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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Better than substituting "I", like some people do, but if you want to get picky, the rule is that you always put the other person first, so that would be "Liz and me". ITA that she looked great, but my immediate reaction was that they hadn't disguised her very well compared with Vanessa, albeit it was good enough to be separate from the crowd with nobody expecting her to be out of the house (as long as she didn't talk too much). If the game were designed properly, a contestant shouldn't be able to count on picking the other half of a final two.
  2. He probably got appointed when somebody else stepped down (probably not entirely voluntarily). I think the analogy the writers really wanted with the signal amplification was that of a laser. I'd make fun of the way the ending seems to be so optimistic for a continuation if it weren't for the ads I'm seeing for a Heroes reboot.
  3. There are pros and cons to every game decision and Vanessa is good at spotting them all and pushing whichever points are in her benefit. Just because Julia doesn't have Liz's track record doesn't mean she can't win future comps and Vanessa knows Austin would care a lot more about Liz going than Julia and would hold her responsible. After seeing his beast mode in Bowlerina, Vanessa may have realized that keeping Julia may not have been her best choice. Her point about who she'd rather be on the block with is also a good one with so few players left; even if an ally is HOH, she could be stuck being replacement nominee.
  4. Don't they realize that most of the country still doesn't have the cheap broadband service that was supposed to be right around the corner a decade and a half ago? As of May, AOL still had two million dial-up users.
  5. Consistency doesn't mean replication, so Craig stayed withing the challenge. On the nails, he was giving himself an edge by inviting the judges to see consistency that was randomly there, essentially tricking their minds by not having a repeated image to focus on. But, it's still not a good idea to piss off the guys who are subjectively deciding your fate, so your overall point is valid.
  6. We don't know that hotel security didn't do anything, but if would have come after the guys told their story downstairs (if they thought to do that) and left. For the immediate term, security wanted the noisy non-guests elsewhere. It was just prudent for the prostitution service to move elsewhere online and probably change pictures.
  7. She would have been better off convincing Steve to make JMac the replacement. If she sends Liz out, she can count on being next to go (barring some serious producer chicanery).
  8. This show is reminding me of Heroes, when you could practically picture the infighting between writers over what direction to go. Something would be introduced, only to be snuffed out, or forgotten, never to be heard of again, once it was somebody else's turn to write.
  9. I think they're happy to put the details of their tattoo into someone else's hands because they don't want to be responsible. The canvas with the losing tattoo was happy because she just wanted something that looked like a painting. She might have objected if was Dogs Playing Poker instead of something "artistic", but that's about it. She probably saw the episode of Doctor Who featuring Van Gogh and presumed that was the correct pronunciation. Yes, but she was the first of the three to be eliminated in the S3 finale.
  10. I'm a bit torn between loathing Vanessa for taking advantage of somebody so mentally challenged, and suspecting that Julia and Vanessa have had a deal we didn't know about. Either way, I'm finding myself rooting for Austin to do a little belated "housecleaning", although if he's successful, I'm fine with JMac walking away with the win instead. I would have liked to see Vanessa asked to explain what she meant by "game play", just to hear what she would have made up to keep from saying how she had played Julia. Does the fact that Vanessa felt a need to do damage control mean she's planning to evict Julia? It was pointless if, as swing vote, she's going to evict Liz, but if she wants to keep her pretense going, she's going to have to keep Liz and just sell that to Steve and JMac (which shouldn't be difficult).
  11. Not quite. They didn't have time to do a clothing change (or passing of information) when they did the swap during eviction voting, so the outgoing twin joined her already-identically-dressed sister for a combined vote before the two swapped places. It was the only time they did this and I'm pretty sure it was the first swap, so someone must have realized it was too much for the incoming twin to not know what had been going on and they changed things a bit (but not nearly as much as they could have).
  12. No reason why the aliens couldn't have a base on the moon.
  13. Are you suggesting that if he were to win the money, he wouldn't spend any of it on his new GF?
  14. The judges were being kind not to just declare Meg as the obvious winner. In fairness, I noticed part way through the morphs that all of the models were particularly masculine; the producers weren't making it easy, and it's no wonder nearly all of the contestants decided that just using makeup wasn't going to do the job. Meg got the shapes right. You shouldn't have to be doing a supernatural character to accomplish that. One thing I remember from my high school lessons on Hamlet is that Ophelia is supposed to be a teenage girl (and Hamlet twice her age, though most productions don't go there for obvious reasons). That makeup wasn't coming close (even before the failures), although the contestant mentioned that the character was supposed to be young.
  15. I presume it was intentional that the "twist" be discovered. Otherwise, they would have provided some assistance to the twins to carry it off. Just letting the incoming twin have a head start on being dressed correctly would have helped, but they didn't even do that much (except for one gimmicky swap during voting).
  16. Considering how often regulations are unconstitutional, would you prefer that the corporate lawyers struck them down entirely? They compromised instead.
  17. The slogan "bank human" sounds like they're touting being able to conduct business with a person, but one of the ads has the customer depositing a check by taking a photo of it at home. Time for a new slogan?
  18. His phrasing suggests he's talking about evicted HG's, and it's very unlikely he'd want to say anything bad about anyone still in the house.
  19. But, how many viewers are going to look up where the phrase comes from? He's been mentioned by name on The Big Bang Theory, along with Adler, and a whole host of other names from various fields, but I doubt anything sticks with most people, even when the writers try to be educational.
  20. I never heard of a salutatorian until years after I graduated; the high schools in my area didn't have them. It's a little odd to be honoring the top loser (which is what second place is). Freud is easy to miss since he's parodied but rarely mentioned by name. They're dumbasses. The Austwins were screwed either way if they didn't keep hold of HOH.
  21. If you're right behind them, a horn toot works well, but you might give them a neck sprain.
  22. Not sure if it explains why the "u" in "four" and "fourteen" is missing from "forty", but that was an interesting video.
  23. I would have liked if Meg had gotten to see a couple of goodbye videos (Julie could have shut up sooner to make time). Some had to have been taped, or it would have tipped off the HG's about double-eviction.
  24. Around here it's generally not a problem because you have ample opportunity to text while stopped at red lights. Occasionally, you'll have someone delay traffic because they were too verbose/slow and couldn't move as soon as the light changed, but that's not a safety issue.
  25. It looked like a tire iron to me, but probably not from a Prius. AFAIK, no modern car has one that big because every ounce counts. Some cars don't have one at all since they don't even have room for a spare tire. If throwing someone against the dome results in the dome converting them into the energy it needs, why wouldn't you do that with the elderly drones rather than drown them?
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