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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. The show wanted to have a big wedding for Justin and Adrienne because they were very popular and they also wanted to explore Victor's backstory along with Justin's via his parents. That story was written well and gave us more insight into Victor and what made him tick without redeeming him. He was still a villain through and through. So the show without consulting the government of Greece flew there with all of the actors, producers directors and the crew. When they got there, they were told that it was forbidden for them to film around the country's ancient tourist sites. So the actors had to be in character at all times from the time that they got on the tourist bus till the end. They snuck in a camera and took shots pretending to be tourists. People thought that Judy Evans and Wally Kurth(Justin and Adrienne) were an actual married couple on their honeymoon.. lol. They were that convincing when they were out in the Greek public.. The show had a problem with the hotel that they were in, some of the actors got sick. They spent so many hours shooting at different places, the actors did not enjoy themselves at all. John Aniston was the one who practically saved the day by opening up his home to the actors. John Aniston is Greek so he had a lot of pull that helped to alleviate the discomfort that the actors felt.
  2. Are you sure it was not the Justin/Adrienne wedding in Greece.? The cast and crew just flew to Greece without much planning and they had so many problems..
  3. Eve the rapper named her baby boy Wolf as well.
  4. Shannen owned 2% of the show, even after she was gone she was still getting paid. It was one of the reasons that she had a vested interest in the show succeeding and was very vocal about the direction of the show. I think that Kern had some good ideas for the show but he needed Constance by his side to keep the focus always on the sisters. The show became all about the men once he took over. Kern believed in each season having a big bad while Constance favored demon of the week stories. I think we needed both for the show to be succeed. I will always wonder how season 3 would have been like if Constance was actively involved. She would never have ruined the sisters' powers like Brad Kern did. I often wonder if Shannen and Alyssa's rift would have mended organically if Constance was still in full control of the show. Holly Marie said that the ladies would have gotten over their girly issues if the producers who were mostly men had stayed out of their business. No matter how bad things got between the ladies we never saw a hint of it via Prue and Phoebe on the screen. The irony is that season 3 had a lot of Prue/Phoebe scenes and Shannen directed Alyssa wonderfully in the episode "the good the bad and the curse" and Alyssa's performance was top notch in my opinion so clearly the ladies were professional when it was time for them to be. Who cares if they did not like each other, we don't all get along with our colleagues, it is part of life.
  5. I will always believe that Alyssa was behind Shannen's firing. At the time that it happened, I believed the propaganda against Shannen. I am team Shannen and Rose when it comes to Alyssa. I remember during the end of season 7 the ladies had an interview about the show and the topic of Shannen/Prue came up and Alyssa was very nasty in her response. She basically said nobody wanted her back period. Her nastiness gave me pause and I started to question what I was told to believe about Shannen's firing. Over the years, I became very suspicious of Alyssa and Rose's meltdown on twitter when she went after Alyssa just confirmed what I had suspected. Alyssa and Holly Marie never had any power and influence over the show. The producer title that they got in season 5 meant nothing. Rose spilled the tea on that, she was offered the producer title and she turned it down because it did not come with any salary increase or influence on storylines. As producers Alyssa and Holly Marie were in charge of the holiday parties on set.
  6. I think Starr had a snarky title in her thread about her being a lawyer because she was constantly reminding us that she used to be one. SNL used to love to poke fun of her because of that.. I am happy that both Starr and Sunny were able to move on to other careers later in life as middle aged women. Not too many regular people get that chance..
  7. Rose validated Shannen's problems with Alyssa. Rose really went in on Alyssa and it was deep. Rose said that she used to cry at times and wanted to quit so bad because of Alyssa. She was filled with despair every time that the show got renewed. I remember Shannen threatening to quit in the middle of season 3. I wonder what was up with Alyssa to have treated Shannen and Rose so badly.
  8. This was my favorite scene in the episode, Piper mentioning Prue with so much pain with tears in her eyes was moving. It showed how Piper was still in despair over Prue's death even though she had to move on. Holly Marie Combs was just perfection she conveyed so much in that scene with Grams. @4EVAQUEZ, your analysis of the episode cheaper by the coven was just so damn awesome.
