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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't think that's going to fly on television. If they take Rand's ruminations out of his internal monologue re: Bore, to dialogue with Min, who is studying the philosophy of the Wheel, history of what channelers could do etc., as a key to I always thought Rand not killing women was ridiculous because, hey, you lost Moiraine just when you were cultivating an actual relationship with her. In terms of taking her advice, etc. She needs agency. She could run Rand's private eyes and ears network. Use her talent to identify Darkfriends, etc. Figure out why Lews is in his head. Help recruit Ashaman. Maybe her Talent could be finding male channelers. Anything Rand-internal could be split to her.
  2. I like the show reminding us that Jackie is actually good at his job. That's not going to be good for Corbin Bernsen. Sib had a nice monologue about sharing your hurt, but when is she going to tell Decourcy that she's flipping out?
  3. I think a cop killing another cop would cross a line, even back then. Shooting Anton and lying about it, I could see they would get away with. I'm surprised the cop actually spoke up about it, but I guess he was young. Caysen seems like a legitimately good po-lice and kind of out of place there. I did laugh when he flung the stapler though.
  4. I would think the judge can hold Jones in contempt for acting up in court. Certainly if he's lying under questioning. At the point of the video clip, it seemed like this was one of many times she was warning him.
  5. So awful getting to the airport. I'm glad they worked it into the show. You kind of have to. I didn't understand either. He said, 'oh you're attracted to me; I'm happily married.' But then she called Victoria and said she remembered? Unless he raped her in between those scenes. I hope they clear it up. With Jackie getting revenge on what happened to Benny, Corbin Bernsen better watch it. I don't know why they're doing this because them being together is clearly the strength of the show. I thought they were going to pull a switch and have Jackie work for DeCourcy. Although, if DeCourcy wants to beat out the rival for the AD job, he could enlist Jackie on the dl for off books investigation or something. I'm more invested in "Boston" as a character. I don't really get too much into the family storylines either Jackie or Decourcy. They dropped this competition plot, and then he goes off to Brooklyn for the father. I'm just not really interested.
  6. The only reason iirc was Min told Rand she had her vision of Cadsuane. And like I said, not Rand's fault, but he needed some polishing to deal with the nobles, game of houses, etc. I don't see that as unreasonable. He had to basically unite the continent, and everyone was treating the end of the world as an annoyance. Moiraine could have helped, but she went through the door. To be fair, Cadsuane wasn't an idiot either. "Hey, let's find the oldest living Aes since the world is ending. She might know something." That's not a bad idea. She definitely had her head up her ass though. She was super powerful too. Verin is essential. I cannot wait for her to show up and the non bookers being like 'is she high the whole time?'
  7. Begin freed up from a network broadcast, if the cast is busy, they could put out a few movies next year like Doctor Who did. Though I would like a regular season order.
  8. They also showed that with the Kelly religion planet. I'd like to see more of Union history, not just in the simulator.
  9. Part of the problem is John got moved to engineering so he's not on the bridge to interact with everyone regularly. This season also didn't have much off world exploration where he would likely have been in the away party.
  10. That was the new shuttle she was entering, so it's fair for me that it would be equipped with more bells and whistles. To also be fair, I didn't remember Lysella either, but prior to the communication, they mentioned the planet and something about 'Don't tell John', so it pinged me that it was the 'facebook/reddit' planet. I mean, ok, I didn't quite remember her either, but if they just did an information dump, no one really needs 5 minutes of exposition either.
