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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think the whole 'racist' with the line was ridiculous, but it was worth it for Leon's monologue afterwards. I'm glad Ullman made a second appearance. She's way too valuable for a one time shot. The House Husband idea was absolutely brilliant. I think Leon actually stole the show this time. That's the entire premise of the show. What topic wouldn't he have an opinion on. Oh wow, are you in for a treat. She's an icon, and I'm not exaggerating. It looked like she was going to break with the crack about the Sahara. The two of them eating was just fantastic. They're totally right though about the tomatoes falling all over the place. I know it's only for the show, but Larry's allowed to have an opinion on Little Women. I actually like when the show goes in this direction - it's not as funny when Larry is just obnoxious for the sake of it; when he's actually correct, there's a lot more hum or ro mine. They had the sweater this time, Little Women; it reminds me of the pig parker. Why would Jeff and Susie be at the anniversary party? 'Gem of a retort' is a brilliant line. I loved that Susie couldn't stand it. Larry's going a long way for this pool fence even for him!
  2. I have no sense of time. I thought they all dragged Mat to Falme in Great Hunt. I don't have much in between Falme and Callendor. I totally forgot they were up in the Waste with Uno and them for a while. To be fair to captured Aes, they probably didn't have enough time to figure out about the medallion if he had one what with the intense pain of having their hands cut off. Which is ridiculous that they're trained that way. I hope some of the Foresaken totally rip on that. They should be able to see the weaves get sucked in to the medallion too. It looked like Egwene tried to channel some fire something and it just fizzled out because she doesn't know what she's doing. Although she didn't use her hands. I can't find any screenshots of him with anything around his neck.
  3. If he had a medallion, then there's no need to cut off their hands though. Eh, her hands were tied, and he surmised correctly that she wasn't really Aes or she would have tried something. He also tortured Perrin, and if he was her warder she would have physically reacted. Now, that's highly arrogant because if it was Ny, she might have nuked the entire camp. He doesn't know the larger picture though.
  4. No Horn at all?! The appearance of the Horn and the related hunt is one of the signposts that yes, the end is really coming. There's so much rearranging of the deck chairs that Rand can't get anything done because no one thinks it's really The End. The entire scene at the last battle where Mat says, 'well, we'll pull back and let you do your thing,' and Hawkwing replies, 'yeah, no' is hilarious because Mat's so exhausted. tbh, I take the point on its overall real relevance, but for viewers, it's actually good world building imo. There's still some chatter about what the Wheel actually is, and this is a good way to get that across. Plus, at the end, Jain ends up coming out too for the first time. I'm ALL for excising TONS from the books, but this is something that would be a lot of fun to keep in.
  5. The girls were also dragging Mat with them, and that seems out now. If they're all going to the Eye now, it's going to be hard for Liandrin to take them somewhere else since Moiraine is officially banned. There's no reason for them to go back. That throws most of Great Hunt out, it would seem. Oh, what are they going to do with Mat and the Horn then? That's an epic scene at Falme. I would think they'd want that in there still.
  6. I saw them too. I would think all of that is going to be cut out. The whole point was to meet Lanfear, but she can get shoved in somewhere else. Unless they have to use the stones to get to Falme. I don't remember if Moiraine and Rand split up after the Eye, but I remember Rand had to channel to get the stones to work. Maybe they'll use the stones and end up in Scotland!
  7. 'Builder' is an honorific. I'd recommend watching the animated short for more information.
  8. I know. I'm continually amazed. Pointing out 'hey, this Ny girl is like super diesel, and she gets her all to herself?' I'd probably say the same thing. It's going to be great when she's revealed as a Darkfriend. Yes. A leaf. The Portal Stones you have to channel. That seems an odd change. Then again, I suppose viewers would call bull that people wouldn't just be using them all the time. It might be hard to translate how foreboding they are. Or it would be hilarious if next week, Loial is like, 'How come you just didn't use the leaf?'
  9. If you mean not having the fence around the pool, it's the first one. The guy breaks in and falls into the pool and drowns. He's the cousin of the guy who owns the Mexican restaurant who blackmails Larry into casting Sofia.
  10. I don't remember that you have to channel to open the Ways. I thought there was some mechanism that anyone could use it.
  11. The guy playing Loial is hitting it out the park. Nice on Egwene calling out the Seat and the seat. I did enjoy the conversation with the girls and Siuan. 'Hey, sorry, but too bad. The world is literally ending.' Who is the severe Asian lady? Is it the keeper? Would the horses know to go back home? That's kind of mean to just send them off.
