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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Ahsoka called Thrawn the 'heir to the Empire'. I think that's good enough for now until Thrawn is actually introduced and we all see what he's all about.
  2. Usually they wrapped up, but sometimes they lost track of time.
  3. Like I said, that's fair. There's been no context for why Ezra is so important to Sabine on this show, and he's the main plot driver. I don't mind being dropped right into the action without tons of exposition, but there could have been a little more effort. For that matter, I'm not sure they established how Hera and Sabine know each other.
  4. I think those are fair criticisms. Not knowing anything, I don't think the plot is that complicated, there is a character that wants to rescue another character she has history with who happens to be in another galaxy, where there also happens to be the main villain. As to the why, if you aren't invested in Rebels, I can see that isn't being translated from Rebels effectively. I'm fine with Ahsoka being exhausted from everything. I mean, another Inquisitor? "Dude, you know where I got these blades?" *Slice* However, you have to know the why from the other shows too. I will push back slightly; when she put the helmet on Sabine, she was being playful sneaking up on her and poking her shoulder. Similarly, she literally spacewalked and took out a starfighter. That's old school, bonkers Clone Wars, Anakin has a plan, and here we go again. I think her theory of 'if the Force flows through everything, then everyone should be able to use the Force' is quite radical, and I would like to see this play out more. I also think this morose Ahsoka is a set up, and she's going to break out of her shell and wreck it like we all know she can. I mean, she mopped the floor with Maul. This Baylan better be an after thought once she gets revved up. She had him here before she burned her hand and was basically napping.
  5. I think being on HBO is good though because ratings essentially don't matter for another season. It would be great if they could pick up and award or two to help. I'd love it if Clarke picked up a supporting actor award somewhere. He was on Farscape!
  6. I think it might have been a test to see how Elayne would respond.
  7. To be fair here, she balked at destroying the map because that would have been the last and only shot at finding Ezra. She's not a kid, but she's not that old either. Asking her to have the stoicism of a jedi to make that sacrifice is unreasonable, and I would go so far as to say, not really what the Ahsoka of CW and Rebels would have done either. Either Ahsoka is just *exhausted* at life, which is entirely understandable, or she doesn't quite grasp how invested Sabine is in finding Ezra. She lost Kanan, Hera is slogging through the government, and Zeb is hanging out in a bar somewhere. She's languishing on Lothal with no purpose, and she's incredibly lonely. She's not destroying the map. Get to the other galaxy and takes your chances. If things get dicey, *then* you sabotage the hypership and no one can get back to their 'home' galaxy. That's the sacrifice you make. Maybe Sabine could have been a little more savvy and bargained with Baylan to help her find Ezra, but she's still going to the other galaxy to find him.
  8. He never made chicken steak before though. It's steak, but shaped like a chicken.
  9. The opening animation on the battle was really well done. It was more Kif being fed up with Zapp. The testimony Kif gave was of stuff we hadn't seen. What we've seen alone on the show was evidence enough. I was hoping they'd show some of the old material. "Kif, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men." The DOOP motto was "Aim low. Shoot first." Creating a civilization based on a source of air was brilliant. I didn't see the ending coming, but I should have. Fry must have some memories being together in the time loop because he's killing it at being the supportive boyfriend.
  10. I don't think you're wrong, but I just didn't really get that from the episode. Maybe because the season was so short and there wasn't time to develop Constance's plan more. I suppose Doug not reading the fine print on the contract will come back on him. I thought Constance was being more ruthless because Minx is hot and she wants to make a lot of money on the brand. Joyce clearly wasn't really thinking business-wise. Which is fine for her. I thought it was more Doug selling out than anything. I felt like when Joyce said to Doug, "I wish it was just the two of us again" that he said something like, "It could have been if you weren't so dismissive". Given that Joyce owns Minx IP, I can't see why she can take the magazine to another publisher and start over.
  11. Really. I don't know why they didn't spend at least one episode each on 82 and 83. It would have built up to a better pay off with Norm leaving (from a dramatic tv pov), as well as bringing in Worthy to show how essential he became and why they lost in 83. I think you could have done all of that in 8 or 9 episodes versus 7. That's really the only criticism I have. The main players, West, Magic, Buss, Kareen, Bird, Red, and Riley are just fantastic. I can totally buy the respective speeches at the end. I guess they wanted to rush to 84 because after that you have the Lakers in the Finals 5 out of 7 years with Magic's last one in 1991. That's a lot of ground to cover. I really hope they end the series on the Dream Team. I want to see Magic and Bird playing together. They've been playing up the personal rivalry, so it would seem to be a natural ending.
  12. You still can't have everyone in any position of influence being a Darkfriend though. There's the whole "I was just following orders crowd" and the petty nobles who don't want a Breaking because they might not be rich anymore. It's easier to kill a Darkfriend with little impunity than someone just being a bitch. Plus, if everyone is a Darkfriend, it's going to be hard to have leadership in the last battle with basically no commanding officers because you had to whack them. There's drama to be mined in winning people over to your side. Really, that is a lot of the book when we have to slog through 'hard-Rand'. The political union of the continent hadn't even been attempted for 1000 years, and even then it wasn't everyone.
  13. I think that's precisely the point as to why they need to keep her. That's also why I was sending up Rand in another comment about him not getting anyone to do anything. If everyone is just a darkfriend, it's not much of a compelling story because anyone who opposes Rand is just evil and we can kill them off. Having Elaida just being sanctimonious and thinking she knows best out of everyone sets everything back *years*.