  11. She read the line as not sloppy, but clearly had been drinking too.
  12. Rand was great in 5. I could buy that he got pissy for a while because EVERYTHING was a THING with EVERYONE. I mean, he would ask for tea and you'd think he told everyone he was going to level Dragonmount. Plus, he had Lews in his head. He was terrified that he was already nuts and really was going to destroy the world. Also being locked up and thrown in a trunk is going to give anyone a little post traumatic stress. He also had a ton of guilt for Moiraine. I never liked Cadsuane always calling him 'boy'. It's like, you do know he could literally level the entire castle before you could finish a sneeze? I get her wanting to get him a little more manners because you're going to need that dealing with kings and queens, but I always thought she had her own head up her ass that she was somehow controlling the Dragon and it was more about 'we're going to win the way I want to win and I don't care'. That's consistent with a lot of the book, and really the lack of genuine honesty between otherwise reasonable people when literally the world was ending turned me off a lot. I mean, you'd think at least one person would be a mediating presence. I always laugh when they're all channeling and think they're being so sly and he yells at them to knock it off, and they're all, 'what? how?' And Rand is just fuming. I think Rand got back to being more affable, for lack of a better word, once he kind of got back to being friends with Ny. I really wish they got more into the philosophy of the Wheel. Min was sort of the focal point there, and I hope the show digs more into that. Book-Min didn't do much otherwise, so I'd like to see her have more agency on the show. I really liked Rand thinking, 'well, at one point there *wasn't* a Bore, so if I'm just sealing it back up, that's not really going to do anything and whackadoo Ish is just going to be running around again.' But I agree that the show needs a reasonably likeable Rand, even if he sometimes is going to yell at people (who largely deserve it). I think showing him delving (see what I did there?) into the philosophy more will give him a more deeper facet than super powerful guy is just going to blow everything up.
  13. We did it once. It was a different time. HA! I was intrigued that the sandwich reappeared after the device had been destroyed. This leads me to believe that there is an alt-universe where Gordon raised the family and lived a long life. It's a good thread to leave for a possible future story. I know Seth gets a lot of criticisms, but much of the humor is in episodes he wrote. I did laugh at Ed just *not even* when he walked in on the women, and then having zero clue what to say about the dresses with Alara ripping him for sounding 'general'. I'd like to see a season 4 of relative stability and having the Orville back to being a more science exploration ship. Maybe some non aggression pact with the Krill and Moclan.
  14. I'm assuming it's obvious because clearly Bortus was chasing. That was Kelly's pov from Union history though from what I took. That planet may have spun their wheels for another century or so and then 'unified' for lack of a better term. The Union showed up basically with magic and ended up destroying the place. I mean, the cold war was basically a containment policy, and all through that everyone was worried about nuclear war, but that never happened. I did like that the Union was kind of like missionaries at first and really screwed it up. Which is funny because the Orville did not do well there. I don't think so. I had to establish a reputation in order to get promoted. It's like that in many professions. Kelly's definition was broader, which made sense to me in the context of the conversation. I don't mind the singing. I've been listening to Grimes sing as Steve Smith on American Dad for years. How long has that show been on? Did you invite the whole planet? Yes [emphatically]. The joke about 'she's my doctor and has seen me naked but still is marrying Isaac' is just brilliant. It's so niche and perfect.
  15. No one in Europe Randland is quite aware widespread of the Seanchan threat if I know where you are. The continent is also hugely decentralized. You'll see this is going to be a huge problem.
  16. Well, Selene. Fain was nothing but filler to me. I take the point of the character, but I always was rolling my eyes.
  17. This might be me looking to deep, but back in the 70s Steve Martin had a bit about getting out of trouble by saying "I forgot". He did it in his style back then. When Charles admonished Oliver in the bathroom, Oliver replied "I forgot". It could be innocuous I suppose, but with them, who knows.
  18. Good thing you people are around to remind me.
  19. I just personally don't have a huge amount of time to devote to a 90 minute episode. I suppose I can keep my usual viewing on Friday nights. I don't like falling too behind on this particular show because I don't want to miss out on the discussion.
  20. Not only do you have to visit the festival, but you get shoved into the booth that's serving them, and all the squirrels get loose. Then the hijinks ensue and you endear yourself to the family. Covered in mud. Cliches are cliche, but are rooted in truth too. That's kind of the fun of sending up the tropes here for me.
  21. Do you want us to say anything or just keep reporting on reading the books? 3 and 5 were my favorites and I'll say why when you get there.
  22. I don't see the evidence on the show for that. I get the impression it is young. Comparison to the Federation in terms of the year isn't really a one to one correspondence. I don't think we know who even founded the Union. It would seem the Earthers since they go to San Francisco all the time, but it could have been a joint effort with someone else. Or what predicated the Union in the first place, like Babylon 5. Which I think this show has more in common with. It makes more sense to be that they're young because they keep screwing things up. Kicking out Moclan now bringing in the Kaylon. All the mess with the Krill.
  23. Wouldn't that just be editing though? I really don't know. It seems the same writing, same content, no?
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