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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. meh, i like doing (as in playing in) snow for the day and then coming home to clean and dry streets and getting warm.
  2. i am in SoCal myself and couldn't agree more!!!! one problem, though. i have gained a crap-ton of weight this past 6 months and not a single pair of my pants fit me. so shorts weather is good for now, but i want winter!!!
  3. i saw that extra show. it mentioned a possible divorce...i looked here to see if i was the only one who saw it....
  4. well friends, its monday. a new week, fresh start ....you know. lets have fun this week!
  5. wow - i am overwhelmed reading all this catch up since last night. i hope we can find our 'normal' again soon.
  6. ok, its late here and since i took such a long nap earlier today, i cannot sleep. also, i think the WW thing has my mind racing. i am such an honest person that it is out of my realm of imagination that people actually intentionally try to scam others with their words online. i just cannot imagine lying at all but especially to that extent. upthread, someone mentioned WW in the same breath as McMama's blog, even saying that they both had a daughter named maisie. i used to read that blog back in the 'stellan' days. oh how i prayed for that baby. i don't even know what her untruth was or what she was accused of doing via her blog. i will say that i knew she made an income off her blog which was a huge reason why i started my own blog (although i don't make money now, never did and have changed my focus from earning $$ to leaving a written narrative for my grandkids). which brings me to my question: will someone in the know please message me and fill me in on her and what went on? is there a 'maisie' connection here beyond the obivous? is anyone suggesting she was WW?
  7. i have taken the 23andme and the ancestry. i learned more on 23and me.there are a few good groups out there that can help you understand your results better. it confirmed that the woman i found as my mother's half sister is, in fact, her for real half-sister.
  8. so, as always, i am late to the party. i am saddened to read about WW. i was going to donate and honestly, when the mods took it private (or whoever did) i still didnt suspect anything. i come from a generation that just takes people at there word, and yes, i get burned. i am naive like that. i was waiting for payday so now i am glad i waited. i also agree with PP that i would rather lose a few bucks believeing i had helped someone that not have helped at all. what goes around comes around, i have always believed. also, my story could make fiction writes give up so again, i had no inkling there was fraudulent stuff going on. i am grateful for the smart cookies in our bunch that look out for the rest of us.
  9. thanks for your fast response. i went to the Meri thread and i think i have read as much as i can stomach.
  10. fairly new to this forum...about how far back in pages is this catfhing story? i am at a loss for details; have not heard a word about this.
  11. re: gluten free diets it is sort of a fad diet these days to avoid gluten while not actually having a health reason to do so. i HAVE to eat gluten free; i have celiac disease. its amazing to me how many times people will say things about my limitations. i know what i can and can't have. i may choose to take a bite of a roll but i also know i will be sick in two days so that is rare. people with celiac have different reactions to gluten - mine are all gastrointestinal and not very fun. ps: i have been in hospital (not due to celiac) and not reading along as much. i am trying to catch up.
  12. i am unclear about the references to 'Alice". can someone bring me up to speed on where this person posted or tell me what you a read that was written bu this person?
  13. What I want is the big tell all- not from a family member but from the crew. I would love to hear what an "outsider" thought of Joshie & Co. me too! that would be interesting to hear the perspective that they all had.
  14. i just mentioned that in conversation with my husband last night. i certainly hope someone is watching out for him. that would be a brutal state of affairs for those 4 little kids, in addition to all the rest of the damage he has created in their lives.
  15. actually, satan is after whomever he can get. it doesn't matter how big or small your celebrity status is.
  16. wow - -so much going on since i wasn't able to sign on here and post. but now i can and i will! amongst the ever growing sadness here, i just want to say to each of you in cirsis, DONT GIVE UP! your feelings are real and as for WW, so are her hubby's whether we approve or not. we can only pray and hope that with time, he will regain his senses and be the husband and father that is needed. having walked miles in a life of unbelieveable turmoil (i'd be scared to write it all down), i feel like i have made it through and can speak with knowledge that sometimes just getting up and drinking that cup of coffee is an accomplishment. for all of you going through so much right now, you are each so fortunate to have emotional support from the great folks here on this forum. let that carry you over the rough parts knowing that people do care and will extend a hand when you need it. hoping i dont sound preachy but i really enjoy the offers of support and caring that i see here. there were times when it would have changed my world to have that!
  17. hi everyone, i have been locked out for a bit on this account, but i am back. i have not read back on this particular thread so just saying hi and sending good wishes to you all.
  18. it's interesting to me about this planned documentary that will include jill and jessa. are they going to send cameras out to the mission field to film jill's part? or mayb e her part is alreadey done. who knows, but i suppose i will watch the documentary anyway.
  19. i wondered about that too. she definitely looks further along.
  20. although i read here, and 'like' here, i don't say much. but my heart is breaking for you, wanderwoman. just know that God is in control and will hear our prayers. many have said so eloquently what i have been thinking since i saw the news just now, so i won't waste space other than to say my thoughts and prayers are with you...and maisie. can someone tell me what maisie is having implanted? i have been out of town for a few weeks and i am behind.
  21. read this and it suddenly became crystal clear to me as to why the paired up siblings are separated at a certain age, for example Joy and whoever the boy talking-head partner was. hmm....
  22. first time posting here but looong time reader. don't know how to copy another post in a box like you guys do so this is my best effort, for now: 'To me, Josh and his pontificating have always come across as false bravado. I think he was painfully aware of his lack of education, and tried to make up for it with his fancy speeches, and using big words (often in the improper context).' i do think this is acccurate. in fact, there is much on this forum that i believe is right on the money. as for josh, i think his guilt and embarrassment may have led to his unhealthy lifestyle (eating) as well as what happened when he was a teen. i do not release him from responsibility but i do see where the only examples he had were two very sexually active parents both in the bedroom and blatantly in his face in their daily life. as for the girls involved in this, i am so desperetly sad for them. i pray that they will realize their innocence in this mess and move forward with positive life changes. i think about them every day and wonder how they are. i know, from experience, that it takes years and years to recover from molestation to the point that it does not cross your mind every single day.
  23. hi all. i was on TWoP but posted so infrequently that i cant even remember what name i used!!! gonna give this a shot and see if i can do better.
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