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Everything posted by Petunia13

  1. It looks vintage or custom. The art work is detailed and elegant. I agree about Summer. She’s always listed and had naturally full lips I don’t know why she’d pump them with filler. That artificial trout mouth w her flowy big hair, clothing choices, jewelry are too much. She, Lauren, Phyllis and Nikki often look like bottle girls at the club or working a car show when they’re supposed to be in corporate office or hanging around coffee shop. The guys they always style classy and really polished.
  2. I agree. I can still see her as that tiny girl with the blond ringlets fresh in my mind each episode. I think she’ll be fine she and everyone in her family have worked consistently for decades, they have hustle, so it’s extremely likely her career will thrive. new Faith is pretty and it’s interesting she reads tarot cards, maybe they’ll make her version of Faith into that type of stuff
  3. I would be unsettled too if a man I was repulsed by kept insisting I was in love w him and cornering me alone. consent isn’t respected on this show.
  4. She knows if she crashes she will come back as her twin. Maybe they can get other Faith to play her
  5. This time the hyperventilating sound effect in a blanket will gasp and puff with a British accent! If John thinks he killed Charlie even if he didn’t maybe it’s best he confesses since he’s had recent brain trauma wi TJ emotional instability and rage blackouts and it’s documented. He snapped after Charlie threatened his family and could get court appointed probation. He couldn’t work for Black Patch anymore though if that happens.
  6. I think if Sarah returns it will be a recast. Probably someone from one of Ron’s others shows old days he loves doing that dumb shit like he’s his own employment agency. I don’t think LG will be back on Days.
  7. Lani did not ask Kristen to be the twins godmother because she is their future Stepmother.
  8. When she cut her hair? jk kinda 🥴
  9. He really is a terrible writer. I feel his talent, whatever of it he had, has decline in the past decade or so.
  10. I bet Flo asks Hope to be her matron of honor
  11. Wyatt has had no story for quite a long time. Standing around in vests and toupee reacting to shit Flo, Liam, Sally or Bill say does not a main character make.
  12. I would laugh my ass off if Flo gets injured and the doctors says “she would have lived... if only she had her second kidney”
  13. They had Ally acting like an entitled brat and empty head. And Ciara being same. Now we have Chanel at it. Ron reallllllly sucks at characterization and it’s getting old. Basically every woman is a bitch on wheels and all dudes are bland dolts or psychotic. Cool.
  14. Ew Wyatt’s gonna propose to Flo. And there’s making some ass kissing festival asking her to formally change her name to Logan. Yuck maybe all this top of the world stuff is a sign their gonna tragically kill her as a “twist”. #ripbozo
  15. This Ava and Rafe shit is really testing my patience 😤🏃🏻‍♂️ Yeah it’s a scumbag move to run out on a check or stiff a tip on top. Not paying that $500 means the server would pay the house out of her pocket $40 out pocket because there’s automatic tip share for bussers and bar. So not only would that server lost the money from the tip which they were countingbonnor could have got from a non-dirtbag table sat their instead, they essentially paid $40 to work that hour or 2 serving Ms Chanel and Co.
  16. Well that at least was happy ending
  17. I agree with you. I actually find Tripp since his transfer from Stanford Medical School to go to Salem U (lol in what world?) to be a real wimp. He lets Allie steamroll over him at every turn, seemed to have no back bone or instinct for self protection during the rape saga, and just kow tows to Ava. His rendition before he left was pretty headstrong and kinda a dick at times. I wish the writers would split the difference between dick head and bland.
  18. That was my suspicion as well until Show was broken into for the press conference. If so, then they are really sacrificing this character to prop these two idiots. Sharon, who has rocks for brains and has become a shell of a person. And Adam, who was always a creep and is constantly for years in these contrived situations where he’s propped. I can’t get over how amazing Micheal looks w his silver hair 🔥 Nick also looks better with the natural grey showing on his beard and temples.
  19. Is there even any character in his age range rn? I think Faith is leaving anyways. And this is off topic but I think she’s gay or questioning. When she comes back from boarding school or whatever I would not be surprised if she comes out. If Sharon’s and her flat hair still flopping around I hope she doesn’t act all “ooooo” her trademark flustered by everything and make Japanime eyes like always 👁 👁 👄
  20. Used to be great looking men would be one of the only things we could count on. Even if a soap was bad there’d be some great looking guys, eye candy sets and locations, lux fashions, and floral arrangements.
  21. Ricky was cute. So was Ji Min, Ryder, and thy guy who played Daniel.
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