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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think Charlie stole the episodes with Dee a close second. Physical comedy Dee is brilliant and throw in a spew of 'goddammit!', and it's gold. I actually wanted her to have the part and have to act, but losing to the Waitress if she wasn't going to have the part was fantastic. I wanted to see her take on Obnoxious MILF. Although her funniest part was casually walking behind the bar to get the beer. Just Charlie knowing Gaelic and Mac's incredulity over the whole situation could have been another whole scene. "Are you the real Ronald McDonald? The burger clown?" The whole cheese monster bit, I had to stop because I was laughing so hard. It seemed like that was all ad libbed.
  2. By now, the whole 'psychic' angle is a farce anyway, and I don't think Shawn would pull that with Monk anyway. I'd love to see the 'villain' abduct Gus, and Shawn out of his mind trying to find him and have to beg Monk for help. It writes itself!
  3. IF Ullman's HBO show is on Max, that's a good start. Being one of the literally first shows on Fox, no one at the network had any idea what to do, so that was a really wide open show, but it might not be around.
  4. Gas *bubble*. It's Chekov's gas. It's coming. Ullman is great in everything. She's at her best in her own shows, of which she's had several, where she's in charge of the content and writing.
  5. I don't see a problem with that. I don't think they were both siding the mask issue though. I think they were making a comment on being extreme either way. That's what I got when they were saying to cut everyone some slack.
  6. Whoa I had no idea Monk and Psych aired together.
  7. Did they write this whole movie *after* omicron came out? That's like 11 days! The Alexa gag is continually funny, but I still like all the 'it's the future jokes too.' Then they doubled up on the Alexa. I wasn't expecting the NFTs though. The Alexas canceling out Butters was brilliant. Wow the Canandian bisexual joke killed. I did feel a little bad that Cartman totally got shafted. I suppose you have to pay some cosmic price for setting up a time travel plot to murder someone, but that was a little much. I had a friend/colleague that came over just about weekly during the pandemic, and we sat on the porch and had drinks, played dominoes, and listened to the radio. So I can see the analogy of everyone being high.
  8. Probably. They did a lot of that back then.
  9. I happened to see it on a YouTube ad only because the ad made me wait 5 seconds. I wasn't paying attention and I heard Gus' voice. This movie was kind of silly, but I still enjoyed it. The guys were a little too over the top. There were really good beats, like the reaction shot to 'Glen'. I also liked Jules' reaction to 'how fast can you drive' and Vick's 'as fast as I damn well want.' The main thing is that the actors are clearly having a blast, and you don't want to do a movie just for whatever and have them go through the motions. It's also nice that there's clearly a fondness for Tim, and he's always going to have a part in the show. I would have liked the guys get into the 'crime' a little sooner because it was interesting. I read an article about It's Always Sunny where they said the show is like a band getting back together and jamming, and cutting that into a record. I'm fine with that here. The streaming platform actually gives you that kind of latitude. I've always enjoyed Vick, and I'm glad she had more to do this time, and even a little bit of backstory with being absent from her family. I mean, she's the reason Shawn is where he is in his life. She could have booted him at anytime and put up with a lot. I actually like that Jules and Shawn don't want to have kids. It doesn't mean they don't like kids, and I'm sure they're going to be thrilled to babysit the Wee Baby Gus. I thought it was telling that Vick is regretful of being absent. Jules is career driven and no doubt would want to move up in the department, so maybe that's a lesson there. What actually is Shawn's job? Honestly, I would love love love if they did another movie that had a cameo by Monk.
  10. If all the girls on the board in Angela's office are his victims, that's about 18 or so. He's going to need a sizeable place.
  11. No. You get to call them out on that. That's abusing the system. Or, let people behind you go if they know what they want.
  12. That could be that he's got a 'museum' somewhere of them. We're assuming the body in the caves is his early possibly failed work, and it's unlikely they are unrelated because of watching tv a lot. The question is where he would have this museum. The cabin seemed to be the only building there.
  13. They show the local outdoors show during the pledge week here. Which, I actually like the show anyway.
  14. If they're going in the Son of Dark Passenger direction, narratively, I think you have to show us. Bringing the knife to his gf's has to be a clue.
