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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Why does Rebecca Romijn get to sit down while the judges are discussing the work while McKenzie Westmore on Face Off has to stand? Hate the catch phrase for the losing contestant. Are we supposed to believe that the other models go home still painted?
  2. I liked that somebody got a clue about what lederhosen are. I don't know what they look like myself, but since leder = leather, it was pretty obvious that what Taylor pulled out the first time he did that joke was wrong.
  3. The producers edited the competition to show the progression towards Donny's win, so we didn't see the bad bones, if there were any after the beginning. Donny is smart enough that he may have taken the trouble to feel what to look for and didn't waste his time taking back the wrong ones after he got the hang of it. Contrast that with his opponents who tried the same wrong bone on all of the same-sized slots.
  4. I think there are union rules about paying writers so that shows can't save money that way. I'm sure the kids writing this are either related to writers who are supposed to be doing the work, or to the producers.
  5. The celebrities are giving large sums of money every year to an organization called the U.S. Government which runs numerous programs to help kids in their own country. Why shouldn't the celebrities try to help elsewhere too? A better point might be to ask why Frankie founded a charity to bring music and dance to African children when there are probably more pressing needs.
  6. I haven't heard them say that an evicted HG will come back, only that they'll have that chance, so one possibility that addresses that issue would be to have them participate along with everyone else in a HOH competition. They've done something like that in other reality competitions where there's a mini challenge at the start of the episode that confers immunity or other advantage for the main challenge later. Washouts would come back for that mini challenge and stay if they won. If that's the answer they wanted, maybe the producers shouldn't have picked this week to surprise the HG's with the zombie stunt. It's easier to pick up on a leading question if there's only one obvious answer.
  7. There was a comment about the stump turning to rock. Petrified wood is shiny, but I think the idea conflicts with the basis of the challenge.
  8. FWIW, the BB web site doesn't mention that he's playing for charity, unusual if that was prearranged, and if he's planning to give the money to the charity he founded, it's called Broadway in South Africa, and doesn't build schools (although I suppose building a school for music or dance would fit its purpose). If there was any chance at all Christine was going to go back on her promise to Nicole, she shouldn't have told anyone about it. Credibility is everything in this game.
  9. The more they hype her affliction, the worse it'll be for her, and the less the viewers will be inclined to believe that the person being presented would be appearing on a live show on one of the major broadcast networks during the prime evening viewing hours.
  10. It's the ad guys who are taking things too seriously, trying to be too informative or artistic. Maybe they think that's what it'll take to win a CLIO, but it's all about people remembering what they saw with a positive feeling and that's what humor does. I still remember the NIssan ad where GI Joe hops into a toy Z car to pick up Barbie at her dream house, so it doesn't have to be overt humor. A different spin could make the hamster-dad ads enjoyable instead of a lame attempt at "artistic".
  11. After Twin Peaks was cancelled, one of the producers admitted that they really didn't have a plan for where the show was going and they were just throwing whatever they could think of at the viewers in the second season. It could be as simple as that here.
  12. When they were labelling the companions in a special prior to the 50th anniversary, they said Rose was conceived to be "lover" in terms of her relationship, but I didn't see that either. I think the writers were afraid of offending the "no hanky panky in the TARDIS" crowd by suggesting too close of a relationship. Rose did once suggest getting a flat together when they thought the TARDIS was lost, but it bounced right off the Doctor and there was really no followup to the idea of being more than friends having adventures together.
  13. I've been trying to figure out where I've seen Camille before. I think I recognize her corset piercing from Tattoos After Dark. We didn't really see it on this episode, but she's apparently a model for something called Suicide Girls, so there are quite a few pictures of her on the net.
  14. I didn't care much for Stella's air of superiority/condescension towards Sasha. Sasha's been consistently in the top looks when working by herself, which is more than Stella can say.
  15. Does being surprisingly poorly done count? Once the dude has joined the group he should look like he belongs there; this guy didn't. His stripped down outfit, designed to be easily hidden, just didn't go with the more flamboyant outfits everyone else was wearing. If they couldn't rig a way for his outfit to be augmented after dropping his disguise, what the group was wearing should have been toned down (not necessarily to match, but to be in the same ballpark).
  16. A bystander did react to his injured appearance as he was walking away, but it could have been an ad lib.
  17. Maybe not to the majority of viewers, but some folks clearly have a promotional interest in getting AG's name out on this show in as many episodes as possible without it seeming too staged. Here we had Frankie talking about telling the house while telling us. Next he'll do exactly that, then we'll have at least one more episode where she'll be mentioned, at least in a beginning recap if the producers can't tilt things to keep Frankie around.
  18. I don't see anything wrong with a judge providing the POV of an uninformed viewer. For some types of acts they pretty much all are. I just wish they wouldn't pretend they know what they'd doing when it's obvious to more informed viewers they don't.
  19. I'm sure her name was more important than her looks in casting. At least they knew to do something. There used to be a mattress ad featuring Lindsay Wagner where it looked like she hadn't slept in a week. It ran for a long, long time before somebody fixed it.
  20. I think they mentioned using windmills for power in a prior episode. I recall some folks here noting that there wouldn't be any wind under a dome (IRL anyway).
  21. They also made her a bit of an idiot at times. I like Doctors to be confident without being too full of themselves; preferences would include Four, Nine, and the movie version of One (played by Peter Cushing) who was also the first I saw. If I had to pick one to watch, I'd pick Nine based on the stories he was given. My favorite companions would be the early versions of Sarah Jane and Rose. Disclaimer: I didn't get to see much of Six or Seven; I vaguely recall an American companion yelling at the Master and seeing the TARDIS pool, and that's about it.
  22. We've already seen subjects who have done the types of simple web exploration Nev has done in prior seasons. To keep the same formula, he needs to step up his game and help people who have reached a dead end using those techniques. Otherwise, he'll just be making the same phone call that could have been made without him, offering a TV appearance as a lure to get together.
  23. To be really successful in acting takes either extraordinary talent or being lucky enough to get matched up with the right role. I saw a rerun of Hollywood Game Night with Kaley as one of the celebrities playing and it was apparent that she's pretty much being herself as Penny, but that's making her employers bucketloads of money, so there's no reason she shouldn't share in that
  24. To be fair, when I started to type a "who is" to refresh my memory of her, she was the #1 suggestion from Google of how to complete the question. This episode could have started a lot sooner if they didn't make the golfers walk. They'd probably get more viewers too; it's boring watching people walk down a lawn.
  25. Raj is only a fair weather friend. Of the original group, I think I'd pick Penny as being the truest friend, with Leonard in second place (just don't ask him for advice).
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