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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. my first wedding was in a backyard with a few guests. i wore an off the rack dress. our 'reception' was agin in the backyard a week later, waring a homemade dress. 17 years later i remarried. this time my children and his chose my dress, a real wedding dress and veil. we married and had our reception and dinner in the same room at a golf course. i had only my MOH and he his BM. our children had a part in the wedding. guests sat at their reception table seats. and one funny part ---- as i had no wedding planner, nobody came to get me when it was time to walk down the 'aisle'. i guess people were wondering if i had reneged! 😆
  2. that really is nice photo of both of them.
  3. WOW! i cant even fathom that there are more family involved in this mess. i had to lock myself out of here for a few days cuz it was too overwhelming and triggering. i just cant imagine an uglier scenario than how it is already.
  4. on another topic that is way more fun, i started painting a ceramic rooster today. i am not a ceramics painter -- i usually do chalkpaint on furniture. this is so fun! btw, its going to be pink and gray to match my bedroom.
  5. came to this thread to get away from all the josh stuff. my head cant take it anymore. it is such a trigger for me. talked to my counselor today about the whole story and she was like 'OF COURSE it makes sense that you cant let this out of your thought process. it is bringing back what you dont want to think about again. so, for now, i am staying out of his thread and hoping this one stays relatively free from updates about it.
  6. it sure is taking a long time to get any info on this hearing....
  7. katie joy on WOACB goes live in about 20 minutes per her you tube site.
  8. i was gone on a short roadtrip when the news broke about joshua. i stayed with friends that i have often stayed at before. this time, they have a 1 year old goldendoodle. guess what? i am allergic to it! i came home a day early and have been in resting mode all day today. did watch church, tho! now i am catching up here. oh and based off the 'tired' of this short trip, i probably wont be driving to texas anymore and rather flying. i am exhausted!
  9. my roommate saw the statement from TLC cancelling counting on. i dont have a link. can anyone find it and post t?
  10. i had my second child on april 22, earth day. he was a couple weeks early and chose that day to arrive after a tragic apartment complex fire just down the street from where i lived. it was a stressful moment but he was fine, my place was uninvolved in the fire and no one i knew was injured. i remember bringing him home laying him on the front seat of my grandmothers car, wrapped in a blanket. grandma didn't see the need for a car-seat. GAH! silly me for being so compliant, against my better judgment. never again did any kdi of mine ride in a car without the proper car-seat in place!
  11. i am confused (as usual). did you send her your email? how did she make contact with you? the last i heard, you were still debating responding. i think, as some have said above, truth is good , but in increments at a time. also as was mentioned above, it COULD be a game with the mother to see if you will tell the truth. i think you need to go with your gut on this one.
  12. and here i was worrying about hanging a new picture above my headboard!! i actually do have shelf up by the ceiling line that was there when we moved in (rented house so not able to remove it). BUT, i have my bear/soft doll collection up there among some greens. nothing too heavy. thats why i am second guessing the photo. when you live in cali, you learn nothing heavy over the bed AND beds dont go under windows!
  13. good morning, friends. my husband had surgery for a deviated septum and other issues earlier this week. the next day, he started in with a TERRIBLE cold. he is full of packing and it wont be removed for another week. he has been miserable. so, guess who woke up with a cold today? me. its weird -- i haven't been sick for so long. it just happened so fast - literally fine in the morning but sat down to get a pedicure and WHAM! so taking it easy today. glasses....i wear them full time and cant see without them up close or far away. i wear the same type of over-the-glasses sunglasses as mentioned above. i found when i spent the $$$ to get rx sunglasses, i would forget to take them off when i exited the car (since i am used to glasses on my face all day). it was a hassle. to the lawyer who wrote above about helping his clients and not himself -- my husband is the same way. we always come last. about 20 years ago we did make a trust (i think) but i have never heard it mentioned again. i guess this is something we need to address.
  14. not quite in bed yet so popping in to say maybe 30 minutes away, unless its immediate family.
  15. first about the 'should i call for the birthday' topic: could you have read my mind? i have a child who has a birthday this month and i just brought this up to my husband last weekend. so my child is in later 30's and hasn't been speaking to me for about 10days+/-. i received a text telling me point blank to make no contact unless it was a medical emergency. its not like this is new behavior. i am just tired of being threatened and manipulated and finally standing up for myself. so, i am doing as i was asked and shipping a package with something that i have that belongs to 'this child' as well as a birthday card. in the end, my life is less chaotic by staying away. it hurts me to say that about my own child, but truth is truth. and also i have news!!!! i went to costco today and had my hearing aid evaluation. and.....i REALLY need them. i just wasn't sure and was gonna delay it for a while but the tech had me do a test run. that convinced me that it cant wait. the truth is i CAN hear but i miss a lot more that i was not aware of. so, its time. i ordered them and should have delivery next week. thanks for all the input here -- it is what really pushed me to go get the eval. and Temperance, (i think it was you) you were the big push, i believe, with your honest post . that's what started me thinking seriously. and with that, i am going to bed, tired after two busy days, but more at peace with myself.
  16. thanks for the push. no hurt feelings either! i am vacillating between going to costco hearing aid supplier and seeing what the benefits are or waiting a while. i cant explain the ringing - its relentless. and i can hear still, just seems like people mumble quietly ore often to me. my plan is to go on a not-weekend day (crowds) and get the info. ETA: i hadnt seen all the other responses with the nod to going now vs later. i am calling this week and seeing about an appt.
  17. FYI - i was in redlands twice last week!!! just missed a sighting!
  18. yes and its LOUD!!! he says there is nothing to do but live with it.
  19. guess what? i failed my hearing test...both ears. so he recommends hearing aids. i do have the option of trying to get people to look at me more when speaking and other techniques he mentioned so i dont have to rush out immediately and get them. but probably i will need to sooner rather than later. of course, all on my dime. ETA: i thought, NotthebadVictoria, that you said you had 12 dogs!!!! wheew, reread it and understand now. maybe my eyes are going too.
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