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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. That picture of Ezra on the mural. Please, yes. Are they implying Sabine is force sensitive. She was wielding a green saber for a half second. At this point in the Star Wars universe with already having the white sabers, I'm not buying anyone can last more than 30 seconds against Ahsoka one on one.
  2. I can fanwank that they skimmed through the envelope titles looking for anything drastic. From they way they're playing the stones now, they can go back anytime.
  3. I like the show, but Claire is quite Mary Sue ish. At least we know she won't die tragically.
  4. I just watched the season 3 two-parter where it was a flashback to Gloria's wedding. Edith is completely stealing the show, but Archie's reaction shots to everything is a close second.
  5. I think they're giving themselves a little too much credit is how.
  6. Good to get the confirmation in the previouslies about the bank accounts. The rate they're plowing through time now; it's 1980! We're going to see Jamie at the Constitutional Convention by the end of the season. It's kind of weird though that the present isn't at the same 'time' as the past. Although I think it's funny, we're in 1980 (FeministThreat!Bree), and they've been zipping through plot, but Young Ian, Claire, and Jamie still haven't made it to Wilmington. William is switching sides, no? With Young Ian as his new friend he surely will see the error of his ways. This seems like the most screen time he's got in years. Even the dog. I'm glad he finally spoke up about not wanting to leave for Scotland. There's a lot for him here in American based on the looooonging looks the sister doctor was giving him. I was shocked that there was 30 seconds of musings about time travel. I'm surprised they actually thought Claire and Jamie really died before they went back. I always thought it was a fake out, and I was correct it would seem thanks to Mr. Christie. Who is learning that this New America is a land of second acts. Sure, how can Harnett not conscript Jamie? But, making him just a colonel seems to be short shrift tbh. Also he's 60. Let him recruit or be a spy. That's far more interesting. Unless he becomes Washington's aide-de-camp. Credit to Claire and Young Ian though; they went all in. We got a big battle coming up at Ticonderoga in July 1777. I'm actually a little disappointed they went North. I've said plenty of times that the Revolution from the southern pov was interesting because it hasn't been done. I still wonder if Jamie can future-dream through Jem. I get Roger being a product of his time and wanting to be the 'breadwinner', but, he could write a 'novel' about time traveling to Scotland. Almost like the books in our real life are what Roger actually wrote. Or work for a newspaper or monthly magazine documenting the restoration of Lolly. He's kind of brooding around the house, again, though with a lack of initiative like he did in the past until he went all minister. I feel like we've spent a lot of time here discussing all the opportunities he's not thinking of. Also, I'm not interested in Bree v the men at the dam plot viz the Revolution and Young Ian. I did enjoy the episode, and this season is light years better than the last with the exception that Fergus seems gone.
  7. No, but it is in the writing too, to be fair. We still have that.
  8. You say this as if you mean you *don't* have women in their bra and panties performing various household tasks.
  9. Possibly, but it was boarded up and all the birds flew out when Roger was messing with the boards. I think that meant to indicate not. Plus, we all know the gold is in play here, so it's going to be expensive regardless.
  10. On The Wire, they had a big scene where Bunny was talking about situational awareness.
  11. As soon as I saw the gang was all going to the Rats place, I was excited to see the total disaster that would evolve. My biggest laugh was that there wasn't a bar anymore. Those poor parents. I don't think I ever went to Chuck E. Cheese; I should be in the same age range as the gang here. There were other, actual outside amusement parks to go to though. Maybe that's why.
  12. Didn't he say he was filming in Quebec?
  13. I mean, that's as good a reason as any. I'm not sure it explains Gellis, the guy from the 1700s, or Wendigo, or the other native american that ended up the ghost. Even if she was thinking of Black Jack, why then? I suppose you waive Gellis because she killed the husband, though she ended up overshooting iirc.
  14. That's why I thought of Escape to the Chateau. On that show, they live in the Chateau, but also host weddings and other events. They could do all that with Lollybroch. I think it's a fair interpretation of what we've seen on screen. (I don't know anything about the books). The 200 year window of travel happened to Claire, of course, from the get go, but then in the first season, there was the song about someone from the Scotland clan times who went back and then returned, so they established Claire could go back + time elapsed. Bree and Roger did that. Gellis seemed to have more control due to the human sacrifice. She was reading a book about it, but we only got limited information. After that, with the kids involved, it's gets all timey-whimey to me because, technically, the kids shouldn't be able to go forward. Really, all they had to do was to go forward to give birth and that takes care of that. And now we have the 'just think of where you want to go'. Well, did Claire think about getting busy with a hot Scottish guy the first time she heard the stones? No. Then why did she go back? Because. I don't think the author has any set rules. I don't really care per se, but it is kind of funny. I find it mind boggling that there just aren't more conversations about time travel etc. We already commented here that Jaime literally is dreaming about telephones, and Claire is like whatever. I'd speculate that maybe the stones allows Jamie to see through the eyes of his progeny, since his DNA is traveling through time. You'd think he'd have the dreams earlier than now though. But I know it's just a plot point to be picked up later, so that's why it's coming up now. Any show where time travel is a plot mechanism eventually requires some handwaving to move the plot along. Even on Doctor Who, all of a sudden there are 'fixed points' when there needs to be.
  15. I think the underlying point is that the stones work based on the plot. That's what the show is.
  16. The horror in that story was 'shots', implying you did more than one.
  17. I think they said here in the episode thread that Claire made some comment to Bree about getting those affairs in order when she was making the supersuit to go back to find Jamie at the printing business. It's a reasonable inference. Claire could have put relevant documents in a safe deposit box and given him the key. However, I don't know why she just didn't say last episode, 'Get in touch with Joe and let him know the situation'.
  18. I would guess Jamie and Claire are in late 50s or 60. They both have grey hair and Jamie needs glasses. This doesn't bother me that much. I can take the 'fair cheat' that Claire lived a healthier life returning for her schooling. Jamie got beat up from the war and prison, but afterwards didn't get involved any more as a soldier and just owned the printing company. City life isn't that taxing. Some people back then lived long. Franklin was way way old. Plus, he's got Claire with him. There could have been times he might have gotten sick, but she invented antibiotics.
  19. I think it's the reverse. Bree and Roger are buying Lollybroch, and I will guess they are going to read a letter that Jamie and Claire are there too, so they'll go back for a visit to fill them in and arrange the delivery of the letters.
  20. Well, that part of their plot probably isn't in the books either. I'm not sure we needed to see the whole thing, but I think one or two scenes would have been ok. They're in Scotland now. It's not even like we got to see that decision.
  21. I always played Revan dark side.
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