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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm watching the first episode and literally every actor is in this. I'm going "is that so and so?" I mean, Lena Hedley and Judy Greer right off the bat Then in episode 2, there's even more! Ike Barenholtz. So your wife is a hooker? I also thought this was going to be a straight dramatization. This is a better take imo because it really happened, and they really were that stupid. JT is doing a great job as Liddy playing it totally straight and letting the nonsense he's spewing be the comedy. Almost like Airplane.
  2. I am most pleased to inform the group that I went to the farmers market this morning and purchased a baguette. You all can be rest assured that it was sticking out of my bag in the most whimsical manner. While the market was on the river, there was no Eiffel tower. Alas.
  3. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    That was an exciting game. I don't have any rooting interest. I do like rematches though, and I like that these teams don't really like each other. I didn't think Miami was going to make headway with throwing up 3s, and as soon as Butler starting driving the lane, they went on the end game run with quick jumpers and cuts.
  4. Freaky Franny. They had last week with one plot. This week has a whole bunch! I thought it was really interesting to get in Hayley's head, but Danuda and Nerfer always thought she was tight because she's married and has a job. I have a Groupon!
  5. I'm only sticking it out because of here. I struggled through the fifth season watching on my own.
  6. After graduation night this week, I decided to take a page out of Mr Frond's book and confer an honorary doctorate on my dog. However, unlike Mr. Frond, I have an actual doctorate, so I was able to place the tam (that's the floppy hat) upon her tiny head to make it official.
  7. No one put their testicles all over me when I was there.
  8. We saw Pepe le Pew serenading a cat in the Rodin gardens to La Vie en Rose. We actually walked everywhere because there was so much odds and ends to see; old houses, a statue, food stands, all that. So we walked to the Louvre. So the tower was actually seen all over the place. And we had croque monsieur with 1664s at an outdoor bistro. So we were totally Frawnch.
  9. There was whimsical music EVERYWHERE. I was actually in Paris for real. I stayed on a side street near L'Opera; iirc there was a glimpse of the tower from the balcony. It was a tiny, old hotel, but awesome. So it wasn't in the heart of Paris, but still in the city. I can't look at the pictures right now to verify because they are actual pictures in a photo album.
  10. Did you see the Kevin Smith movie about making a porn? Rogan was good in that. I mean, you know for the most part what you're getting with Kevin Smith, but there was some dramatic beats that he landed well.
  11. When I was in Paris you could see it from everywhere, and all the French people would say 'how you say, English...' when they wanted to ask me something and laughed like 'hohn hohn hohn'.
  12. The unironic (see what I did there) delivery of Analis so derisive that You Oughta Know would be a prom theme. Not exactly the togetherness you want to celebrate at prom.
  13. Rudy would have been able to get the cat out of the tree by just being there.
  14. No. I still want Alanis. Come on. "Rich, is what it makes me. I'm not human cat cafe Lisa Loeb." I need her low key barbs.
  15. There is no way Gene is 'going off' to college. He's going to the local community college and living at home. That was a nice montage reading the books to the kids. I always like the back and forth with Louise and Mr. Frond. Linda, come on. We know where Gene gets it from. Although, good for Gene for figuring out the laser pointer. To be slightly fair to Linda, Bea could have been a little more appreciative of what the books meant to the family.
  16. Oooh, a cold opening. Sinister. This was a great plot. There was climate change, an evil corporation, and bears! Alanis is cold about the prom theme not being You Oughta Know. Crispin did have a point. Do they do prom king and queen still? I liked that the principal was so into it. I liked Kima's mom this time. She wasn't going to waste $200 on a dress. And the postman was back! Louie's dog has his own little pillow. I like when they have to go around town, and we see all the recurring characters. There's no cow on the ice! They set it up here fairly hard.
  17. Sick burns; The View, scotus. So many gags. The school bus clown car and any throwing of pies always wins for me. And the elephant works for the mafia. Really biting satire of student loans being the last racket. He was very yackety. Lisa could be a little more yackety.
  18. Thrawn was fantastic on Rebels. I think it will work. I'd go so far as to say Thrawn is the best protagonist in the entire franchise.
  19. I have two Brazils in my pants. This was interesting since there was no other plot. They could do that more.
  20. Nice bland statement on Verin there. This is actually the first character that kind of fits how they looked in my head.
  21. Daniel didn't actually die, per se, though. I think character deaths are a writing cop out tbh.
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