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Everything posted by Driad

  1. What is the book, please? The newest I see is The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine (2017).
  2. Stuart finds the thumb drive with the Bitcoin on it. Or Leonard and Leslie, long-married couple, are reminiscing about their shared careers in physics and music. Leonard says, "Did I ever tell you about when I was looking for an apartment and one possible roommate was a total nutcase? I'm sure glad I didn't go live there!"
  3. Asterisk, yippee! Yesterday I guessed Carnival in Rio De Janiero, since I didn't know that the Hajj is in a particular week.
  4. Has Nathan Fillion said why he chose another cop show? I liked him a lot in Firefly and early Castle, but maybe it was time for something different.
  5. Can anyone explain the title? To me it sounded like "the fix is in," i.e. doing something unethical to win an election or maybe a trial.
  6. My 3/5 has one asterisk. I didn't know about the * because I read the question on line. My station can't be bothered to show Jeopardy when sp*rts are happening.
  7. Missy, if you're not making enough money, this article says you can blame Sheldon.
  8. 3/5, third week in a row. Improving my consistency but not my accuracy.
  9. My friends and I joked that James T. Kirk's middle name was Tantalizing. Tantalizing refers to something you want but can't have. Kirk was the opposite.
  10. What was the DeForest Kelly question? Today's Jeopardy was pre-empted here for sp*rts and I can't find it on Youtube yet so I just looked up FJ (and got it, yay Poe and suspense!). Another big fan of Picard. And Spock. Not Kirk.
  11. Hoping you save a box of commas for when you need them (or to sell to those of us who use Oxford commas) instead of tossing them out the window as in Pi Alley.
  12. Re mono students: What about HIPAA? Can they really discuss a patient's condition with his friend? Also I agree, someone should have contacted his parents earlier.
  13. What did SEVER mean to these characters? The college students with mono did not look nearly sick enough at the beginning. I could barely stand up when I was diagnosed.
  14. Just be extra careful if you go to Rock Creek Park in DC. Or at least look out for dead petty officers.
  15. AFAIK they are still available from AAA. Amazon.com sells them too. You have to provide your own pins though.
  16. One of Hillerman's characters has the AAA "Indian Country" map on the wall of his office. I asked AAA for one of those maps and the clerk said, "Oh, a Hillerman fan?" Hoping to visit there some time.
  17. I was thinking flugelhorn, but it is not named after a person.
  18. Has Christine Baranski been on this or another genealogy show? She was just telling Stephen Colbert about her grandparents who were in Polish theater in Buffalo. Would be fun to learn more.
  19. If we're using tropes ... if someone is pregnant (I hope not), they had better fix the elevator so that she can go into labor while she is stuck in that elevator with the last person she would want to be with at that time.
  20. You get the "thought more than the writers did" award for the day!
  21. She initially moved out because of a burst water pipe. Maybe a lot of her stuff was damaged and not worth moving.
  22. Mary and Connie both have cars. Why not go farther away to buy a pregnancy test, instead of Nosy Neighbors Drugstore? (I know. Sitcom plot.)
  23. Thank you, lucindabelle. In an episode of M*A*S*H, a soldier who was a concert pianist was injured and his hand crippled. Dr. Charles Winchester spent a lot of time trying to get through to him that he had not lost music; he could still compose or conduct or teach.
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