  9. I don't think the writers want us to see male rape by women as a big deal on the show. I think the fact that men are physically stronger than women is why they don't take it seriously and the writers play on that for a laugh..
  10. I am right there with you and I am so happy that Bo is dead and Hope is out of town.
  11. She would also forgive him without question, since she does not believe in divorce she has said this many times over the years. To each his own, I would never say that in public on national television even if I believed that. I love Sunny but this is where she and I diverge..
  12. Charles was not man enough to stand up to his family and choose the woman he really wanted.
  13. Once Kern took over he basically ignored everything that Constance had established in previous seasons. I always assumed that since Wyatt was so powerful and stronger than the power of 3, he could bend the book of shadows to his will.
  14. The book of Shadows was created by Melinda Warren who started the line. Only good witches wrote spells in the book. Constance was clear that only good witches and good people could touch it. I have no idea if evil human beings could touch it though since we never saw the sisters going up against an evil human, other than Pratt in season 2 in the future. In Bride and Gloom, the book turned evil because a spell was cast on Prue via her blood that would corrupt the other sisters because they are connected via the power of 3. The evil priestess wanted the book, once the book turned evil she could touch it and possess it. If the sisters are good then the book is good, if all three sisters are evil then it will be evil.. When Phoebe turned evil with Cole, she chose to become evil, it was her choice and that had nothing to do with Piper and Paige. The show backtracked later on by saying that the baby and the seer turned her evil. It was a cowardly move since they did not want to deal with the fallout with Phoebe choosing evil over her sisters. If Constance was writing the evil Phoebe storyline with an alive Prue, I am pretty sure that there would have been consequences not only for Phoebe but also for Prue Piper and the power of 3. The Evil Phoebe storyline should have happened in season 5 as the centennial episode with Prue and Piper going up against her. The Evil Phoebe should have also been longer than it was since Phoebe was only evil for 1 episode. I thought Alyssa played the hell out of Evil Phoebe and we should have seen more. I got chills when Phoebe touched the grimoire affirming her evilness and the look on her face was scary. Piper looked bewildered and Paige looked on in shocked..
  15. In Bride and Gloom, the book of shadows had evil spells because the book was turning evil like the sisters. Remember Prue was kidnapped by a warlock and a dark priestess cast a spell on Prue that would turn her and her other sisters evil and the book being an extension of them would turn evil in order for an evil being to get it.
  16. Barbara Walters kept her in check because she used to always let her know that she was the alpha female and not Whoopie. Once Barbara Walters retired and Joy was no longer there. She became drunk with power.. Had Whoopie not been so strident in her opinions that caused controversy, the ladies could have had a thought-provoking discussion about race ethnicity religion and nationality. There are people in this country who believe Latino is a race..
  17. Whoopie could have been a good moderator if she was open to learn, she interjects her opinion too much in a domineering way and does not let the conversation flow naturally.
  18. In the past, the ladies used to push back on her rigid opinions but they have given up. Whoopie has no basic understanding on how insurance work.. The ladies who did push back like Paula, Rosie and Jedidiah were bullied and harassed by her. Sunny used to challenge her at times when she first got on the show but she quickly realized that it was best to not do that if she wanted to keep her job.
  19. Time and distance have healed grudges. I remember them clashing back in the day..
  20. Remember Prue vanquished that demon who was a cop twice during the time loop and his ego could not handle it. Tempus kept on egging him on to vanquish Prue because she was the strongest. It was not the source who was doing that, it was Tempus was working on behalf of him. I loved how useful Phoebe was in this episode because she was the one that figured out that they were in a time loop because of her premonitions.
  21. Who wants to watch a young woman be brutally murdered? I have never gotten over Paige's murder and it is a damn shame that her murderer gets to live his life and while she never got to live hers..
  22. Whoopie loves the easy money and not having to do anything for it. I remember a clip a few years ago where she went a on a rant saying how the view is just a check and that she does not give a fuck about the view. It was really vile and she got in trouble with ABC..
  23. Megan is the absolute worst and the fact that she is taking advantage of this situation to slam Whoopie and the other ladies by extension while elevating herself and clothing herself in victimhood is maddening.
  24. I have had my fill of Marlena and I say this as a Marlena fan. She has been front-burner for years now and it is exhausting for me so it must be hell for those who hate her..
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