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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. gosh nysha, feel better! that is no bueno. ifinally saw the sr and asked about the constant headache that i have had for weeks and he says 'sinus infection. so more antibiotics and pro-biotics for me. pressure is getting better but slowly.
  2. took a drive today after being housebound with all the rainy days we have had for the last week plus. it was gorgeous! nippy outside (high 40's- low 50's) with winds but clear blue skies and snow capped mountains in the distance. was finally able to drive over the 'pass' and visit with an elderly friend of mine -- so glad i did. she seems to be on the decline (healthwise and emotionally too) since last visit. lots of traffic heading up to the ski resort areas. so worth the drive tho.
  3. boy am i glad you all are back! i missed you.
  4. i hope not. that was a decision i made for myself as a parent -- to be a different 'mahmo' then what i had. i deliberately chose to say 'i love you' daily to my kids and to hug/kiss them. those were things i didnt have and found that i had needed. i was one of a tribe of kids and i guess always felt insecure. i wanted my kids to always know they were loved, wanted and important to me, even if i did get mad (i did, a lot). it was hard when i heard my mom come out of my mouth but it also made me realize, sometimes too late. that i didnt want to be her - i loved her because she was my mom, but i felt i could do a better job of parenting with love and encouragement and not necessarily all the rules and harsh punishments. in hindsight, i did a so-so job but at least all my kids are decent. ETA: to be fair, my mom was 16 when she had me and a very young mother with all the rest of our tribe. she came from an affluent family who had servants (i was told). i know her relationship with her mom was also distant so maybe she did the best she could.
  5. would appreciate some info on how you were diangnosed, symptoms etc. a gal at church has been sick (read that as a 'death cough') since last summer when she got covid. she is and has been under medical care and has mentioned possibly long covid but is still being tested to rule out other reasons.
  6. did NOT know that! i thought it was part of the bargain -- living in the apartment together.
  7. good for mary! its about time, and as stated above, its very nice of her to have waited till after christines wedding arc to have announced her own good news.
  8. saw the ENT regarding the 20 decible hearing loss and she wasnt too impressed. she said not to be too worried at this point. i had the test done at costco so i am repeating it with the audiologist in feb and we will see what that shows. it could be normal aging loss of hearing tho. i felt relieved when i left there.
  9. same - the town i live in had one too.
  10. happy new year, friends. we are home from our week in texas with the grands. it was fun to see them, especially the surprise on their faces christmas morning when we waltzed in their house unannounced. it got down to freezing weather when i had brought with me a lightweight sweater only. the weather report had said mild 60 degrees. guess i missed the freezing lows at night and mornings -- the afternoons were warm enough. i think i either have tendonitis in my thumb down to my wrist or acute arthritis because my hand does not want to work correctly without extreme pain. i cant take NSAIDS so i bought a splint and am going to wear that for a bit and see if it helps. its so inconvenient. well, i am off to a late christmas party (rescheduled due to covid) at church. then a meeting tonight. i hope to sleep a good amount tomorrow. again friends, New Year Blessings and Wishes!
  11. my shoulder replacement was same day but hubby made some noise so they kept me over night due to my lung issues but to be clear, they had me outta there by 10:00a.m. the next morning. at least i got breakfast!
  12. i divided up whati had by sibling and put them in giant baggies. then i handed off the baggies to the appropriate person and said 'enjoy'. i also did this with my kids photos too.
  13. it is surprising what surgeries are 'outpatient' nowadays. my shoulder was, technically, although i stayed overnight because my husband insisted (lots of preexisting lung issues). i just think the system takes it a bit too far when shoving you out an hour after a major surgery. 24 hours to see how you do and for pain control is not too much to ask.
  14. glad to get a good report from you!
  15. saw the orthopedic surgeon yesterday. he said i am released and have another 6 months-1 year to fully heal from shoulder replacement but not to worry about any long lasting damage from the pain of the mammogram. probably some internal bruising. he was quite pleased with my range of motion. i said no regrets on the surgery but not gonna do the other shoulder any time in the foreseeable future. (read that as EVER!)
  16. Gain is the nasty-est smelling stuff!!!!! we use the Tide free too. my dh bought regular Tide and guess what --HIS clothes get washed in it, not mine!
  17. i cannot wear perfume or anything scented. sad too cuz there are some pretty ones out there. but, ya know, breathing is important.....
  18. on a similar note, regarding the mammogram, i just had mine done this last week. reminding you all i am 3 months post -shoulder replacement. let me tell you that thing hurt like HUGE! it truly brought tears to my eyes on the surgery side. i have had many mammograms done in the past and never really had a lot to complain about, just general discomfort. but this time the 'corner' of the plastic plate went right into the joint where i had the surgery and there was no mercy. i am still sore, 5 days later. will be seeing the surgeon in about a week so will be discussing this and seeing if it is normal recovery pain.
  19. on the topic of the commercials, they were a bit (a lot) jarring. you would be a a big moment and it goes straight into a commercial with no break. a few times i was like...what is going on here?! then realized it was a commercial.
  20. on a similar topic, did anyone watch the 2-part documentary called "let us prey'? it was about the IFB church. it was on this past weekend (cant remember the channel but i had set it to record a while ago when someone had mentioned it). anyway, it was quite interesting. no familiar names to me, but i bet some of you all will recognize some of the men involved. very sad storied. makes the whole dugger/bates style church situation more clear to me in many ways....the grooming etc.
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