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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. it is freaking scary here. the hospital that husband just came home from has made a 'ward' out of the cafeteria area with curtains and beds! there is just nowhere to put people. i wasn't 'scared' so much at the beginning but took it seriously. now i am downright scared. i had two more friends from church test positive, one got admitted yesterday.
  2. sorry to disappoint ya'll but i agree with her.
  3. funny - i do middle names too. not sure why but i just do. trying to remember tegan's middle name....probably simple like marie. ..or susanne. i need to ask my kids, they will remember. if i ever get my photos transferred to my desktop computer, i will share her with you all.
  4. funny you should say that. just yesterday i got a 4-books-in-one huge thing with 4 jane austen classics . i have never read them. i am a voracious reader but tend to stick to light fiction and christian authors. this is a step out of the box for me. it will be the next book after i finish what i am reading now.
  5. same here. i plan to sell it, then buy a house in texas where i can afford to pay cash and then enjoy the leftovers doing nice things for people and playing with the grandkids!
  6. no resolutions here...just a semi-plan to live happier and to try to get my weight in control. dont have to be skinny but my back wouldn't hurt as much if i lost some.
  7. once my husband gets home from work, i am off here. so wishing you all a very different, covid-free New Year now instead of closer to midnight.
  8. on a different note than hee-lar-e-uh, 😉, i just wrote my final blog post of 2020 and ended it like this: i don't plan to rehash the whole year here but i can say i want it to be over and a truly NEW and different year to begin. i do hope the cooler weather hangs around a bit - i am not a hot weather girl - and doesn't rush to the summer heat. even with all the difficulties and life changes made during this covid time, i am grateful for online communication that kept me sane and allowed me to see my grandchildren. without that, i doubt i would have come through still speaking understandable words. i have plans for 2021. i signed up for a genealogy class online. i am planning to join a quilt club and plan to start sewing again much more frequently. i started tracking my meals again on WW in hopes of looking different in the new year. i got my shingles vaccine so i wont get that awfulness and am still undecided about the covid shot. its not my turn yet so i don't need to decide today. all in all, i look for more peace, more happiness, more love ahead in 2021. Happy New Year. you all are included in the 'online communication that kept me sane' part! i write all year and then get it hardback printed and put on the bookshelf for my grandchildren to find some day. i need to upload photos before i actually order the book.
  9. DH waited in the ER hallway for over 24 hours for a room this past weekend. and here, nobody gets past the door but the sick one. our governor announced today or yesterday that we are on lockdown highest level until further notice. we were supposed to be stepped down yesterday. no such luck. i also learned that at the particular hospital that DH was at , they literally called in the national guard yesterday to help out. they are totally overwhelmed here.
  10. wait ..what? are you in the ER sick?
  11. what part of big ol' texas did YOU land in? it seems we have several Texans on this page. i second the advice to at least get affiliated with a doctor there. my daughter who just moved in september tried to get a primary and was laughed at. i told her to keep looking.
  12. Jynnan tonnix - that baby girl is gorgeous!!! husband came home from hospital last night. they needed his bed and they had gotten his blood level stable, still quite low but not dropping so fast, so they sent him home. i was not happy -- no no i was happy he was relaeased but not happy with the timing. it was literally pouring rain, wind, hail and dark at rush hour (not bad during the holidays) and he messaged me to come now to get him. i had just put a pot pie in the oven for dinner too. he will need further testing to figure out where the blood loss is coming from but i did learn, in case i didnt share, that when your blood level tanks like that ...your heart rate starts pumping 'double' time! his rate is stabilized for now. oh just for grins and giggles (NOT), we also learned that the 'tumor/nodule/thingy' in his small intestine was NOT - i repeat NOT - removed at his last colonoscopy done at the university hospital last tuesday as we had been told it would be. doctor says he will likely need some kind of open surgery to remove whats left of it after this final biopsy yesterday. this is crazy stuff here!!! we have a consult tomorrow with the gastro dr and hope to have a plan set up as to whats next. and friends, i do read here but i forget what i have read by the time i am done reading it all and start typing. forgive me if i overlook mentioning or supporting your events when you post. i do care.
