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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. as of tonight (its 1:26 a.m.) that fire has matched the size of the Line fire in a single day and the airport fire in orange county/riverside county is not far behind. its very frightening to see it on the news.
  2. anyone hearing about the line fire, in highland california? its over 20,000 acres and still out of control. well its about 25 minutes from my home. the smoke is unbelievable. even inside my house smells smokey. outside is orangey and the haze is thick. for whatever reason, we are the lucky recipients of the way the wind is blowing. this does not bode well for my lungs. currently in the market for an air purifier as the coughing has begun. but on a happy note, the wild donkeys came to my yard for breakfast this morning. there were about 20 of them, at one point, including a few babies. i was lucky enough to prevent them from tipping my garbage cans over (its pick up day) but my neighbor, not so much.
  3. finished her book a couple days ago. its a heavy read, for a good while.
  4. i don't think its all that bad as everyone here does. they need to plant ground cover on the slope right away, for sure, but in general, its not unattractive. its more pool than i have!!! now, i definitely can appreciate the concerns about the safety of the kids around it and will hope for the best in the regard.
  5. its next for me too. i need to hurry before anyone spills much of it!
  6. i wish them well --- they deserve much happiness.
  7. just put it in my amazon cue. been waiting for it to come out.
  8. i most certainly am not a troll at all. i am just a person that had an opinion that differed with many of you. and lest you worried that it spoiled the olympics for me, waste no energy. i have been watching daily the efforts of all these young people and enjoying the the sports.
  9. frankly, i dont think it matters what country i am from. i dont know where the Last Supper part was -- i saw about it after the fact and was offended. i did miss the beginning of the ceremony and just assumed (i shouldn't) it was at the beginning - but it was definitely shown. i saw the pictures of it. as to the sexual innuendos, i saw no need for the scenes about the threesome, no need for the gay/trans can-can dance and the very weird fashion show antics on the bridge. i realize there is a place for everyone in this world, but this is the Olympics and should have been about the athletes and not a statement about wokeness or political correctness. just my opinion, folks. don't let it ruin your day. btw, mens gymnastics was awesome this morning!
  10. in hindsight, i find there is much that is offensive about what i watched as to the opening ceremony. i missed the beginning part with the Last Supper montage etc - that is a big no-go to joke about for me. also, all the sexual innuendos were not necessary. although there was lot i enjoyed, i am rethinking my first opinion and recommendation to others to watch. i guess i was watching without really thinking about symbolism and meaning; rather just enjoying the beauty of the scenes. i did think it was impressive that they even tried to have so many different locations around the city included in the opening event -- that was cool for those of us that are not world travelers.
  11. i loved it all. celine was extraordinary!
  12. i did. it was totally fantastic!! thanks for the link to the thread.
  13. so whoever checked the mls (or whatever it was) before, did their house sell?
  14. that is the scariest thing. i hope she had the sense to call paramedics, rather than drive there herself.
  15. just finding this place. Gramto6, you sound like a bundle of fun! you have more energy than i could ever hope to have!! i am not a cat person at all -- deathly allergic-- but i can totally appreciate your dedication to the cause of getting them neutered (?) and off to permanent homes. i need your get-up-and-go in my life.
  16. clearly not the right family...unless we have been really fooled!!!
  17. it has solidified my thoughts about moving to texas...i think that's a no-go for sure. my weekend there in april during this season of storms was enough to make me rethink all those ideas. it was really stressful to be on guard all the time. its enough for me to keep up with the weather there and worry about my grandkids from out here in 'safe' cali (use that term loosely). to literally live that way every minute, nope.
  18. i have had to do the 'further testing' and it was all benign. that didn't really make up for the worrying i did although of course it was a relief. when i did my further work-up, they told me that very day that i was fine. i hope you will have the same experience.
  19. mercy - that had to be scary. on our recent trip to texas, there were storms all weekend and watches all around us. there were tornados in the greater area but not close enough to us to be in shelter. i was a wreck the whole time.
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