  12. No, that's fine too. That's actually kind of better. A dose of reality for Moiraine and Siuan. I mean, I genuinely like the both of them, and really, good for them when the Foretelling happened that they grew up fast and went right to work. But, they're too arrogant. I know that's the point. I kind of wish they addressed that if the Dragon is a guy, they're going to be in a world of hurt with the taint and literally no one to train him. I suppose that can wait until they reveal Rand. I'm a little surprised Lan wasn't a bit more skeptical. It seems too easy. In the show here, she's taking who she thinks is the Dragon to the Eye to defeat the Dark One, but doesn't know who they are? What does she think is going to happen. Oh, Rand, turns out it's you; defeat Dark One nao. Actually freeing all of the Foresaken would be kind of hilarious. I think Rand and her still have to take the two of them out to show. Maybe Ny can help, but they need some kind of win to end the season on. I didn't realize they showed Gill before Moiraine healed Mat. I wonder if the 'Say what now, Sis?' that Liandrin said to Moiraine in front of Siuan was ad libbed. It was really funny, and Pike kind of gave a look. I have to say, they're knocking Liandrin out of the park. She wasn't ever a real person to me in the books. I suppose not a lot of characters were. I mean, yes, they should have waited to give Logain a trial, on paper. They didn't think he'd be strong enough to break the shield and kill one of them either. Everything got out of control fast, and I don't think she was actually wrong. He was going to kill his way out of there, and they're going to gentle him anyway. Were they implying Moiraine can weave Gateways to Siuan's room? Or was the picture on the wall some kind of angreal? Ah, the trivia says it is. Good work, trivia person. They included a snippet of information on the Foretelling too. It was like this in the book, but it's kind of silly no one guesses that Moiraine is out looking for the Dragon. It's still kind of silly to me that they're saying all of them could be the Dragon, but I'm assuming is still playing out the same. Liandrin is probably the only one observant enough to put it together until Moiraine blackmailed her. I thought the Oath Rod was like this giant thing.
  13. Is anyone looking at the trivia on the X Ray menu? It might help non bookers.
  14. Oh i forgot they did mention the Foretelling. I was pleased about that.
  15. I don't recall an formalized 'freeing' of the forsaken. I thought the prison just got wonky because we're at the literal end of the world, and they just popped out. I didn't think anyone knew anything about foresaken until they got to Camleyn. Having all of them at the Eye is kind of weird. What are they going to do? Just run away? Or fight each other over taking the gang prisoner so they can bring the Dragon to the Dark One? It seems easier to just have them out in the world. Or have them find one of the seals broken and that's why. They don't technically exist anywhere, so they can just materialize anywhere in the world. It made sense to me that it was a trap, but the Dark One sent over the most expendable Forsaken to see how strong these people actually are and to figure out who the dragon actually is. 'So that one dude is probably the dragon and the short woman knows what's up. Ok, now we have to plan.'
  16. With only 8 episodes, the last two were kind of running in place and could have been combined. I do agree that it was important to show the impact of the warder bond. But in this last one the only really main beat was for book readers to know that Moiraine and Siuan were in cahoots. I suppose knowing you have a second season allows you to slow it down. I think you could have had both. They could have started the next episode with them leaving the Tower and healing Mat and then going to the Ways. Then again, I've never been a fan of all the Tower nonsense. It's just a bunch of people making work for themselves while the world burns. Which, I suppose is actually real because that's basically the building I work in. Did everyone go to the Eye in the book? I forget when the girls took Mat to Falme. I know there's real life reasons for Mat not going through the ways, but if there's any character that's going to look at the door opening up and saying, 'yeah no. I'm not going to follow some Aes through that or even my own mother,' it's Mat.
  17. I can put up with sub par shows, if there's something here and there that I like. In a show about *zombies*, I could not buy that Negan was this huge cult leader. No one took a shot at him? It's patently absurd. I was getting a little weary at that point that EVERYONE the main cast met were just total villains. Not just awful people here and there, but every single group they met.
  18. The gang if anything are not reliable narrators. I do think though if a show is on over 10+ years, then rigid continuity can be relaxed. The entire episode was worth it for Dee berating the guys.
  19. Rob also looked like he was going to lose it when Charlie started tip toeing on the roller skates. He kind of just drops his head down and looks at the ground for an extended time.
  20. This was the only way the show was going to be successful imo. I'm going to watch tonight, but I don't care if I'm spoiled since I know basically what happens. This is like a sneak preview for me beforehand. I don't know that either pairing is essential to the story. Basically, Mat can still go rescue Moiraine. His motivation could simply be that Rand is having a tough go of it getting everyone together because literally everyone is just so pissy, and bringing her back as a familiar face from the beginning would help. Thom could help him out. tbh, I don't know how they are going to pull off the whole Tower side plot without sucking the energy out of the whole show. Television narratively, it's a nightmare. There's never any real in-universe explanation why the Tower even exists. I'm not a skim book reader and it completely flew by me. I don't care either way. I didn't know what pillow friends was either. Makes sense to me.
  21. Mac having the long hair in 1998 was exactly how I would have thought he'd look. Charlie didn't seem as dim as he is in the present. More naive than anything. They definitely played I Got 5 On It for me. However, not I'm Just A Girl. Wow if they're going to bomb this season with the c word, I love it. Is Mac wearing just loud shirts this season? I always like when actors have to act like bad actors! Kaitlin cracks me up. I liked that she had her own thing going on from the guys. The guys were all playing mildly drunk really well. I figure I'd get reasonably drunk if a monkey was serving me drinks. That ended not so good. I liked the second one more because I was spoiled for them going to Ireland, and this is the most ridiculous way it could have happened.
  22. The wall in Angela's office is all young women about 18-ish. I don't think they said any guys when missing.
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