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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. guess what? out of nowhere a slot opened up for me to get my first covid shot yesterday. easy peasy (this one). didnt even feel it go in. however, today i have been , of course, sore in my arm. i need a shoulder replacement in that arm so its extra sore but i am left handed so they gave it in my right arm even with my shoulder. today has been chills all day, especially my feet, and i do have headache. no fever tho, last i checked. heading back to my bed with the space heater blowing!
  2. we dont watch the news here anymore so i have a question. why is there talk of double masking? is that the new rule? if so, i will just say no. one mask is fine for me. and absolam, i think it was you that mentioned you had asthma....same here plus copd. i can just barely keep a mask on to grocery shop. my o2 just tanks in a mask.
  3. i broke my elbow roller skating backwards on asphalt while watching my son's baseball game when i was in my 30's. read that as 'full shoulder to finger tip hot pink cast on my writing hand. i still went to work (single mom, no choice). my job? at the time, i was an aide to a physically handicapped young lady and so i was her writer, note taker and test taker. she was a high school senior with finals essays to finish. yeah, that was fun for me...
  4. i checked with my brother who works with the blood bank and he says YES donate after receiving the vaccine. he also said don't be afraid to donate even before you get the vaccine ---they are noticeably short on donors that are afraid to come in and donate. they desperately need blood and plasma.
  5. who is the tax person on here? this conversation brings up a question i had. before she leaves this guy, if she sets up this private account that he wouldn't know about, what happens at tax time? dont the bank accounts have to to listed for joint filing while they are together? i havent had a bank account for years due to some idiosyncrasies that my DH had (read that as NOT FILING) that cost me my inheritance (my personal account was taken to pay our taxes). i live with cash. however, i recently started two savings accounts, a minor one for my grandchild and one for me. i might have forgotten to mention that to DH. 😇 when its time to file jointly, do i have to disclose that savings account for me? or the minor account, for that matter?
  6. i always enjoy looking in here sometime during my day to see what you all have been up to. someone up-thread mentioned it felt like a safe place. i agree. today i have painted a lamp (the first coat) among other chores. now i am going to sew on the binding to my little quilt that i have been working on. excited to finish it cuz i bought some minky fabric to make throw pillows for my bed. i also saw you tube video on how to make quilted purses with zippers and pockets etc that was actually cute..thats on my radar now too.
  7. not so. my husband and i have different medical because he is on medi-care now. he goes to a local medical group that i went to for years but dont currently due my insurance coverage. he got his shot saturday and they declined to give me one because i wasn't their patient. i had heard that even kaiser (my group) will give it to anyone so i was surprised. kaiser has not gotten to me yet. we are not to call but wait to be notified. i am almost ready to call the health department and see what their schedule is.
  8. i have it too and right now its loud! i have had 2 vicious attacks of vertigo over the years and it has left me with bad balance. cant tell you all how often i trip myself becuase i step wrong and throw off my balance.
  9. thats why i started a blog and then each year have it printed and bound into a hardback book, for my grandkids.
  10. FYI, if you decide to do a test, choose ancestry. more people test there so you have a better chance at a match. that said, i also did 23andme and guess what? i found the match that broke open my search. without her, i might have never figured out who i was looking for. it is totally likely that you can figure out who he is by doing the dna route and some research.
  11. SAME!!!! i have had braces twice and with all that loss of 8 teeth, its miserable getting dental work done. no room to work so extra hard to be the patient.
  12. 1. as you know by now, genealogy is a passion of mine. it has been so very interesting to learn about my heritage. also, i have helped several friends and family members in their searches. i feel like my questions for me are answered but i keep digging away at my search to clarify details and documents. its a challenge for me. 2. i have no idea when i will get the vaccine. i am 1C on the list. its tough here where i live to even figure out how to get ON a list. i didnt want to take it for the whole time of the pandemic. but in the last few weeks i have been thinking that its better for me to take it and be a test dummy for reactions than for my grandchildren to have to do it. not that i wouldn't want to protect them, but i figure out that after all us oldies-but-goodies get ours and have whatever reactions to it we get, they will fine-tune it by the time the children get it, i hope. 3. went for a short drive today and lo and behold, it began to snow! (this is huge for us cali folks that have warmth all the time). the temperature dropped about 10 degrees in about a quarter mile. next thing i know ...snowflakes. then lots of huge snow flakes. seriously considering getting up at 6a.m. and driving back there to see all the unblemished fields of snow and beautiful snow-capped trees....before everyone finds out it snowed there.
  13. one swab, first throat then nostrils. and can i say that i really like lady gaga?!!!
  14. interesting that she color arranges everything there.
  15. '@ all my fellow DMV people, ' what is DMV? besides the obvious, i mean.
  16. yes, Turquoise, happy celebrating!!!!
  17. ok - the story i just read does say that. but then it says that james bought a house for $! recently too.
  18. funny thought about the step-parent thing.....when i was married with older children, my dad married a girl i grew up as close friends with. i never called her step-mom except in jest as she is younger than i am.
  19. according to something that just came on my phone, jim bob has sold justin a home for "$1". doesn't say which home it is.
  20. so sorry for your loss, @ozziemom.
  21. ok, here is my take on this. in my gut i feel like something is less than optimal with evangeline. from experience, my last child AND my grandchild that i raised had issues from birth that were not immediately detectable. at about 6 weeks all hell broke loose. i am wondering if there are issues with evangeline that need their focus right now. that would definitely explain their lack of time and photos of both babies. with my daughter i spent nearly her first two years back and forth to hospital and then with my grandchild, it was 4 months day in and day out at the hospital. i pray this is not the case but in my mind, it makes sense.
  22. @Happyfatchick, that is incredibly sad. however, its not over till its over unless there was no heartbeat. not sure if i told you all this but a bit over 3+ years ago my DIL was pregnant with their second and final child. she learned at about 18 weeks that there were critical problems with baby girl's brain. DIL was heavily monitored through the pregnancy and had many tests. turns out that baby girl came on time and was perfectly fine. she just had her third birthday this very week! dont give up hope until there is no other option.
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