  15. I haven't seen ballet advertised on my PBS channel either.
  16. I'm not a prude and my daily language sometimes would make a sailor say, 'whoa, take it down a notch', but for a podcast you want millions of people to d/l, throwing in all the f bombs just strikes me as unprofessional more than her brand. They're placed weirdly in her monologue too, like she's forcing it to be edgy. It's not a show about a podcast so I don't really care that much, but it's hard to buy she's that popular. I like the character, but every time they go to her podcast it's jarring. And I even agree that it's a good way to provide exposition to the show past. I'm not clear on why he wanted to find Dexter if all he was going to do was be constantly hostile. He certainly should have taken Dexter to task, but after settling in and going to school, meeting people, etc., sure, things aren't going to be always smooth, but, you know, move out and get your own place if it's so unbearable. He's acting out to get a response from Dexter, but I'm not sure what else Dexter can do. I actually laughed when he broke the guy's arm. Hey, don't headbut me. Bet you won't do it next time.
  17. Yes, and I hope the tattoo was just a bit and not real.
  18. I actually would flip the other way and have Dexter have to kill Harrison and get out of Iron Lake. I always wanted him to get away.
  19. This is way picky, but while I enjoy the use of the podcaster VOs to remind us of the original show, the actual narration is just awful in terms of believing that's an actual podcast. Similarly, I'm surprised they went wrestling as the big high school sport instead of hockey. I thought the response from Angela about 'Dexter' was overwrought too, after (I know we know he's lying) he's laying out quite a lot of trauma for what would be the first time to anyone. She has 100% right to be ticked, but making it all about her just seemed kind of derivative. I agree with her saying he was a bad parent, but the whole 'all this time you lied' was kind of eyeroll. Until you actually need him. The therapy scene was kind of flat for me. I've been reading a lot of the comments, and I'm kind of leaning to Harrison not being what he seems either. I don't think he's not the real Harrison so far but maybe he's knowing more than he's letting on. Nothing about the actor, but Harrison centered scenes just don't do anything for me. He's fine. I'm just not that engaged in his solo plots. To be fair, there's enough about the show that's holding my interest - I'm interested in how the missing girl plot will play out, for one.
  20. When Hulu saw the video, they loved Maria, and made sure she was cast. That's way funnier.
  21. Not necessarily. I don't have to wear a mask in the grocery store, but I stand behind the person loading their goods on to the belt and wait till it's all rung up before I load my stuff. That's why I thought of it when I watched the scene. Larry mentioned covid once this season, but it hasn't been a plot point.
  22. I eat material like this up like I'm at Thanksgiving. I am fascinated with the technical breakdown of comedy. I also liked how specifically peculiar the guests' roles were.
  23. I still think the murder mystery at the manor was the best they've done.
  24. The daughter did when she said she was going to take a shower and turned away from Larry. Then Larry looked up and asked the husband if he was going to shower too. Goes to show you the generational gap though because I would have looked for cameras or just gone outside. I forgot about that. Last week, Susie was a supporter of the mayoral candidate and Irma was there, and then they were all at the election watch. I guess I was thinking more that they're not really friends-friends, but people you know around the way that you'd invite to a party. Larry not being invited at all and coming with Irma makes sense too.
  25. Larry's not going to put in too much effort, but with streaming, etc., I think he probably FF-ed through most and just picked out things here and there. He's smart enough to know what to do to get by. He just had to mildly impress the daughter. And, actually, when you think about it, she's probably not as astute as she's making out to be anyway. She really didn't have much rebuttal to Larry in either instance other than to take umbrage of him painting them as twee, and the jumped on him for just remarking about the bangs, which he should have seen coming. That's where the show is at its best - the people Larry encounter really aren't much better than him, but they have a sort of entitlement or audacity that they're much more genuine than Larry when he calls them out. The lady in line was a good example too. She could have just said, "I'm social distancing"; but immediately lashed back at Larry, who really was reasonably polite in asking her to move up. Larry playing Irma is going to completely blow up. I cannot wait to see how hard they go off the rails. I also did like that he filled in Susie on the situation with the Hulu show. I'm not sure she's going to be inclined to get involved if she thinks Larry was in on covering the affair though.
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