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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. Sincere condolences @Yeah No. Thank you for sharing your father’s story with us, he was obviously a special man and may he rest in peace.
  2. Yeah typical. She’s such a gutless princess who can’t possibly hear the slightest criticism, acknowledge fault or take responsibility. A true blend of the shittiest parts of her parents personalities. I’m going to hell for this comment (and I apologise in advance if it offends anyone) - but I believe there must be a reason Meri was denied more children and with Mariah as an example, then the lord knows best. 😉
  3. The one thing with conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers that I’ve learned in my time in the medical field (and from knowing a few personally) is that they tend to fit a certain profile. They all struggle with the concept of their position in the world somehow, usually feel helpless and lack trust in authority figures. They all lack emotional intelligence and rationale, and usually (in my personal experience) that’s caused by a shitty childhood where they experienced trauma or were let down by either authority figures, or parents. This anti-authority, anti-government attitude is a form of control and self-preservation and just snowballs into adulthood, yet they remain in their childlike emotional state. Being told they should vaccinate for their own good by scientists and medical professionals, brings out that teenage rebellion ‘you can’t control me!’ attitude. Anti-vaxxers usually lack the commitment or intellect to channel that spirited defiance into anything factual, just regurgitate YouTube videos, articles written by other conspirators and call it "research". Kailyn is a perfect case in point 😆 She’s my ‘celebrity’ profile case and I use the word ‘celebrity’ loosely here, because ‘trashy reality show, dumpster-fire thundercunt fame-whore’ is a bit long-winded.
  4. Marty comment is giving me life 🤩 It will be deleted soon enough, or her sycophants will pounce on him, but I’m so glad some people aren’t afraid to call her on her bullshit.
  5. You are so right, I totally misread that! Still don’t like her though and think she’s a spoilt asshole, but I hear your point and do see why she may want to be with family at this time, as we all do. On the other side of the scale, she’s 25 (or whatever she is), engaged and working away independently in a city she’s made home, at what point should you be self-sufficient and resilient enough, to not need to run home to mommy like a privileged brat, potentially putting others at risk? What are the chances stable and responsible Logan & Michele come running home like sludge and pudge? Slim to none.
  6. Yes apologies @kokapetl. Credit to you. Should have acknowledged you when jumping on the Merkel comparison bandwagon. It was a stunning observation. 😉
  7. Aw would ya look at that middle-aged world leader face. Just needed her pantsuit.
  8. So she posted her work advised she needed to self quarantine for a month on the 17th March in Chicago and now at the start of April she’s gallivanting around Flagstaff staying with her family... some social conscience that is. I’d expect nothing more from the entitled princess who didn’t want to pay for her dogs flight so self proclaimed them as ESAs. I didn’t need another reason to be repulsed by her, but there it is anyway.
  9. I’m so glad everyone else is as confused as me, by the weird inappropriateness of her picture and pose, compared with her message content. What is actually wrong with these people? I get she’s 23(ish?) and still immature but c’mon Maddie, time to grow up and face reality. You’re a dull married house mom-of-two, who’s sitting on your doorstep sporting Janelle’s smelly old flats and your dads clip-on man bun, you’re definitely not a happening Miley Cyrus badass, living a rock’n’roll nightclub life 😆 No one is buying that image.
  10. More ‘me me i i’. 🥱 ‘I hurt my back being a selfless carer. The state of the world impacts meeee so much. My poor back injury from taking care of the elderly is now triggered by my emotions. I’m comforted by the fact that everyone is hurting too’... Girl puhleeeze. She is so self indulgent and ridiculous, the apple sure didn’t fall far from the tree with this one. It can never be about anything but herself, even during a world wide global pandemic. 🤦🏼‍♀️ People are DYING Mariah! Because people like you traipse selfishly around. The world doesn’t care about you and your snowflake life implications right now.
  11. I noticed that too. I think it’s supposed to be fog or sky in the tattoo, but definitely looks like more like dirty grime or blocked pores. It’s a tattoo fail for sure, but at least fits with her disheveled unhygienic appearance, so all’s well that ends well.
  12. Oh so just deny Meri’s 8 spirit children the opportunity to have their playset? Now that’s not fair! 😉
  13. Exactly! She’s in the luxurious position of being able to stay home and take care of her babies. I’ve been a working mother and SAHM; both have difficulties and challenges but ultimately you’ll never get those precious moments back and if you are in a lucky position to experience the financial stability to be a SAHM, then don’t go on social media and whinge about how annoying your children are and insinuate your life is so hard! She’s always so negative and ‘poor me’ about what is a privileged position she takes for granted and it grates me a lot!
  14. I’m still left wondering why Maddie bothered having children honestly. All she does is act harassed by them and low-key slag them off on her social media all day at any opportunity, just for doing what children do! She acts exactly like her mother (who admitted she wasn’t maternal and didn’t want to be home with kids) so why have them? Especially so young? Get over yourself Maddie and change your attitude. I’m so over her ingratitude and impatience over having those beautiful babies. Many women struggling with infertility etc would kill to have such a lovely family life.
