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Everything posted by Petunia13

  1. SCs body is pretty great : ) I think based on what the author has said about the character she meant "dumb". SC probably has IMHO the best body of all the actresses on the show. Maybe even daytime.
  2. Why were they obsessed with their sons being "French" -having French names and speaking French? Alex is American and Simon is Australian. Is this another of their stupid pretensions and fakery? Something cherry picked because it seems sophisticated and their sons will pass as it when they are older?
  3. I guess I'm a horrible person since I didn't demand a Dun and Bradstreet on the parents of everyone I dated in HS and college so I'd have something to harass them about.
  4. I don't know but I heard a lot of UK and South African people use the term "cow" or "bovine" to describe lazy or stupid people when I had to work with them. Kind of like in US midwest I hear "slug" for that stuff. In the US I've heard "cow" only to describe fat people. Sharon's really working the Japanima cartoon eyes in the scenes.
  5. Paige is a tight assed dragon lady. I guess since JJ isn't actually doing anything wrong she's going to manufacture shit to harass him about. I can't believe the stupid bitch fixed her mouth to throw his fathers rape of Kayla which occurred decades ago and before he was even born in his face. How is that even relevant to Lima Bean or her concern? Such garbage. Since day one she's questioned him and his intentions and nit picked his actions, its pretty pathetic. What a miserable gf to have, a perpetual nag and looks like legume. BoOllie has always been an insubordinate and nasty piece shit. The only job he's qualified for is an eyebrow boutique where they do threading and waxes. They need to stop the casual violence of people physically assaulting someone unprovoked. Just once if like to see Abby or BoOllie try that shit and get knocked flat on their ass. In the real world a stupid cocky asshole like them would be missing teeth. Anne has used that "IQ of a salad bar" line before that's one of her go to zingers. She said it about JarJar Binks a few months ago. ETA Cookie we posted at the same time. I concur!!
  6. Peach when I saw you made a post I assumed it was a recap and darn it I had a rough day at work and I need your snarky goodness. And if you're busy where's my other fave LeftP ? Waaaaah! Also I concur Noah is cuter than shit and deserves story.
  7. I posted a naughty snark and its gone. Anyhow is Tamra's gym studio closed yet or what? Also Tamra change her name just for the show since there was a Tammy when she joined. I wonder if she finds it odd after whatever 34 years of being Tammy everyone from her past husband, current husband, friends, and strangers know her as Tamra. She's more of a "Tamra". "Tammy" to me seems youthful and fun since that was the name of some old movie character Ina movie I had to see at camp.
  8. It got to a point it wasn't even fun to snark on them the proposterous lies and stupidity was just stale and relentless. They remind me of Heidi and Spencer from The Hills except older and griftier. Oh dear remember when unemployed Slade "bought" Gretch a Rolls Royce? When Gretchen who's like 30-something wanted us to believe her vasectomy bf who ignored his living children wanting to breed and at the gyno acted like "teehee" she didn't know what the exam is? When she wanted us to believe she designs cosmetics and handbags? Omg it's like humoring a 4 year old with these two.
  9. Poor dear with her looks and personality she'll take whatever she can get. I don't really feel sorry for her with her "raised by wolves" mantra. No one get through life unscathed. It's not an excuse or badge of honor just a fact. Try crowing about her poor upbringing by neglectful parents to the victim of incest or kid living in a meth lab with skin head parents.
  10. Gretchen is neither a millionaire or in a loving healthy relationship, though. And she looks like a horse and is dating a homeless unwashed grifter. I mean I could understand if she was a coach on "Derelict Matchmaker"
  11. I really wish VR/Drucilla would stop giving interviews every week about her returning to Y&R. Shes starting to look desperate and crazy. It's always the same stuff going on how there's a huge demand for return, some conspiracy against it, her availability, and issues with the show. I don't think ranting about a potential employer and being pushy is the way to get hired again.
  12. I don't know why JJ having a rapist dad is such a big deal. In Salem everyone is related to a rapist or personally committed a sex crime or once was raped. Paige still looks like a Lima Bean. I love Anne's hair and agree Sami's color and curls were beautiful.
  13. Having seen Summer behave like a dummass all year and ruled by her libido its no surprise AT ALL she's Nicks daughter. Nothing Abbott about that stupid bitch. Phyllis' quack doctor went on a hundred x about her having unforeseen life altering side effects from her magic de-coma juice. I thought it was going to be something weird though like Incredible Hulk or Spider-Man . I think with her flat effect and obsessive ways and coldness she's coming across a bit psychotic, which she was before but now its in full effect.
  14. His dancing in the opening sequences killed me.
  15. The actress had a lot of weaknesses including- not realizing narrowing her eyes and speaking slowing isn't a go to acting choice for every occasion. The character was immature and had poor work ethic. I do think the story of the end of her marriage was fascinating and good and sometimes got to me. The actor who played her husband Darnell was stronger in those scenes though.
  16. I agree I love Toni. She was the most interesting and compelling Girlfriend. (The actress I also felt was the strongest and most beautiful). I never really was as invested in others story lines as much as hers.
  17. Yikes to that picture upthread^ is there something called "reverse thinspo"? Bethski would be it.
  18. And having to do a hit prime time show, and being an author..., and doing commercials and print ads. That with the strenuous Days gig, being a wife and mom, and working out like crazy I'm pretty sure she never slept. Or had clones of herself.
  19. Was awful on Days. Her nickname was Grimace Sue for her one acting choice besides a blank bland empty expression.
  20. They really are best friends. Every interview is them gushing about each other and their twitters and instagrams are full of pics together. Anyhow. No more fucking newbies, every week that crazy bitch Jill adds one.
  21. Possibly a Mac recast. Assuming they give a shit about the Chancellor family or Kay (they don't). So most likely someone connected to Dylan, his best friend Stench, his worthless sister. It occurred to me Heather is never coming back or going to be recasted because this 30 year old cutie supposed to have born before 43 year old Dylan. Losing legacy characters for made up new contrived "legacy" characters.
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