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Everything posted by Petunia13

  1. That is my main problem with GH right now.
  2. I wish Andy had articulated his question more clearly. He said "When you both visited the site of a concentration camp... this ... Amsterdam?" And Josh quickly corrected him, "Aushwitz" so it's sounded like he bungled the cities. He should have said "i remember you both visited a concentration camp. when you guys went to Amsterdam and decided to visit...?" If he forgot the specific camp they went to during the trip. JMHO
  3. We need more nicknames. There's snark- able names about Wills Grampa clothes and Mr Robinson sweaters, JJ's Tiger Beat or young Elvis (real Elvis not that sack of shit Dimera) looks, Teresa old movie actress appearance, Romans accent.
  4. I was joking because the title was up with no description. I kinda felt like it was about Kelly or Logan they are the studs supposedly lol of this season and are awkward as fuck.
  5. She just woke up from a 1 yr nap and cares more about busting Sharon's happiness and Nick's sex life than Jack or her village idiot daughter. This is nothing new.
  6. Speculation Time! Since the title is alcohol related and has sexual innuendo I'm thinking this is a Kat-centric episode?
  7. Yes because this is Liz she switched lanes rather quickly from giving Nik grief for not being hopeless devoted to her to all about Jason. If it follows Jase shows too much interest in Sam she will be jocking Nik again. That being said even though I can't stand Liz, I don't like Britt (or Dr O, Ava, Kiki, Felix). Ava should have been killed a long, long time ago.
  8. Liz knows Nik has trouble with fidelity. Hell they cheated together in the past when they had an affair. So why is she so miffed he'd consider screwing Britt when they aren't even in an official relationship?
  9. Yes they totally trashed Sami's potentially cool exit story for the same stupid fucking bullshit she's been putting up with from that scumbag lying ass husband, worthless mother,ungrateful asshole Mr Rogers wannabe son, and a deranged piece of trash Jar Jar Binks lookalike. What did Alison Sweeney ever do to the powers that be to have this plot? The actress and character deserved a fucking rad exit where she completely ruined the Dimeras (something Bo, Jawn, Gasplena, ect never accomplished) and left town in style.
  10. But their stories are both the A storylines on the current shows and this is for today's Canadian. Ok what's new with the Winters?! Lol.
  11. So funny you said this. I fell asleep during it too. Considering it was on before 9 pm here that's truly sad. It was that stupid and boring. Its not cute or relatable at all. Screams issues to me. Laziness and plain stupidity too. Also, I don't think the business that nasty toucan Caroline financed for her brats like the restaurant or Catface still exist otherwise this jackasses would be promoting it on their show. Caroline's sisters Dina and whoever look like birds as well.Finally what the fuck does "asomethin" mean?Heifer said it on Real Housewives and it plays on Bravo's ads 20x a day.
  12. what, does she form the guest towels in the shape of a vagina?
  13. How does someone spend so much money and end up looking like Jacqueline?
  14. Honesty time. I'm only watching this piece of shit tonight because a few if you above who are hilarious might tune in and we can snark about this garbage after. Why does Bravo keep trying to make this strident, controlling, loud harridan and her unattractive and obnoxious family happen? Why do believe they hold some charm? Talk about fake and canned shit. Oh look some hot chick in a bikini washing a car for no reason...hey there's Caroline on a trapeze geez so zany...aw Lauren is a bridezilla, look out Kim Kardassion!
  15. Yea. It seemed really fake to me. And I mean something that humiliating and raw shouldn't be.
  16. That's such a stupid way to phrase it and her awkward stilting delivery and blank expression didn't really come close to masking this is bad dialogue fed to the cast.
  17. I'm going to be honest and I'm not just snarking on her since I dislike her but her looks have went shit pan so bad. She's kinda frightening looking now and very fake and older looking. I do not know what the fuck surgeries or fillers or if her ugly inside is now seeping out, but damn what downfall! Slade looks worse by the day but he's looked like a creeper scumbag derelict for years. I'm supposed to believe these two pieces of shit are going to have a kid??! Question one- how about being there and supporting the kids you have? I guess that wasn't as fun or convenient because it didn't get them press and one has cancer (such a bummer and hassle). Question two- have either of these low life's had a job in years? Like a real one not made up one?
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