  15. Meri has the emotional sensibility of a hormonal teenager. She got a pre-evacuation warning not an actual evacuation warning, there was no need to fall to pieces! I like that just as the help had frantically packed up all Mariah’s precious hand painted display plates, she flicked a switch and casually announced she was just going to stay there and have a ’firesale’ (so to classily capitalise on a catastrophe to sell her pyramid scheme polyester)...right... So no real urgency or threat to safety then, after all that tantruming? 🙄 Typical Meri power play move, making sure she’s still a family priority and HBIC she put the panicked call out to the army of supportive family helpers (at a time when other wives also may need help moving) and then unleashes fury on those that arrive to help, instead of showing any gratitude, before revealing when the jobs complete, it’s not actually that urgent after all. I don’t care for any of these people but Meri has to be one of the worst people to be attached with for all eternity.
  16. Sells Lulahellno and is a graphic designer. The very definition of non essential I’d say. I’d be surprised if Audrey went with her in saying that, I would have expected at least three close-up fake smiling selfies by now, if she had accompanied snowflake in running home to be taken care of by mommy.
  17. Let’s hope she manages to fit a shower into her 1950’s housewife routine of ‘crocheting a scarf, bread baking and giving grace’; probably necessary after needlessly traipsing across the virus- ridden country to the bank of Mom 🙄She definitely looks like she could use a good scrub in this pic. FYI Mariah, hot tubs don’t count as a wash especially if it’s your family’s one, sorry.
  18. Only the woke one would read her $60 book in the spa 🙄
  19. Yep definitely Mariah. I’d know that rat-nest hairdo anywhere. Wonder if Auj is there too? I’m just going to call it, these two aren’t ready for marriage if they can’t bunker down together in a pandemic without running home to their banks.
  20. I’m still not sure what the purpose of her posting her mundane home yoga session on social media is. I’m presuming it’s a vanity-project designed to make people want to hire her as a yoga teacher? From the small amount I viewed (and purely as I’m bored in home isolation and need something to snark on) my observations are this: - She needs to find yoga pants that don’t need to be constantly hitched up over her muffin top every five seconds - sloppy and distracting. Also gravity is NOT her poochy tummy’s friend in those plank poses, so some ‘sucky-in’ high rise pants over her ‘cute little uterus’ would definitely help ease the burden, on the poor viewer’s eyes. She should definitely tie her dirty mop hair up before starting, it gives me the heebies looking at her workout, with her long hair flying up all in her mouth and eyes, looking like the girl from ‘the ring’ horror movie - ughh. Finally, I admit, I’ve seldom done yoga, but on the occasion I do complete a home workout on my floor mat, it’s a lot more challenging and to the point, than whatever that flailing sea cow was demonstrating and I’m a decade older with children.
  21. I just want to say a HUGE thank you, for all of you working in thankless ‘essential’ roles at the moment. This kind of unfortunate disaster brings out the worst of humanity and highlights people’s true colors and ignorance. Just know many people DO appreciate you and value you! You are a hero right now, to which the world relies on! This pandemic also highlights which are the REAL important jobs in the world and how woefully underpaid and undervalued many of them are compared to the ‘non-essential’ jobs - the people out working now on the frontline, are the backbone of our society and without them, the world would grind to a halt - the retail workers, the farmers, the truck drivers, the nurses and paramedics; they all deserve much love and appreciation for getting up and facing this head on, while the stock brokers, CEO’s and lawyers of the world can bunker down in safety. I’m going to add teachers that essential list, as in Australia our schools are still not closed and teachers are out there with 500+ children a day, who can’t social distance, don’t have great hygiene and they don’t even have access to hand sanitizer. (I personally value teachers very much as I’ve left work to homeschool my children - woooo boy, are they worth their weight in gold! It’s not easy! 😆) I’m also amazed by the stupidity and values of people during this time! I can’t safely do my job as a cosmetic nurse whilst maintaining appropriate distance (despite our government not introducing specific rules to protect those in our industry), so I decided to do the right thing and close so I can school my children from home (so we won’t be a link in the covid transmission chain), yet still have women phoning and messaging me, complaining and abusing me, as to why I can’t provide them with their usual skin treatments, Botox and filler services! Just pure madness that vanity is some people’s priority in a time like this 🤦🏼‍♀️
  22. Agree she looked pregnant. I’m banking on it being either her or Aspyn. This episode was a bore, I really can’t tolerate anymore self-entitled martyrdom from Robyn. She’s a bore and it was a rehash of last weeks equally boring episode. Personally I’m sooooo excited for next week! The trailer showed Meri unleashing her fury on her family again whilst moving her piles of precious moth-ridden Lulahellno boxes, during the bushfires! *rubs hands together gleefully for some draaaaama* I’ve had enough of passive non-joiner Meri, I need my unhinged unreasonable, psycho-bitch Meri back to snark on again.
  23. That really is a lovely comparison. These people really do have the brain capacity and personalities, you’d expect from the world’s most disliked root vegetable. I’d rather watch this version. .
  24. This reminds me of the episode he turned up to a music studio, dressed like a middle-aged IT consultant to ‘spit some beats’ as fundy rapper and when it became painfully obvious he should definitely stick to being a house husband, he blamed it on not being able to hear himself due to audio being too loud. Sure Bin. 😂 What a cringefest.
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