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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. random question: my tv is advertising that the duggers and other shows will be streaming on the new Discovery 'channel'. i dont exactly understand what i am talking about but lots of shows on many channels are now going to be part of this service which there is a fee to view per the commercials i keep seeing like on HGTV etc. does that mean the new shows on TLC wont be there and available to us or is this streaming thing showing reruns? technology is pretty foreign for me -- thats why i have kids .....and grandkids! loved it for the few minutes we had it.....i lovely rainy weather the best!
  2. i could never drive on that!!! cali sunshine is all i know.
  3. made my own version of chicken chili this past week. so dang good!
  4. omg!!! the spelling was terrible. that family must really shake me up more than i was aware!
  5. thinking of those kids hits close to homme for me. the final house they lived in is about 20 minutes from whee i currently live. their texas hoouse was ina small 'town' that i have driven through many times. just too close to such a sad situation.
  6. i woke up to that notice too. i have really everything already and now i just need to get groceries topped off. then its in the house for me.
  7. do tell me more! i am trying to get my mindset back on WW. i fell off after my neck surgery and i havent had the willpower to start again.
  8. i can't do that to those kids! they didn't ask for those looks....there can only be one smugger in my mind. now they may be 'unfortunate' but not so bad as to deserve smugger.
  9. referencing a topic in the 'other famlies' thread about covid restrictions: 'and here we are in cali, waiting for more severe lockdown that ever. our governor says that if our region of the state gets to only 15% beds available in icu, we are are on mandatory stay home orders. being out for food and medical needs are excluded. once this happens, its 3 weeks till the next evaluation to move to a less restrictive level. my husband will go nuts on 3 week stay home orders.....he has worked this whole time. of course he is not around the public very often.' the plan, i think, is for this to start probably tomorrow so it rules out any more christmas shopping for me IRL vs online. i believe the real goal is to screw up christmas gatherings for families. and i get it....we are distancing and have really one child in our 'bubble' and thats not even a perfect 'bubble'. just not happy about it.
  10. when we bought ours, we could only afford the bed itself -- no 'frame'. so i used it like that for a couple years until i bought a regular headboard, footboard and side rails. we just built it around the SN mechanisms. works just fine. the mechanism sits on the floor and the frame goes around it.
  11. ETA: i went to my church this past sunday and sat in the car listening. they met in the parking lot sort of with every family separate from the next. it took about the equivalent of about 40 car spaces . the pastor was on the sidewalk talking. that was a first for me. not gonna do it again tho -- to hard to not hug my friends that i havent seen in almost 11 months.
  12. i need to share my good news story today. it was wonderful. husband and i went on a drive to test our our new fast-track pass on the freeway. i drove down to the beach which is about an hour away from home. no traffic at all, blue skies and it was just gorgeous! first a ferry ride across the small bay, then we snagged a handicap parking spot right next to the pier. i did have to nav some stairs but i made it. i was able to walk about a third of the pier before needing to stop and rest and catch my breath. it was worth it!!! there was a slight breeze, not enough to wear my sweater, and temps were in the mid 60's. for those in so-cal, i could see the entirety of catalina island! its been years since that has happened. we took the fast-track lane home through the canyons that recently had burned in a fire. it didn't look as bad as i had feared but we also didn't see the worst of it. we were able to get a nice dinner at a bbq place that had exactly one other table seated. we were virtually alone the whole meal. came home to my christmas lights being on and beautiful. it was a nice day, covid safe and little to no direct human interaction.
  13. around 4 months is when they are able to roll over ….i was worried too.
  14. crazycarlady58 -- you are exceptional to have thought of lookeyloo in all the chaos of the day! wishing all of my friends here a day of peace and love. we did something cool. my neighbors are sweet folks that take good care of me/us. so today, we bought the honey baked turkey, stuffing, potatoes, yams, peanut butter fudge and i forget what else. they bought croissants, olives (gag!), pistachio salad, cranberry salad, pumpkin pie, some other fruit pie. we split our stash into containers and they did too. then we met at our fence and traded. then, back in our homes, we served our plates then called their house on speaker phone so my husband could ask the blessing for all of us together. it was a special moment. they are all in their 70's. i just love them! dishes are washed and we are chilling individually until coffee and pie time. hugs, friends!
  15. he heavily photoshopped himself in this picture, i think. she looks real world new mommie. as for the dr appt, its pretty standard now to take the baby in for the first visit usually the day after leaving the hospital.
  16. four children is not really a lot. its seems pretty average to me. i had four and if i could have had more, i probably would have. i am NOT fundy either. but really, four is manageable. now....8, 9, 10 - thats a lot!
  17. random question --- isnt there a pattern of what day of the week they make announcements? i have to believe that baby is born and they are waiting for the right moment. i just cant remember what the pattern is.
  18. in my experience, it is a few specific churches that are in defiance. none around my area are meeting, that i know of. my BIL goes to one about an hour away that is meeting in defiance of the order. i think he is being foolish. i could go to outdoor services but i choose not to.
  19. ours are daily from the governor and daily from the mayor of los angeles plus online updates for our county. also, we are in the most restrictive level of stay-at-home in my area. restaurants in los angeles area cannot even have outdoor dining. we still can, for today anyway. oh and churches....ours are either shut down and going online OR outdoors only. no church activities allowed here at all. and its been that way since the beginning of this. i personally am on hard lockdown at my own discretion. it is hard because husband likes to eat out at restaurants and i just dont feel okay about it. i have gone a few times but have taken a step way back as of last monday.
  20. do you think they are flying out to cali for the birth?
  21. glad to see lots of good news today. for me -- i got a call this morning from texas and got to video chat with the 3 grandboys out there. it was a sorely needed visit for me!
  22. my heart goes out to you. i say -- take the time to cry. you earned it with the love you gave your cat.
  23. just this morning sent out birthday letters with $ for the twin grands having birthdays next week that i will be missing. i am sending money to all the grands and to their parents so my shopping is minimal this year. it will be the easiest holiday season ever for me! our state still has schools locked down so i may get to see the local kids for christmas eve if they maintain the effort of little to no exposure for them. now that i cancelled my texas trip for next week, i am thinking ahead to their spring break in march and maybe driving there to reduce exposure. time will tell... on another note, just consumed a whole frozen gluten-free sweet potato crust pizza for my lunch. they are smaller than your may expect so i don't feel guilty and besides i pay a fortune for them. and dinner is in the crock pot...stew and red lobster biscuits. laundry is on last load for today and house is clean. yay!!!
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