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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. so is this good for josh or bad for him? i dont understand.
  2. in the back of my mind, i am hoping that anna is playing the long game, with her mostly unresponsive attitude here. someone earlier said that she may have gone home and fallen apart after yesterdays reveals. i know i would have. but maybe she HAS to play the part right now because JB has her over a proverbial barrel and she wants to feed her kids next week and thereafter. i would not really be surprised to see her leave after this all plays out.
  3. i accidentally heard some details on insta last night from WOACB.....didnt realize it was a video. i had a difficult time falling asleep and it was first on my mind this morning. something i will never forget. how could you if you had any decency in you? this is so beyond the pale that i am just trying to process that there is that kind of evil in the world.
  4. thanks for the warning. i was watching WOACB and she gave a trigger warning and i bailed on her live . she was in tears saying that a VERY small child (being generous here friends) had been involved in what he was viewing. my mommy heart and my over-reactive brain cant take that sort of stuff.
  5. yes BetyBee, we are in the same mode -- lights already up outside and lit, tree out in the family room waiting for me to put it together. its a ton of work to decorate for christmas and i have stopped doing a lot of it but the tree and the lights outside are a must. they make me feel happy again.
  6. first, my sincere condolences to those who have lost family. it is pretty overwhelming, especially at the holiday's. second, dear friends, i wish you many blessings as you celebrate your thanksgiving, wherever you are. i am grateful for the 'friendships' here. dont ever underestimate what you all mean to each other (and me) in this sad time.
  7. one superfluous comment --- her hair looked great!
  8. thanks for caring, everyone. i do know they met with the organ donor coordinator this morning but i have no specific details or plans yet. i finally slept for about 90 minutes this afternoon. i got hit with more 'news' (unrelated) last night and found myself awake talking to God and myself all dang night trying to figure it all out. (details when i know more info). my dog was sick too so i was up cleaning up after her. i am feeling my age today -- headache will not go away.
  9. hi friends. i have been away from the desk for a bit. we have had a tragedy in our family. my beautiful 18 year old niece was involved in a car accident a couple days ago. she was devastatingly injured (no gory details). we learned this morning that she will not survive. they did a 3rd CT searching for brain life and as of now i have not been called with the results. however when i saw her yesterday in the icu, something in my spirit prepared me for the worst. i will say that out of the sadness of this situation, God sent me two undeniable signs that He was with her when she needed. you all know my belief system and when i tell you that signs of angel intervention were seen, i mean it. i am so grateful for that gift. my family is , naturally, destroyed by this situation. i am not a cryer, and so i have 'purposed' (gotta have some levity here) not to cry and to be the strong big sister that they need right now. my time will come. i am so sad....on many levels that i cant even get into right now. just so sad..
  10. referencing the picture of jinger in the mountains, they were on a day drive up to our local mountain resort area. its about 40 minutes from me and about 90 minutes from where they currently live. so probably not a vacation or a holiday.
  11. random fact i learned today.....did you know that all those dollers we (i) spend at hobby lobby actually fund bill gothard and the iblp? yes! truth. see this: https://www.gawker.com/hobby-lobby-funded-the-duggars-allegedly-sex-abusing-cu-1599083411 i had always thought it was Mormon owned. i felt a little bad shopping today. luckily, i dont't go there often.
  12. on the topic of jeremy using his phone is church, we use our phone to pull up the scriptures we are reading. some folks dont bring their Bibles anymore to church (ahem...me). using your phone for that is acceptable in our church. it is sometimes even okay to take a photo of whatever is happening to post to our church FB page. it doesnt really happen a lot but it is acceptable to do so.
  13. i actually had a miscarriage at about 10 weeks along and had a d/c during christmas season because i didnt pass it. i named that baby. i did it for me because it was a real baby in my life. i grieved for a long while. i still think of that loss and remember the name i chose. i believe that i will meet that baby in heaven some day. JMHO
  14. i dont know but speaking for me, i have a sleep number that i can adjust the firmness _ mine is at about 60%. also, i have slept on a firm regular mattress with one of those egg crate style cushions and it was fabulous.
  15. good for you!! i am also on WW (loosely) and have shed 30 pounds in the last year. i have been stuck for a while. my exercise is limited but i am wearing a step counter again these days. my next-but-not-final goal is 15 pounds more by thanksgiving. doubt i will make it but i will still try. oh and btw, i dont really accurately measure my food. i eyeball my portions tho. on another note, got the moderna shot #3 this past monday. it was not a 'booster' -- it was the full dose. i asked what is the difference in the shot and the booster and was told no difference. ugh. it hurt. got a palm-sized welt for a few days and i had more of a reaction this time. two days in bed resting and then a 3rd day of getting dressed but hanging out at home. my medical group is set up at our local mall and giving the shots to anyone that qualifies. i wish my husband would go get his. then our household would be finished. and i am aware that the fda or the cdc have not fully approved as of this day but i am super high risk so i wanted to do everything i can to stay healthy. is there anything better than a nice hot cup of coffee in the afternoon?
  16. so i am unclear about the vaccine booster/3rd shot conversation above. my doctor just told me wednesday to be sure to get it. i had moderna. i was told where to go and had considered doing it today to get it over with (and any fallout from it) before my next trip to see grandkids. are you in-the-know folks saying that there is no 3rd dose (booster, shot , whatever it is called) at this time for moderna? if that is the case, then i wont even go down to that location and check it out.
  17. facebook and instagram are worldwide shut down. dont know details.
  18. probably doesn't matter -- by the end if his 20 years per, all the kids would be adults.
  19. i used it for my rosacea for a while but my new dr changed me back to metro-cream. rosacea is not a parasite and ivermectin is for parasites i am told.
  20. 100% yes you can. i will pray right now. usually when people ask for prayer, i post immediately but not knowing the boundaries of written prayers here, i will talk to God here at my home. i am sorry your daughter is having to deal with real life so darn soon after her procedure. on a different note, i was able to start my shots of the new-to-me med dupixent. i was told to not expect results any time too fast. i am here to tell you that, 9 days later, my energy level is WAY increased, my breathing is already showing marked improvement and i went on a short 5-house-lengths walk outside this morning and only stopped once! i am so very hopeful!!! and, if my scale doesn't trick me on monday, i will have dropped a couple pounds! God is so good and i am excited about life again.
  21. i enjoy that show too. i also have the same feelings about the coast of texas as you. my son wanted us to move to port arthur. i said no way - hurricane danger is too much for me to handle. ...mind you i live on a huge fault currently and if it shakes, i would probably fall in. 🤪
  22. for some reason, i have long understood that the birth of M7 would be around my birthday late in august. i dont remember why i think that, i guess it was the time frame predicted in the early days and i used my birthday to associate the timing.
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