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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Exactly! it goes to show you nothing in life is a guarantee... Julie is the wife of the former head of CBS and she is no longer on the show.. They act like she never existed..
  2. I thought the show was on hiatus so I did not bother to watch at all. I am going to look it up on youtube.. Did Eve mention Julie at all? I always got the vibe that Julie was the one to secure her seat at the table. I could be wrong.. This is an unpopular opinion but I miss Julie. the show has not been the same without her. I did not like what she did to Holly and Leah but I miss her nonetheless. It became even more obvious after Sara left that Julie was the one that kept the show together..
  3. That is disrespectful, he attacked Hope who is a Horton and Jack who is a Horton by marriage..
  4. We know the serial killer with the abs will get one..
  5. How the hell did Stefano get one? Once the tan man and his stupid daughter got theirs, I was over it..
  6. Of course he would say that and more.. I hope people lit his ass up for that..
  7. We all see things differently because Ana and Sunny knew that she meant no harm and laughed along with her. She did say some words correctly but had problems remembering how to put her thoughts into Spanish.. It makes sense since Spanish is not her native language. Joy reminded me of my grandmother trying to speak English..
  8. Joy would never do it because Whoopie is very sensitive about being a high school dropout. Nutmeg will say Joy is being an elitist liberal who is picking on her because she is a conservative. She has to always play the victim to deflect from her idiocy.
  9. What did he say? Give us the tea please! Ron is an ass so I expect to be offended...
  10. Another reason to dislike Van Jones.. What the hell is Nutmeg saying in her baby post above. It is incoherent af. She is just like Whoopie saying a lot of words that mean absolutely nothing.. I don't miss her one bit..
  11. The show was awesome today. I loved Reverend Warnock and I hope Georgia smiles upon him.. Has anybody noticed how upbeat Joy is? Her smile is so bright and I always get a kick when the teacher in her comes out to give grammar lessons. Ana is just glowing, her skin is to die for.. We all knew the hypocrisy was going to rear it's ugly head, it is not surprising at all since this is how they always roll.. We used to see it all the time with Nutmeg before her maternity leave.
  12. Don't forget Kayla was also raped and it does color how she is viewing this as well..
  13. Joe is such an ass and yet there are times when he gets it right.. Shut up Donnie, he is another ass that pisses me off..
  14. It would have given Sami's vendetta against Jarlena even more weight.. It could have also backfired on the show and there could have been a backlash against Jarlena..
  15. Why does Wendy Williams hate Carrieanne Inaba of dancing with the stars so much? She said some awful things about her yesterday.. Carrieanne is a sweetheart with a good heart..
  16. Do you guys think she got it from Carrieanne? Wendy Williams was dragging Carrieanne on her show yesterday. She said some foul things and this is why Carrieanne who gets along with everybody cannot stand her..
  17. I am going to say something very controversial. Roman committing suicide over all that he has lost due to Stefano's machinations would have been a tragic obstacle for Jarlena to overcome. Imagine the guilt both would have felt for their affair. Not to mention, how that would affect Sami, Eric, Carrie and the rest of the Brady family.. Has there ever been a major character who committed suicide on a soap?
  18. Rex/Cassie should have been Orpheus children coming to Salem to seek revenge on Roman for killing their mom, Marlena for abandoning them as kids even though she owed them nothing since she was kidnapped by their dad and John for killing their dad.. The show used to be really good at introducing new characters: Marlena came to town to help Mickey who was struggling with his sanity, giving her a connection to a beloved character without having biological ties. Victor came to town and had a connection to Caroline and Sean since they had gone to high school together. People forget that Victor and Sean used to be friends as young men. Kate came to town to help Victor with Titan and had known Marlena as young lady. Plus, she had had an affair with Bill years ago.
  19. Can't Lucas get a woman who only has eyes for him who will get along with Kate and not get sidelined by Hurricane Sami. Lucas' best chemistry on the show other than Sami was Cassie who turned out to be his long lost sister. It was always short-sighted to have made her Kate's daughter with Roman.. That chemistry was smoking and filled with so much possibilities for both Lucas and Cassie. Also, Lumi sharing siblings was always so wrong in my opinion. The same goes for Carrie and Austin. Salem is so "incestuous" because the writers believe everybody has to be related in order for the audience to accept them...
  20. Not to mention, Sami was raped as a proxy for her sister Carrie. Her rapist was obsessed with Carrie. If I remember correctly it was the last time the Brady sisters united to fight a common enemy when he kidnapped them. I wish we had had more of the sisters coming together despite their rocky past. I always loved the unity amongst the original Brady siblings, no matter how much they got on each others nerves and fought, you always knew that Roman/Rojohn, Kim Kayla and Bo loved each other and had each other's backs..
  21. It is more than that, it is not just the Tuskegee experiment. Black people have not had great experiences with heathcare in general. In the 21st century, Black women are more likely to die in childbirth than other women in this country due to racism and neglect. Beyonce and Serena almost died having their babies. Black children are more likely to die or be harmed if they don't have a Black doctor. Doctors used to perform surgeries on Black women to perfect them before it was done on White women. The list goes on and on and on.
  22. I don't think Lumi believes in adoption. In their minds, they should raise their grandchild. Given their respective histories regarding family and children, it makes sense to me. Allie was using the baby as a weapon against Sami and that was not cool. Did she ever say why she did not want Lucas to raise the baby. Did Allie ever say why she hates her mother so much? Allie has not been sympathetic at all throughout this situation.
  23. Disgusting but not surprising... I am actually surprised it took them so long to make these type of offensive comments.
  24. Not every woman could have her rapist's baby, you have to be really strong to be able to do that. Why did Ron have to go down this dark road with Allie. It is so unnecessary and cruel.
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