  13. mine too -- looks like big bear or lake arrowhead. however, they have some snow, i thought so maybe not.
  14. hello everyone, currently sidetracked by a sick husband in the ER for day #2. he is losing blood somewhere in large amounts, enough to cause his hemoglobin levels to sink to 6.7. he had a transfusion last night which raised his level to 8.? and currently is on a cot in a hallway somewhere in the cavernous ER waiting to see a doctor again. the plan as of last night is for him to have ANOTHER colonoscopy tomorrow so they have him on a clear liquid diet while there. he just had a specialized colonoscopy last tuesday in a different university hospital. its possible that he is still bleeding from that i guess. he is cranky (as i would be ) and impatient with the system. i am worried. his heart rate was super fast yesterday morning, that was what took him there in the first place. research suggests that the blood loss could cause the fast heart rate and other symptoms he had. yet, after two moths of knowing he had this loss, we are no closer to understanding where its going. so now he is uber exposed to covid and i have to be the one to get him home when its time. i dont know what to do!!!
  15. i dont know -- that information was given to me orally from the nurse that gave me the shingrex vaccine. she said no other vaccines within 30 days after this one for shingles.
  16. happy sunday, friends. nothing much going on here. staying home and away from people for the most part. its a beautiful day today so i took a solo drive around town and stopped by one almost empty store for a gift. other than that, i have a small turkey breast ready to go in the oven soon and uno cards on the table. i miss my texas grands so much!
  17. my nurse told me that yes, those that had the previous vaccine, needed to update it to the new one. i dont know why, tho.
  18. Revelation. the Book of Revelation. no 's' on the end, fyi. i was one who worried about that being the 'mark'. i talked to a pastor friend of mine and got some clarification about what Revelation says and so i am not wasting any more energy worrying about it. i may not be first to take the shot but when it comes available i wont fear it for that reason.
  19. i got mine yesterday as a direct result of you guys talking about it. i got the shringex (?) version. it was virtually painless and i have been feeling fine since then. my other shoulder, the one that had the cortisone last week -- now that one hurts. the cortisone didnt really do much so eventually after this covid situation settles down i have to have a total replacement. will continue to put it off as long as i can. one thing i learned yesterday is because i took the shingles shot, now if the covid vaccine comes available, i cannot take it for the next 30 days.
  20. thanks. that was very helpful. might get mine tomorrow if time allows, friday for sure .
  21. thats the shingles vaccine? because of you all, i spoke to my doctor about it andhe has ordered it for me. i will probably get it on friday. truth.....feeling nervous. is it a live vaccine?
  22. i do know it was off season so the franchise was able to rent out the whole entire hotel for the month of filming. i dont know any place else you could so that sort of thing. basically, off season, things are pretty empty there due to the extreme heat.
  23. skipped to the end to say that i go regularly to la quinta to visit a sweet friend that lives really close to the resort. this was filmed in august. it was brutally hot that month and since then too.....120 degrees is not unusual for august. there is no way i can even describe to you guys what that feels like. and i dont know why they filmed so much outdoors but then .....they were stuck to that resort only so i guess no other options but hotel rooms or outdoors. i felt sorry for them when they had their suits on and were melting away. the mesnick!!!! that is when jason mesnick lean over a bannister literally sobbing after he sent home the woman that would end up being his wife.
  24. i guess my question is similar to one someone else posted a comment about. i am paying fortune for cable tv now and i wonder if i can still see counting on on tlc and bates on up and hgtv whenever i want or are they all going to the extra money package only? i may need to sign off tv ...well except for oldies . currently i am watching 'meet me in st. louis' for the forty millionth time and will watch it again next year
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