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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't know. It's a public park. There were kids there. I don't know why the officer just didn't issue the citation so she could mail it in later. Glad to see Bosco again.
  2. I think it's because Gene has been annoying. I liked this one because we got more kids interacting. And good for Ham for sitting at the table. A lot of Honeybee too. She's kind of only been supporting. Human cat cafe like Lisa Loeb. Wow that's a long walk for that joke.
  3. This was an odd narrative choice for # 700.
  4. I didn't think for a second that all the documents weren't faked. And I was cracking up that he was putting one over on the church (not a fan) because they, too, were greedy in wanting to hide the 'truth'. In the end, he got too greedy. Saying he had all the McLellin documents was the greedy play. He should have just done a few. I want to say I can't believe no one didn't have their bs meter pinged, but I'm not surprised. I thought Flynn was shady af. I couldn't figure out how he got the paper until they showed him in the library in the reenactment.
  5. That's not how she sounded in my head, but nbd. I doubt any of them will. I kind of hope Mat and Ny do because they swear so much.
  6. I've been watching on my local PBS on Thursday nights.
  7. I think Olivia is a symptom of extending the show beyond its shelf life. I meant the peak of the show, say before Theo moved out. I still crack up - 'I got made fun of at school because we're rich.' 'Who is we?' I've used that so much.
  8. I watched 'grandma's cafe' or whatever last night. Angel's parents came over and they renovated a living space for them. I couldn't figure out where in the castle it was. It looked like Dick was getting peeved they were all up in his business. He was practically throwing them in the car so he could work.
  9. Setting aside the context, the kids on the Cosby show actually acted liked kids (until they obviously grew up). I think that was a main reason the show was popular.
  10. I came in to say that. When they did the reveal, I did the Home Alone face. I liked the fork fact best because it was so detailed and esoteric. I love when someone tries to make a glib take and there is a detailed account refuting it. Not that it's going to do anything in a larger context, but still.
  11. I don't mind the kids being in the same grade part the course of the series for the most part. I would like if the show hits 200 or 250 episodes they could have them level up. I think they're dropping the ball with Tina still believing in Santa though. Her and maybe Zeke and Jimmy Jr knowing the deal while the other kids don't just seems to open up more plots. He actually gets along well and is respected by the kids. I think he just needs a hobby or a pet bird. Maybe he'll take a vacation to Alaska and meet some new friends!
  12. I liked this one because of the wine windows. I eat that shit up.
  13. I mean, fancy salads? I don't really go to a restaurant thinking about the salad. Oh, I think I can make that vegetable sauce. I liked that his parents visited. And his mom giving him business about whether the show would be successful. How many times does he say, 'Jesus, goddammit that's good.'
  14. I don't think he's ever really been bad at his job except when he burned down the gazebo, but he even said before that he doesn't do electrical.
  15. Do you actually need to review salad as a food critic?
  16. I don't want to read too much into the show, but they have done some good world building right out the gate like on Bob's. It looked to me that Ham was out publicly. He didn't have any embarrassment flirting with Crispin right in the mall. They did make a point to say that there were only 16 people in their class. So I'm guessing there's not much of a dating pool for Ham, and it stands to reason that Judy might be a little clueless on picking up on it as a result. I was initially thinking she was being selfish, but I don't think that's fair. Once she found out, she was supportive. I'm assuming Wintersbone was a figment of Judy's imagination, so credit to her for seeing through the story for the actual truth. We also saw another appearance from the Latin-American guy too. I hope he breaks his dry spell. I actually didn't care for Beef's b plot. I suppose it dovetailed how he and Judy are so much alike out of the family. So I'm wondering if the shows exist in the same universe? I can't be the only one who wants to see them take the Belchers out fishing and Beef and Bob enjoying cooking all the fish. Maybe Bob makes a fish burger with a good pun.
  17. I know it's a cheat, but I'm ok with them waving that Gene got panicky and didn't think to check the contacts. He might even know how to. I don't think the kids age because Tina is still on the cusp of believing in Santa. I would guess he's in 6th grade.
  18. He's not a food critic either. I don't care about texture or mouthfeel or whatever. Does it taste good to you? Can you point out some cooking tips? That's fine for me.
  19. This is kind of a fancy place. It's not a chain like Best Westerns. I've been to plenty of them where it looks like you could just walk in. I wonder how common it is?
  20. I will give them a little credit for copping to Gene being a bit much, which was what the song was about. However, he kind of learned that last time with Linda's business group, and there's serious boundary issues with reading Tina's diary and messing with Louise's toys. I could see if he tried cooking again or something, and made a mess of the kitchen.
  21. I don't mind Tucci being repetitive. I don't watch cooking shows, but the accessibility of this show is enjoyable. He's basically like any of us that enjoy cooking. He's not trained. I'd be saying the same things. I'm not going to be able to prepare and cook like a trained chef, but there's a lot here that looks doable if you like being in the kitchen.
  22. My favorite hotel asks for your room number at breakfast. I suppose you can lie but it seems easy to check.
  23. That was a great number. They had all the characters in it. The killing the Finnish brothers was hilarious.
  24. I don't know why they think this is funny. It's super grating when they up the character trait like that. I totally knew Louise would go on the work errand. She's totally buddies with Teddy.
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