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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Well, the butler delivered that monologue wonderfully. Fogg wasn't booking anything in advance. He talked a lot like - when we get to Hong Kong, then we have X hours to get the boat to Yokohama. They new the train to London was leaving at 11.30 when they got back to England. So the date not registering is believable to me.
  2. I thought of the international date line. Since they were rescued from the shipwreck, I'm not surprised in all the drama that Fogg might have forgotten. I'm surprised when in San Francisco, Fogg or Fix didn't get a paper before they got on the stagecoach. I can buy that they didn't get a paper in Battle Mountain and then they had to run for the train, so there probably wasn't a chance in New York. They were all busy until the boat shoved off, but again, you'd think on the boat, Fogg would get a paper. Or even someone from the press telling them what day it was. They did point out in the stagecoach that the gang was reported dead, and they didn't know about it. Surely, it might have made a major paper in San Francisco if Fix's column was all the way out in Hong Kong. It was still fun to have the doddering butler who can't carry a cup of tea, bust out all the math in the mad dash to the club with Fogg finally taking one to Bellamy.
  3. I'm still voting for Africa something and if has a balloon even better.
  4. I'm surprised Aulus just didn't out right kill Hemple's boy toy. I guess he wanted to show he could put one over on her. I said last week that Divis pisses and moans a lot, but he's not usually wrong. He was the highlight of the first 20-25 minutes. I liked his one on one with Cait. When he pulled back from being so pushy, he got through to her. Divis has chemistry with everyone though. His scene with Quant was brief but still insightful. (I was a Cantii Prince you know!) And then he get VellaDrella to talk! His scene with Antedia was good too; she admitted she was so exhausted being angry. Credit to the writers to use the pebble as the framing device to 'catch' the traitor. It doesn't look like he remembers. It seems like we were right that the boy is some shade of Lokka too. Lokka must be getting worried if he's having to appear himself and not have his minions do his work. "We're planning a feast." Uh oh. I didn't really like Amena in the past seasons because it seemed like she had plot armor and just pushed Phelan around for no reason. I couldn't figure out why Aulus thought she was useful. I suppose she was for the getting him her daughter's kingdom in the end. I do like her this season because she's pinned into a corner and the only thing keeping her alive is finding people to eat. Throwing your lot in with the Big Bad isn't necessarily the best tactic when there's Bonkers Bad right around the corner. So can Willa not escape because Aulus chopped off his finger? Well, I have to hand it to the Veran. Getting everyone zonked and making them think you're a tree is one way to storm the encampment. Maybe do that a lot earlier? That's like the one thing he did in the entire series. I think Amena certainly thought it was Amena, and Hemple wasn't helping with her 'precious jewel' this and that. That's why she wanted to go to the underworld. Lokka is literally the only one left that she can throw in with to get out of Hemple's clutches. There's no other character of merit in the encampment that would resonate. The new Prefectus is the only other one, and I don't think he warrants 'precious'. If Lucius is forced to tell him, then he's got to tell Cait too. Racing for the spear seems to be the most bonkers option for the show. I think 10,000 years of something raining down. It didn't seem like some incantation though. She seemed more freaked out about the whole chaotic situation. She was manhandling him well enough.
  5. tbh, I would like Journey to the Center of the Earth better, but that cancels out Fix being able to still write the column. Is there some type of African safari adventure? The English were all going to Africa back then. Maybe they can uncover a dastardly poaching ring!
  6. I think the team overall is quite capable; maybe not brilliant, but certainly up to the challenges. Brad is kind of not, but he's only a one star general and glorified secretary. In the end of the four month period, they proved themselves, and got a new mission. Naird was cleared for refusing to follow the illegal order to destroy the Chinese base. I think it's a refreshing take on the office comedy because it's military and there are some decent stakes in the show. I do wish they had longer dramatic beats here and there, but it's a good second season overall, and I'm interested in what's going to happen next. I'd concede that maybe Naird's personal life isn't the most interesting part and kind of shoved in there.
  7. She did a great job. I liked her being there and didn't think it was contrived.
  8. Bellamy taking the check seem to generate the most shock. Bellamy also doesn't know that Fogg has the telegram. He could always whip that out if needed. I think ending the season having his status as a gentleman revoked will close this character out. I don't really see the need to any of the characters to carry over to a Season 2 other than Fortescue. I actually was hoping for more on their new relationship given his past and now Fix being a legitimate journalist and writer for the paper. By all accounts, her column was widely popular.
  9. I would guess that she could have sent the postcard in an envelope to a relative, who then delivered it directly to Fogg's house. She wanted Fogg to know it was her though, so it doesn't explain that. And Fogg made a big flourish in lighting his cigar!
  10. I'm surprised they got on the boat so fast, and then Fogg just takes off. Nice picture of the Brooklyn Bridge being built. Passepartout was unusually sour with Fix. Everyone was all going good in the West. Good of him to apologize. I loved their dance. The actor playing Fix looked like she was having a blast. Estella kind of holds a bit of a grudge to send the postcard. Although I did like that she shut that door, 'you and me are done.' Then she gives this rousing speech to send him on his way. Not a fan of Bellamy either! I guess time stands still in New York! That's a loooooong 20 minutes. I kind of wish Kneedling had been more of an antagonist to the trip. He only popped up three times. Tennant did a lot when he didn't have any dialogue. I think the Hong Kong warrant was a bit much. I would have actually liked him to have made it on the train after running through. I loved the title card resetting to 80. Use your Doctor running shoes Fogg! I probably would have bankrupted Bellamy and filed charges about almost being murdered, but I'm not an English gentleman. Bellamy having to take the money and be kicked out of the club seems worse. I guess possible jail was piling on. I'd probably hang on to it for insurance in case Bellamy was thinking of striking back. I did like that Fortescue was genuinely happy for Fogg.
