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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Teddy really wanted what was left in the fridge though.
  2. I think credit first needs to go to Tina because she made Louise read it out loud to show her how bad it sounded. Louise always takes it too far and comes around in the end.
  3. Could the gun be traced back as the one that Dexter bought for Harrison?
  4. I think it's Day 4. The Day 3 card was flashed when they were waiting for the train, and then the next morning when they got to the bridge. Passeportout went to find Fogg on the observation platform for his morning shave. I would think that the boat to the Suez will eat up a lot of days though.
  5. I think they actually needed this. Matt 'got away with it', which fits Dexter's m/o, and then he killed the white deer, which was a big no. Having not killed in 10 years, he relapsed. You could argue if he is more precise with Matt like he had been in Miami, this might have all been avoided, and you still have Kurt and Dexter knowing the other is off, but not quite sure what to do about it. Kurt realizing it was snowing ash out, and somehow leaping to checking the incinerator to find the screws AND then thinking Dexter did it is a huge leap. Knowing Dexter and Matt had bad blood and just being suspicious is a lot more believable. Then, you can still have him try to tip off Angela while Dexter lurks around to find out about the girls.
  6. With the netflix money this show has, I would have liked to see an episode or partially from the pov of another dojo. Or maybe some local news feature. tbh, Johnny and Daniel seeing themselves on tv made out to be ridiculous could be the impetus of them getting over themselves.
  7. Not so much 'catch on' as we weren't shown her really doing any legwork at all. I can buy many of the townspeople not wanting to talk because of Kurt's prominence, and certainly if she came in to talk to him, he'd likely say, 'well we get a lot of travelers; this is a hub for people driving to Montreal.' You don't need a whole episode, just a couple of scenes and maybe a throwaway line from Logan to Dexter. That doesn't seem like a lot of heavy lifting if you're plotting out the show. I guess for the notorious serial killer of all time to actually get caught, you need a massive amount of coincidences to break against him. First being not moving to a large city to blend in.
  8. Dexter could have even copped to being in the forest and just said 'I lied because I was worried you'd jump to conclusions, as you literally are right now. I saw him shoot the white deer on native land and freaked out and bolted.' It's just jarring she's doing all this police work now, when over the last whatever years she's been on the force she couldn't seem to uncover any clues like many of the missing girls were at the truck stop before they disappeared or someone saw Kurt giving the girls a ride beforehand either. I don't necessarily agree with the creative decision to kill him off, but if you're making the decision from the get go, this could have been more tightly plotted. I assumed they also decided that Harrison would be the one to do it. I get that you need the scales to fall from Harrison's eyes to get to that point, but then you're having him slice his friend and break the kid's arm; so it's kind of playing it both ways. It might have sold better if Logan was chasing them through the forest as they were escaping, and Dexter was going to kill Logan, but Harrison shot Dexter instead, basically for the same reason. It's a hard sell that Harrison is impacted so much from Logan that he'd shoot Dexter with all the deliberation without seeing Dexter like that with his own eyes. Angela could even have been running into a lot of roadblocks because Kurt was an important person in town, but kept at it because she knew something was up. She leapt to Kurt when they found the body in the cave from out of nowhere. When finding out Jim was Dexter, the next move would have been to call Angel not listen to a podcast. It's been brought up that Angela was all gung ho because she was more mad at herself for being deceived, and I totally buy that. Any decent defense lawyer should be able to get at her for lacking objectivity. I'm surprised Dexter did throw that in there. For being 'in tighter spots', and I get with Angel coming up he might have been worried, but Dexter had Kurt in his back pocket and could have kept playing that card effectively. Run out the clock and basically Angela and the townsfolk kind of run them out of town based on how it played out.
  9. I don't think there was. This show is way dirtier with what they get past the censors though on network tv. Having the kids swear would be totally believable.
  10. Dexter buying her the book was his tragic undoing.
  11. Fix is the daughter of the newspaper/editor publisher. She said she remembered when she was a kid that Fogg would come over for lunch sometimes.
  12. How many times can they say shit? That strikes me as more Louise. It HAS to be Rudy if they say fuck once.
  13. What's the rating for the movie. I'm laying odds Regular Size Rudy says a swear word.
  14. Plus that whole, senior citizen kinky swingers ring might not be the best for them either. There's no way they would go to Gayle. The court would take one look at her and nope. Teddy actually has some upside because they could still be in the same school, town, and he does get on with them well, but I don't know how full time. They're a handful.
  15. It was a rendition of Tragedy, which Peter sang in the episode at church.
  16. So much for the balloon! I thought that was how they would travel. I did enjoy how stylish the train was. And that you can just pull a train over and get on. I'd get on trains way more if I could eat and drink. I liked how they were fancying Fogg this great adventurer, but he's basically terrified. I did like that he got along with the boy quite well. Tennant did really well when Moretti was yelling at him without saying a word. I like that we're seeing some scenes in London, and they hung up a map. And what wouldn't be so Doctorish as a wild plan! That was suspenseful! I loved tearing up the train for fuel. I did like that when they got to the station, Fogg was more terrified than anything. Did they say he was an engineer before? I don't recall anything about his background. That was a really exciting episode. I hope the rest is like this. Oooh, Bellamy is going to try to sabotage!
  17. The every dog in Quahog group text chat was hilarious. Peter's voice was weird, and Stewie's plot was creepy. It was funny, but wow out there. They skewered church.
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't line my birdcage with my student evaluations. I'm surprised LaBontz would even care, but I suppose the parking spot was a big draw. I have to laugh a little because with such an egregious evaluation, no one would have taken it seriously anyway. You call us 'this one' and 'that one'.
  19. How would they know the Bay Harbor Butcher injects his victims? Did that come up in the original show?
  20. Was there a huge caseload in Iron Lake? They have three cops. She could have been on it on the side, and done a little more than just put up the pictures on the board.
  21. You'd think the wheel or the Aes Sedai symbol would be more apt. You show me that watch with no context, I'm not coming up with Wheel of Time.
  22. What's the significance of the snakes on the watch?
  23. Angel said it in this episode. I barely remembered when the show ended. I think it was just 'it's Doakes' and that's it. I was only talking about the scene here - Angel said LaGuerta was skeptical, and then he was heading right up to Iron Lake. It seems a little much to me that all of a sudden Dexter is the prime suspect. Of course, Angel learning Dexter faked his own death is alarming, you'd think they'd have a scene talking about it.
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