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Everything posted by zoomama

  1. *******************i got the call, finally. for what its worth anyway. ********************** he says good news/bad news.....no cancer cells seen on biopsy BUT this kind of tumor can still be malignant (his words). so i will schedule surgery and then after, they will re-biopsy it and see what happens next. waiting for another call from scheduling........
  2. sooo....on the topic earlier of how long results take from a ct or test............its been 2 full weeks since my biopsy and nothing. i have emailed twice, with the 2nd email being a bit snippy. i got a call this morning that i would have a phone appointment with the surgeon this morning at 10:30a.m. its now 11:19a.m. ....................nothing.
  3. hello everyone. just returned from seeing my grands in texas. it was so worth it. twins 1 and 2 both told me privately that its time for me to move there. teenager just simply said 'thanks noni. i really needed you to come see me' as he snuggled his 14 year old head into my neck. btw, the child who i took to texas last year in size 12 slims boys pants is now in a 28 inch mens size waist and is taller than i am! i found a wonderful house to buy in a new neighborhood but with this dang tumor undecided, the timing is wrong to buy. i have had the biopsy as you all know but no call with a report yet -- its been 13 calendar days since it was done. i hope they let me know the diagnosis soon. off to watch the episode this week that i missed.
  4. Jynnan tonnix, how are ya doing today? hopefully they succeeded in getting you up yesterday. i know its miserable but you will feel better so much faster if you are able to move around. i am thinking of you!
  5. its the waiting that is hard. i am still waiting for the report on my biopsy. i am a bit out of the loop tho - what kind of scan diagnoses cancer?
  6. i dont mean to be indelicate or unkind, but wasnt jackson the one that had a hard time growing up? he seemed to stay little for so many years looking 12 and not allowed to hang with the bigger boys? how can that be possible?
  7. 1. jynnan, i already had it on my calendar so i can pray tomorrow. i was thinking about you before i got to your post today. i hope things go well. i have mesh in me from a surgery about 6 years ago and have had no real issues with the exception of it is starting to grown through the skin. my doctor sid its okay for now and i have added hormone cream to thicken the skin. 2. as far as the mash-ups above, i wonder if felicity will look like that when she is grown. she would be attractive if she does end up that way.
  8. ptv friends, i have an update tho not a big one. i am now FINALLY scheduled to have my biopsy done on sept 11. this whole situation will probably not be resolved till about maybe october. i am frustrated at the process and how slow it is going but at least it will be done soon.
  9. thts the one that messed up my computer! it was great for a long time and then suddenly it all changed.
  10. thanks for sharing. i used an ad blocker and it confused up my computer so i have been doing without it all this time. i had no idea i could do what you said and be a mostly ad-free. it looks different but i will adjust to it.
  11. hello all. back from my weekend at the beach. it wasnt actually a resort on the water...it was a lovely 1920's 5star hotel that is on a pro-golf course that has a beach view. nevertheless, it was so relaxing and restful. we ate great food - the birthday dinner was off the charts! home now and trying to catch up as well as get a haircut and maybe a mani/pedi so i am surgery ready.
  12. i have decided to wait till the biopsy and when i know one way or another what it is, i will have a family zoom meeting and tell them all. that will of course be before the surgery happens. none of them live local. i feel like telling them all at once will save me headaches, complaints and such. tomorrow is my birthday and i was originally thinking about doing it then so i can see all my grands. i thought that thru and then i figured it was better for everyone's schedules if i wait till i have the biopsy report so i can answer their many questions. i am gong to ask my hubby tonight for his input. btw, he is taking me to a beach resort for the weekend!
  13. thanks for the support here, friends. i am calmed down some. waiting for the biopsy to be scheduled. HFC, you made my heart happy!! ...and i love your barn.
  14. hi everyone, i have an update on me. saw the ENT surgeon yesterday. i definitely have a good size tumor, a 50 cent piece size. i need a biopsy to see if it is cancer although the odds are that it is benign. waiting to schedule the biopsy - a two part procedure. the surgery will be a bit bigger that i had expected at best case; a far larger incision. supposed to be outpatient but with my breathing he said maybe not. as for the carotid artery ---think of a sandwich. the first bread is my spine, then the meat is the carotid artery and then the last bread is my throat. so my spine is in the wrong place and is pushing the artery into the throat. any throat surgery that i might ever need will be VERY risky. so worst case scenario if say...eating becomes a risk of rupturing the artery, then i will have a permanent trach installed and a g-tube in my stomach to feed myself. ...forever. he says not to worry about that right now. will have a second consult over the phone with the first surgeon tomorrow and see what he says now. still not telling family or kids. my kids have too many life changes happening themselves right now to have to worry about this stuff too. in essence, i am freaking inside but things will be what they will be. God is in control.
  15. hey HFC, its not hard. just go to the envelope up on the top right of our page. it will open and you can write your PM there. the quote box thing, got no idea!
  16. oh thank goodness!!! i am so not looking forward to that scope that they told me they do in office with a nasal spray anesthetic. i have a few questions...you can pm me the answers if you want so we dont bore everyone. so can this mass be seen from the nasal endocsopy? can a biopsy be taken at that time? does choking or swallowing wrong go along with this? can i expect a 'diagnosis' by this visit or is more testing necessary? you can imagine where my brain has been all these weeks.
  17. scary words ahead: i FINALLY got a copy of my CT scan. i am seeing a ENT surgeon next week and he is going to do a scope down my nose/throat/voicebox to see whats going on. i am pretty sure the CT report let the cat outta the bag. i have a mass in my parotid (salivary) gland. as much as i can learn, they are usually benign but not always. the particular gland it is in is the best location for a benign diagnoses per my google medical school. i had trouble sleeping last night. i KNEW they were holding something back on me. in hindsight, why would a vascular surgeon who is discussing your carotid artery suggest to me to take the tracheotomy option if it is offered? one thing does not equal the other here. anyway, its a long time till tuesday afternoon....
  18. i immediately saw jingers face -- especially the eyes. i just had mine on thursday. negative so i 'get' to have my procedure on tuesday morning. still no answers here -- only more worry and fear.
  19. my fave local news channel! i heard that too!!
  20. this link sent me off on a two hour journey enjoying the videos of these kids. how fun are they? especially loved when they heard aerosmith for the first time --- very cool!
  21. sooo here's the good news: i saw the vascular surgeon this am. he says i dont have a tumor or anything like that. he seems to think there is a problem with my spine being less than straight in my neck and it is rubbing on the carotid artery. further tests are coming but at least it wasn't a tumor of cancer. when i asked about cancer in my lungs, he looked at the ct, said he wasnt the expert and i needed to talk to my pulmo doc for the final word but that he sees only scarring in my lower lobes on both sides. so, i do have to have all the other 'probes' (covid tst, egd and some tube/camera down my through by the ent) in the next week/ten days and then we will talk again to decided what, if anything, needs doing. worst case scenario, tracheotomy may be in my future. i will say i felt a lot lighter leaving the building even with that scary thought. pushing this stinkin' tank of o2 is a pita!!!
  22. my deepest condolences on your loss. it is such a change when our mothers go ...it was a huge adjustment for me. be good to yourself and hold those good memories close.
  23. you could do it!! i have a fat face, glasses full time and i have super short hair like that. i love it.
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