  11. It's not been an automatic lock that two time Superbowl winning QBs get in to the hall of fame. Should it? I'm not sure. I tend to not think so. I would put more weight on just getting there because the Superbowl itself is only one game and really anything can happen. Literally no one on the planet would have predicted a Superbowl would start on a high snap and lead to a safety. Elway made it 5 times, and was in the lead prior to Brady. That's really good over a long period of time, adding which he consistently producing at his position. I lean to that. There's a collective heuristic that's still a holdover from the Niners in the 80s and Cowboys in the 90s about a 'dynasty', and I put that in quotes because I think it's an archaic term, with no repeat champion in a generation - it's been 2 decades now, but it still colors the conversation. It's a curse for QBs. It's a team sport, but the QB is the face of the team. When the *team* wins; Ravens, Bears, Dolphins, then no one says anything. When they lose, the QB is blamed.
  12. Javier doesn't have a tunnel under the tub though.
  13. I'd give Namath simply because the superbowl wouldn't be what it is now without the 'broadway' Joe. That's entirely fair within the context of 1969 professional football and the ensuing legacy. Also what other quarterback did a panyhose ad?
  14. Kind of Salamanca always needing to be talked down. I don't think he's nearly as smart as Salamanca though.
  15. No, but I don't think he 'needed' another or any Superbowl win to be in the Hall either. Championships have taken over a player's body of work imo.
  16. That's kind of scifi 101 - Humans are unpredictable, and advanced alien races are so advanced they forget that humans are 'too stupid' to know better and always win - see Farscape and SG1 where it was explicitly called out. On Babylon 5 'humans always form communities' and always try in the face of failure. That's why the station was critical in the Shadow War. To be fair, only Niko and the crew saw the neutrino burst, and the Ach and no one on Earth knew they knew that. That's a huge advantage.
  17. I really liked the topic because the same is happening where I live. Housing is way way up like they were saying on the show. I was surprised the Cartman's only rent the house though. How were they paying rent? Was she still making porn? The 'city talk' was hilarious - wifi, bottled water?! Tesla. Tesla. I guess they were coming from Denver because I was thinking that legal weed would be a draw. And no Randy on the Chamber of Commerce? People have been been buying his weed for years. Is SoPiPa still there too? Cartman's commercial was great, it was all Wendy's house, Kyle's house. The 'city outfits' were great; guy with the blue dyed hair; bike uniform, scarf. So the Tolkien farm is still going! And my CC said 'Tolkien'! Yes and no. He drove up the market, but Leane said that 'none of them would clear escrow'. So it seemed to me that the city people made offers that were accepted, but it wouldn't go through. I don't know about real estate agents not doing anything though. Mine took me and my dog to 12 properties over two days and we closed on my first choice in less than a month. Three weeks I think.
  18. She better be playing a loooooong game to let her arm get ate. I was in suspense as to whether her 'potion' was going to be a placebo and make Amena look the fool, but it seemed to be legitimate. Clearly, she's got value to Hemple since she wasn't all ate up.
  19. I tend to think they were trying to show that Dexter's arrogance in thinking he could handle everything was what did him in, but the first rule is don't get caught. Once Angela arrested him, he threw everything on Kurt, and it should have stuck, with Angela really only having a hunch about Dexter and nothing to prosecute on. He could have done that far, far earlier.
  20. I'd say the Veran might fear the death of the gods, but the possibility doesn't seem to bother him as long as Cait is in possession of the spear (when they find it). He didn't fear his own death when he thought the other Veran finally got him last season. Willa could be playing Hemple too. I said over last episode that Hemple's vamping all over the place is eventually going to be her downfall.
  21. Maybe the Veran is afraid of being choked.
  22. Is this really a thing? Because I am not pleased about being in the dark. I always like the callback to 'Sub Hub'. I hope it's a two parter to reset. Stan yelled out 'Francine!' at the end so he did remember. Did anyone read Stan's tattoos at the end? Slot cars, It's ok that Roger is in ham club, Tip your tattoo artist, Hayley knows everything about clamato, Steve was the _____ (I can't make it out). Steve is afraid of sharks again. Sometimes you work for the CIA. I laughed at Snot knowing Roger was the 'bartender at my mother's house'.
  23. I figured this was just a negotiation because he's a main character on Disenchantment. I actually don't blame him. I said before, he's got a ton of steady work and negotiating for fair market value isn't unreasonable. Sounds like he wanted everyone to get paid more and not "I should be paid the most."
  24. This is what I'm not clear on. I said the same thing last season as to whether Aulus thought he was Lokka, which doesn't look like it now, or some vessel thereof. The 'eastern' guy said to Quant 'drive the demons out'; they're assuming the Romans. I still think some of Rome will assimilate into Briton, and they'll beat Lokka in the end. That might explain away early christianity on the island - maybe more a form of pagan christianity. The eastern guy said 'a powerful druid' was nailed to a tree; clearly, Jesus, but he didn't know the name. Baby Lokka said to Aulus he had a vision of a cross in the opening scene right before Hemple walked in. I think some form of it will have to be a factor.
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