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Everything posted by BigBeagle

  1. I remember reading the Deep Space Nine Companion article about this episode. Both Nana V. and Rene A. had been opposed to any romantic link-up between the characters — they thought the two characters should just remain friends. Considering that, I guess it's some sort of minor miracle that the pairing worked as well as it did.
  2. This was the weakest of the mirror episodes, IMO, and that's really saying something. Never was a great fan of Bariel to begin with, and then they brought in another one? Sheesh.
  3. Thanos spared me ... Yay? Also: Vibranium Vanilla anyone? Anyone?
  4. Now I have a mental picture of Miracle Max standing over Gamora's body, saying, "I've seen worse."
  5. Oooh, good question. My knee-jerk reaction is that he would have stabbed anybody who walked in, but then again, why was he still in the room? Waiting on someone? Like Carter? OK, I'll be over in the corner, shivering.
  6. Clarence Williams III as the Jem'Hadar First was super creepy, what with the soft monotone delivery and those eyes that never blinked. This episode really put the Jem'Hadar high on everyone's Don't Mess With List.
  7. BigBeagle

    Dunkirk (2017)

    Same here. I really enjoyed the movie, but it had a little too much of that "stiff upper lip" air to it, more of a documentary than a dramatization. And I second your comments on "Saving Private Ryan" and "Schindler's List," Bruinsfan. I felt shattered after watching the former and emotionally spent after watching the latter.
  8. Late '80s Meg Ryan. There, I said it.
  9. During "The Begotten," when Odo is talking to the baby changeling at Quark's: WORF: Constable, why are you talking to your beverage?
  10. Oh, dear Lord ... to think I had actually forgotten "That Story." Please, by all that's holy, no.
  11. What I thought was amazing about this episode is that the showrunners trusted two recurring characters to carry the ep ... except for Ezri, hardly any of the regulars were around.
  12. (Streisand's character): "Love means never having to say you're sorry." (O'Neal's character): "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
  13. I've heard some offensive things on the internet, but this is just one too many! I rate Thunderdome fourth, and Max 1 as second behind Fury Road. I like the idea of a man trying to hold on to sanity and family while the world turns to shit around him, even if he fails. And I have to stand up in defense of Road Warrior, with Thunderdome second, Fury Road third and Mad Max fourth. Having said that, they were all pretty good.
  14. I don't know if I'd rank anything lower than "Emancipation," but you make a good argument, LadyAmalthea. Anything with Felgar (every time I type that name, I have to resist the urge to precede it with another word that starts with F) is pretty much assured of being horrible.
  15. Wonderful ... another image that will probably be stuck in my mind forever :)
  16. Whenever I'm in a fix, I try to remember Nog's words of wisdom: "The river will provide."
  17. They didn't nickname the guy "Boreil" for nothin'
  18. The last horror movie to truly scare me was "Jaws" in 1975 (my friends swear I levitated two or three times during the film). In comparison, most slasher flicks are farcical.
  19. My favorite DS9 episode, for many reasons, mostly because it was such a left turn from so many Star Trek episodes, but also because it was just so damned good. While we're talking about quotes, my favorite from the episode:
  20. The best review I've seen so far (which really isn't a review, but, then again, this isn't really a movie): Dads, Daughters, and Transformers
  21. From Season 3's "Death in the Saddle:" BRENNAN (to fleeing suspect): "Stop -- or I'll kick you in the testicles!"
  22. Oh my goodness, yes ... I almost forgot about that. Delilah, in her own quiet way, really brings the funny at times. Abby definitely is a special case. The person who would do anything for her friends and worry herself into a tizzy when they've taken ill, then would practically explode with joy at their good news ("This is the BEST. NEWS. EVER!!!!!") is the same person who can't keep that good news to herself, despite promises to the contrary. I think Tim and Delilah (and practically everyone else on the show in times past) gave her a pass because they know that it was just part of what makes Abby Abby ... in other words, her bad qualities are irritating, but more than made up for by the good in her. Then again, I might be overthinking this.
  23. Sweet episode ... Called the pregnancy, and Abby's not being able to keep a secret ... heck, I even figured out the killer quickly ... but Pappa Bear Gibbs made everything OK. Him giving Tim the watch was just perfect. On the downer side, given this show's treatment of happy people, I'm really worrying about Delilah now.
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