. i am so glad to be home now. my internet usage was little to none, they had no tv, so i feel like i have been away from the world for so long. thankful for hotels along the way to hear nightly news and keep up with the crazy weather here at home. i am tired. gonna take me a few days to get my energy back, i think.
  5. GEES! deleted my comment. not used to the laptop. i said i agreed regarding the cursive. mine is awful and i mostly print. . also, being a lefty was tough, when learning in the very early 60's. also, i am currently sitting in a trailer (pulled by a truck) in my sons driveway in texas. its my first experience and hasnt been all fun. lost power twice, once at 2:30 a.m. and it was freezing cold. had to wait till 10:30 in the morning for my son to wake and show me the breakers to turn on the power again. also, there is a leak in the roof somewhere and we have had lots of rain. so i wake up to water on the floor. i think it is tied to the heating system. the owner of the trailer is out of state and i dont have a phone number to call him. the good news is it is affordable, beautiful, new and very comfortable and has no animals inside it, which cannot be said for my sons place or my daughters! just caved in and turned on the heater -i was freezing again.
  6. is this it? https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Vehicle-Starter-Compressor-Digital/dp/B0B52K15VY/ref=sr_1_4?crid=26HV31XPXTKQT&keywords=halo+bolt+air+car+jump+starter+%26+air+compressor&qid=1677641756&sprefix=halo+%2Caps%2C277&sr=8-4
  7. i thought the picture of the boys on the trampoline thing was a babysitting explanation photo at the rummage sale they were at.
  8. i get it. my last purchase was totally bought with grandchildren i mind. i wanted enough seats for all and also enough room for luggage should i happen to be bringing any home with me on a road trip. so for everyday use, its a little big, but i appreciate the safety of it and the extra space for hauling treasures i may find along the roadside (discarded furniture etc).
  9. that is a shame. NO pastor should be caught in a lie.
  10. all the time on the local news. its out in the boonies by magic mountain....
  11. sadly, lots of backyards in the particular area they are in look similar to theirs. it is water restricted and very dry. and it the 'high desert' sort of area so extreme temps too. right now, freezing temps over night and sunny days. its hard to have grass in cali. and they bought a used house so the yard was probably not well cared for to begin with. give them a chance when we are not in such a drought - they could so some amazing things with the yard later.
  12. in the josh/anna thread someone posted about how Price Harry had long doubted his mothers death etc. when he was young. that was a trigger for me when i heard him talk about it. my grandmother was my 'person' and when she died, i was unable to be there with my family for various stupid reasons. i did not see her go, did not even see her in the hospital. she was just gone one day. i have had dreams over the many years since that she was not dead, just being hidden away from me somewhere. i used to wake at night in tears, wondering where she was. i would dream she was locked up in hospitals and think i should be trying to find her. i guess her passing really traumatized me WAY more than i was able to handle at the time. funny what our brains do to us. and i wasn't a child when she left, like Prince Harry was. i can only imagine what that poor guy has gone through.
  13. ...and then i will buy her book...at less than half price!
  14. you were SO close by!!! wher ewas this - by the mission Inn?
  15. i have watched a lot of tia's videos and i think she is very interesting. as far as jinger and the church she now attends, i am of mixed feelings. i have participated in a study group using one of the pastors books and found it to be very helpful. that said, i dont know a lot about their particular church. so, is she still in a cultish place? i truly dont know.
  16. $26.99 on amazon for an actual book! whew, not spending that.
  17. i , personally, love the name daisy. i hope the little one grows up loving it too and never knows the nasty connection it has to her uncle.
  18. on the topic of the rain - it is coming down here heavily! but the low cloud cover is amazing. i was driving home just a bit ago and could not even see the hills right in front of me less than a mile away -- hint: they should have been visible. on the news this morning i was watching the flooding in northern cali and it is so overwhelming. a two story house was literally flooded to the 2nd level!!! i love the rain but not at the expense of others losing everything.
  19. early happy new years eve wishes -- i wont be awake at midnight, i promise you that!!! i have been sewing all day on this quilt for my grandson. my back is hurting so i am switch to my computer for a while. we have a roast in the crock pot and potatos waiting to be baked so a nice dinner planned. hubby had his surgery on tuesday. it went well and we are waiting for the biopsy report. he had the davinci robotic rather than an open surgery so though he has at least 6 incisions, they are small and stapled shut. he is doing SO much better than we anticipated. i am grateful for small and large mercies! for that reason, we are spending our days at home, quietly so he can rest and recover.
  20. i guess we are the fortunate ones here in cali as we are expecting lovely weather for the christmas weekend. i wont turn that down! the texas kids had snow flurries yesterday and temps in the teens. we are hoping for rain next week tho. our state needs rain desperately. we are expecting a quiet weekend at home....self-imposed mostly as husband has surgery scheduled for early next week. could be a big deal, praying it is not.
  21. NOT liking this new set-up at all. someone tell me how to get rid of the ads again and how to go back to what it was yesterday.
  22. WAIT -- lets go back to that 'person holding a christmas tree' picture? who is that ? why?
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