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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm in a non union state; we got cost of living raises frozen during covid. My productivity went up too, so I would have gotten a merit raise. No way that happens if we're in a union. To be relevant, my UO might be that I don't care how lost the strike lasts, even if there's no new show coming around for a while. The union blew it in the last contract (not really their fault) on streaming residuals and lost out on a boatload. I don't think AI poses the threat that it's being made out to be, but I get them not wanting to let it go either.
  2. In the US, I remember a teacher full on slap a kid in class who was having a meltdown around that time. We don't know if Jem is at a private school either.
  3. Did they show him actually die? You know how tv is.
  4. Is Wendigo the traveler who asked Claire who Ringo Starr was? I think he's the latest one that we've met, and he's not in Scotland.
  5. I think he was being hazed because he's essentially from 1775.
  6. Right. I was speaking to the larger context that they're just not having these conversations. On the same vein, I'd probably be hunting around a lot more if someone was squatting on my property and littering. I mean, sure, we don't want to just see them all sitting around and talking, but you'd think it would come up more. Bree is also at work all day. Roger could pop off to the library for a few hours. I like the idea of Roger homeschooling the kids, but I also was thinking they wanted the boy to make friends after being in the past.
  7. It wasn't the general. It was his XO. The general should have been informed about the risk, but Jamie said he didn't want to go over the XO's head. The general is administering the fort; he would be delegating to others for different teams like defense, etc. As much as I like the show, this drives me up the wall. These are all supposedly smart people. Also, they found the death certificate, which prompted them to go back, you'd think they would do some more digging to find more information. Roger has time to go to the library.
  8. Claire's like Greatest American Hero where they lost the instructions to the suit.
  9. I didn't quite get what was going on there, but her 'hearing' something was a tip off. I don't know what else it could have been either. Any idiot could see how they could attack. It was the arrogance of the French guy to dismiss that they would be able to drag ordinance up there, and when Jamie threw it in his face, he just doubled down. He knew Jamie was right. My post got eaten, but I was commenting on how Jamie being only a colonel was largely plot because he could have easily convinced the general about the tactical advantage of the hill. One would think having a Scot on the rebel side, you'd want to take advantage of that intelligence. However, the show has been consistent that you can't change anything, so ok. I was appalled Young Ian didn't think he was good enough or something was wrong with him. I thought they had a daughter stillborn, no? So Young Ian still got busy, and then was drummed out? It's a weird brother/sister vibe, but they certainly aren't the Christies. The brother seems to be a legitimately trained doctor. I didn't think the officer actually was since he overlooked the artery problem.
  10. I don't think there were many complaints about this particular episode being not in line with the Black Mirror theme within the context of criticizing the season as a whole.
  11. Have they bowled before? This seems like a tailor made plot. Everyone is in this one! I love when the Waitress trashes Charlie. I loved her hair. I can't believe they weren't just completely cracking up the entire time. I liked Dennis and Dee matching wits. They've been really piling on her this season moreso than usual. He came back with cake and a beer. I can totally see Charlie somehow crashing a party and getting away with it. I would love to see an episode from Artemis' or the Waitress' pov with the gang as side characters. I know they kind of did with them doing all of the stuff to her when Charlie was out of commission.
  12. I don't know what shows you're watching, but I'm interested in perviouslies for sure.
  13. Television would dictate we see what's in the letters. I think he still has them.
  14. At least one of the upscale DC whiskey bar that a lot of us frequent when we go there for conferences closes at 2.
  15. I figured they were working for Thrawn, who I don't necessarily consider a 'bad guy' anyway.
  16. Well, they're not the good guys if Sabine is fighting one of them.
  17. I thought he had the letters on his person. He was looking at them prior to the accident. I'm still calling that he's switching sides, maybe due to the content of the letters or when he meets this guy.
  18. I'm certainly not complaining. I'm hoping the show is doubling down on the not-Jedi, not-Sith. Clearly, we see the red sabres in the trailer, so we know they're the bad guys, but that doesn't necessarily mean they think of themselves as Sith. I was saying, if Sabine is sabre dueling a force user, she's at a tactical disadvantage because her opponent can jump all over the place and use Force Push. Whether Sabine is better with the blade isn't really a factor. I also hope there's flashbacks of Ahsoka and Ventress being bounty hunters and having cutting badinage which only happened in my head.
  19. That's a huge break in tradition training a non Force with a saber. Sabine was fighting the baby Sith. If she can't use the Force, she's at a big disadvantage in a duel. Of course, they might just retcon it because Ahsoka is way stronger than Kanan was.
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