  14. I think Lanfear was going to try to shield Rand. I have another book-reason why that I put under a spoiler here because I didn't know if you got there yet. The split of the Tower is such a huge plot in the books that I don't think the show would omit it. So you'd think Elaida would have to be appearing at some point. She's too important to be combined with another character. I don't think she needs to be introduced until we get to the court, but I don't see that it needs to be this season. Game of Thrones had 4 billion characters so they can have a few million here. We need to get to Byrne at some point too. I'm assuming they're ending the season with Falme. I'm totally unspoiled, but they mentioned it about 500 times so far. And I'm still saying "Fal-MAY".
  15. Check out some of those scores from 1982. 135 and 127 on two of those games. I wish the show didn't skip over it. It's hard to show the difference between 1982 and 1983 without showing 1982. It looked like Norm was just done. That probably meant more doubling on Kareem, and he got beat up more. Taking Worthy out of the lineup right at the playoffs probably knocked them off their rhythm too. I just don't remember any of it irl. I do think the trading Norm made sense, especially after the bad Finals being slow. He's been pissy for years. I didn't know Scott was a package with the "Swede". I never heard of him. If Magic wasn't hurt, Buss would have pulled the trigger on the Skywalker trade. I know it's about Magic v Bird, but neither ever did it alone. Bird still needed McHale, Parish, and DJ to bring the ball up. Forwards didn't do that until Pippin. Magic needed Worthy, Scott, and Coop. I always remember Pat Riley being so smooth. It's great to see this early version. I like his relationship with his wife. I think Pat is missing that they have been to two straight Finals, so everyone is bringing everything they have at them every night. For Norm, that was one game. For them, it's 82 of them. That was really nice moment when everyone came to bring Kareem new records. Great monologue by Hughes. Even I was fired up! The cuts between Buss and Red were really great too. I liked the montage of going back to Magic and Bird during the playoffs. Both of them said irl they used to follow their box scores. I liked that touch. Is Jay Mohr playing Kareem's agent? Great casting. I had a conversation this weekend about being able to hang the phone up on people. Why is next week the finale? Who makes a 7 episode season?
  16. I think it could if Archer conceived her in his 20s.
  17. Lanfear is only mostly dead. I think this is the way they're going to get around the whole resurrecting them because it would be too confusing on tv. It was too confusing in the books tbh. I also think the show is setting up Moiraine versus Lanfear for the doorway so it packs more of a tv punch. Balefire will still do the job though. I think it's fine because it means you really are going to have to up your channeling game to get rid of them. I mean, if you only have like 4 or 5 people that can legitimately kill Foresaken, they're going to be big shots. This isn't a spoiler, but by book 6, you have to know the Tower isn't going to be telling Rand what to do and basically executing the Last Battle like they thought they were. So on the show if we really only have 5 people that can kill Foresaken, you can forget about any planning, White Tower. One of the things I did like about the books, and I think my criticisms are fair, is that literally everyone pisses and moans constantly about everything. "Hey, this is literally the end of the world. I am the Dragon. Come on." And he gets nothing out of anyone except maybe Talmanes and Berelain. Too bad sniffing didn't kill Forsaken. They'd be eviserated the second they walked out the Bore. In one of the behind the scenes, I think for 201, they show the table scene again and show the ring, and then the show guy says "The Black Ajah exists". I don't know if a non book viewer would know to look for the ring though.
  18. That's not wrong. I personally don't want him to be around because I thought his plot in the books was garbage, and I didn't like Jordan being so arrogant as to how "obvious" it was who whacked him. Because it wasn't, and it was poorly written. And you know what? You didn't have much after book five to get you till the Last Battle. The book series was basically Lost throwing everything to see what would stick from 5 to 12. The show did a big deal on what seems to me as Ish gets to decide which of the Foresaken get to come out next, and I don't think he'd pull out Asmodean at the same time. To also be fair to the show, they showed at the beginning that Ish pulled out Lanfear, so you'd think they would have shown him pulling out Asmodean.
  19. I like that we're calling Lindsay Duncan, Lindsay Duncan. Because she is Lindsay Duncan. The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.
  20. Or, Moiraine and Lan are faking a public split for some larger con. I don't know if I see evidence of that, but I wouldn't put it past them.
  21. She's technically not 'cut off'; she's shielded. So she can feel it, but it is out of reach. Of a sort. Logain is cut off. He can't feel anything anymore. It's an important difference. Moraine could either get someone to undo the shield; being made by a guy, that's going to be hard. She's only got Rand, and he can't control himself and is terrified. Or she's going to have to figure it out herself.
  22. It's 1973. In that context, I can't see how running the bath house spread is a practical business decision. When Joyce told Richie to can the spread, I can take Richie being ticked offI think he knows that and is just done with the magazine. Run an upscale gay magazine then. I was going to say that I'm surprised he didn't shop around the pictures of the raid to an underground newspaper/magazine. I'm not quite sure what printing the raid in Minx is going to accomplish though? Is it going to torpedo Minx internationally? I'm not so sure. Nice to see Connie admit that the dance club was a good idea. I kept waiting for Connie to pull the rug out from under Doug. So much for the thruple too. Shelly is going for Joyce's favorite professor. I don't think that would have been a problem either, but I think it was more a play on Connie 'know your place' to Joyce now that she (Connie) formed the other company. I'm wondering if PRG can use the "Minx" brand, since Joyce owns the IP, if I understood the original deal correctly.
  23. She could have been playing dumb, but I think the show would have tipped us off.
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