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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. As well as not mega franchise movies they turned me on to that I wouldn't have heard about otherwise. Stuff that played at the independent movie theaters out of the way of the malls and such.
  2. To be fair, Johnny only had a 'handshake agreement' and was paying rent in cash.
  3. I would say, no, it isn't. One, because it went monthly, but second, I think it was bought out by People or the company that owns People, which may have made the decision to go monthly. I gave it shot for a few months, but it was garbage. It wasn't so much the monthly, but the quality of the writing just was garbage. There weren't really articles anymore per se. Like they were these little 200 words blurbs about celebrity nonsense. I didn't know the end of BSG was controversial. They painted themselves into a corner with the '12', so they had to pick the rest of them at some point based on existing characters; it was too late in the game to pop in 7 new characters without looking like shoving it in there. The end was a cool twist on 'everything that happened before happens again, and really tied the original into it.' I always lose it when Six and Balthar look at 'angel' -Six and -Balthar and bust out 'you can see them?!' Those two were great together.
  4. Oh, there's no doubt. That's why I was saying to have a segment from a different pov; someone else suggested that be via the local news. You could have a local field anchor getting a quote from another dojo sensei rolling his eyes about how 'here we go again with the drama now that these two are back And eagles don't have fangs you know!'.
  5. I watched 'The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne' ages ago about Verne who traveled with a real life Fogg in a steampunk balloon. All the stuff from the books were real things they invented.
  6. I'm watching the episode where Edith gets menopause. Archie and Edith are fixing to go on vacation to Disneyworld. Stapleton is belting out the punch lines. She finally rips into Archie to 'STIFLE' and the audience completely loses it. It's actually subtle even though she's yelling because Edith is worried about being an old lady.
  7. I would have sewed that wallet to my leg. I like that Fogg is coming around to Fix, but he is still very classist to Passepartout. It was just, 'yeah you killed a guy. Shake it off.' He could have at least said, 'You were able to protect Abigail. You didn't have a choice. I'm going to make sure her father knows what you did for her.' On the other hand, Passepartout has been literally everywhere and speaks all the languages. You can snip about the bet all you want, but we know why you're hanging around pal.
  8. I knew the guide was going to rob Fogg, but that was a bit much. They weren't gone for more than 45 seconds. I'm hard pressed that the camels got so far that they were out of sight. I did like how Fix was so excited by the article. Bernard was ticked about Fogg dragging Abigail through the desert, but he actually didn't! Actually quite humbling of Fogg to apologize. Not great for the environment, but Fogg came through again with lighting the oil. I do feel bad for Passepartout. He had no idea he would get in so over his head and now he's had to kill someone. I liked that this is Fix's journey now too. I hope they end up meeting other historical figures.
  9. I just picked two movies on amazon for the afternoon.
  10. There's also a ton more options for content now. If something isn't grabbing me, I've got a long list on my sites. I'll give a show a fair shake, but you can tell if it isn't really going anywhere. One thing I do miss was when EW was a real magazine and they wrote actual articles about up and coming shows to check out.
  11. The only contemporary show is Mary Tyler Moore, and it's shot way different. This week I watched the first appearance by Maude. I know the character, and everyone knows Bea Arthur. I never saw 'Maude' on tv before. I think they wrote the show around Maude and Archie just going at it in the next to last scene. Archie just laid into Maude about FDR, but the whole point of the scene was that Maude was sitting in Archie's chair, and he got Maude going - 'We didn't think FDR was going to hang around as long as the pope' - and got his seat back.
  12. Has anyone been to the statue of Mary in Minneapolis? I was there for a conference and got a picture.
  13. To be fair, teenagers acting like this doesn't seem over the top to me.
  14. I don't think they will because Fogg is friends with her father, and she talked about when he visited for lunch when she was a kid. Even when she went out to the front of the train to pour the ash on the tracks he was saying, 'I promised your father.'
  15. That's probably better than a whole episode on it, but my main point is that Johnny and Daniel need to actually watch it and understand that they look like morons who think they're still in high school.
  16. WHO ARE YOU?! I'm Larry David. I happen to enjoy wearing women's panties. It wasn't the ending of the episode with that, but when Jeff was rehearsing Larry saying the line that makes it.
  17. Eh, I think it's thin and won't hold up.
  18. To be fair, she knew Fogg since she was a kid, and now they're dealing with one another as adults. She's looking at him through a different lens. She also thought he was some kind of adventurer because she kept asking what motivated him to take on the challenge, when, in fact, he basically did it on a whim to spite Bellamy and because of an anonymous postcard calling him a coward. Not quite the heady subject for a series of newspaper articles.
  19. Oh, Dexter is a bad guy for sure. I still was rooting for him like I root for Tony Soprano. I don't have a problem with it. The success of the show is that he wasn't dumb. He admittedly got lucky with Deb shooting LaGuerta, but iirc, she wasn't a bumbling cop either. And even Deb shooting her wasn't ooc. Dexter had to get dumbed down to kill Logan. That's the problem. They had to do that because they already established killing him off in this series. Sure, Angel coming up there was problematic, but it's not like he had the 'smoking gun' as it were. I mean, I could have bought it better if Dexter was getting all fathery and the desire to kill was waning so the Dark Passenger left him and inhabited Harrison, and then Harrison killed him because of whatever.
  20. They didn't do themselves any favors, but this also didn't help Lost either.
  21. How hard would an alibi be though? Everyone knows Cobra Kai. If Kreese was in Safeway, someone likely said hi or saw him. A Police Academy: Next Generation has so much potential that I'm amazed no one has picked it up.
  22. Someone cared about them. Mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers, friends, boyfriends, etc. No way could all those girls disappear with zero repercussions or investigations. The problem is that clearly, Angela cared because it was personal, and she had all those pictures up on the board. Yet seemingly was doing zero until she happened to find her friend while investigating something else. I would concede she's short on resources, but that doesn't preclude her pounding the pavement whenever she has a spare minute. She didn't have any theory or compiled any information like - all the girls were traveling alone, etc. Literally all of them talked to Kurt at some point. You don't need a lot of resources to pick up the phone.
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