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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. I’m guessing she’s getting a company kickback (or hoping for one) to promote this bra. Nothing makes a Brown lose their personal convictions and change their opinions, like the offer of a bit of coin. 🙄
  2. What is happening on the wall by the mirror? Is that just wallpaper coming off? filter use gone wrong? a big structural problem? And at least do a quick tidy of the room before you do your promo post, a used washcloth in the sink, an unmade bed, two god-knows-how-old plastic water bottles by the bed, an on display cupboard of junk ...not making me want to buy a thing off her...sheesh these people. Not surprising her house is as dishevelled as she is.
  3. Ahhhh there’s her real torso and hips. Phew, cancel the missing manatee report. You can’t skinny filter a video 😆
  4. ‘Marco Polo with my BFF’?? She has the emotional maturity of a tween girl. It’s pathetic. More insinuating she has a boyfriend for attention, with this whole post and this puke-worthy comment interaction below - it’s obviously her BFF Blair Michael she Marco polo’ed. If they were legitimately friends and not just using each other for various publicity reasons, they’d pick up a phone and chat in private and have no reason to constantly reference each other on social media like teenagers.
  5. Ok just out of teens. My apologies. I had thought both were engaged at 19 as it was referenced on an engagement announcement episode by Janelle that Maddie was a ‘more mature 19’ than Mykankles. So both married in 2016 at 20. Maddie married in June and her pregnancy with Axel was announced in November 2016 (when also turned 21). Mykelti turned 20 June of 2016 and married in December. Either way they were both very young to be married anyway by today’s standards and both gave up a bit of the freedom of their youth and education, which was the point I was making. There’s nothing wrong with being a young mum or having a goal to be married with children. Personally I see the value in making your career and education a priority though too. For me it was important to have the financial ability to support my children adequately, should my spouse suddenly not be in the picture...Divorce and death happens. A man is not a financial plan.
  6. folx! This is just who i am, i just drink all these piping-hot full cream coffees and eat huge calorie-laden brunches with fried things and croissants daily (and pizza’s for a snack). i exercise my mind with books i claim to read, do slow-paced yoga for the camera occasionally and this is just how I look overnight! Plus you’ve seen how thin my mom is. What’s so unbelievable here?
  7. Wax lyrical about your great boots in caption, but then omit these incredible boots from the photo. 🤦🏼‍♀️ This girl is a legit dope. Her hair looks horrendous! She needs to just cut it off and start fresh. I’m sure I read somewhere though, that long hair is godly in some Mormon polygamist sects (FLDS?) - something about being able to wash your husbands feet with it when you get to the celestial planet? 😆Don’t hold me accountable for that info, I have no idea if it’s correct, just read it somewhere! In the third photo she looks exactly like Amber Portwood from Teen Mom and that’s not a person who’s style you’d want to emulate. Like ever.
  8. Heeeelllo skinny filter! She looks as ridiculous and unrealistic as Meri makes herself appear body wise. That’s not your real torso Pudge. Funny, instead filtering her body so much, she should have chosen to work on her face, she could pass for her grandma Bonnie’s twin here.
  9. Meh he’s two years old. Most two year olds don't want to sit still posing and having a camera shoved in their face constantly, just so mummy can use you as a prop for all her followers. It’s not like she does it periodically, you know she’s on her phone constantly snapping and directing him. Poor kid. I have plenty of photos of my toddler where he isn’t happy to be photographed, personally I choose to respect my kid’s feelings at that time and would not post those ones to a world of judgement on social media. Maddie has a choice about how about how her son is portrayed by the masses and she’s throwing him under the bus as a sad, cranky sour child when in reality he’s a probably a normal two year old with lots of feelings he can’t control, who just wants her attention and for her to put the damn phone away.
  10. Too right. To be fair you could actually replace the word ‘eyebrows’ there with any number of words and it would still be a correct statement - ‘This girl is too damn young to have *insert word below here* this tragic in 2020’. *Clothes, hair, grammar, a hubby, style, selfies, make-up, a pyramid scheme, hashtags, education...
  11. Right? Nowhere on the stupid humble -brag ‘I’m so busy and important’ schedule she once posted, was there room for leisurely brunches. What a fraud.
  12. Thanks for your recap! 🥇 It’s gold as always! This paragraph right here summarises everything. I’m a longtime avid watcher of trashy reality shows and also numbed my brain on Flavor of Love (and even Rock of Love) once and I’m still scratching my brain as to why I suffer through these episodes, where not an ounce of real drama occurs? It’s all walls up, passive aggressive loaded comments and secret death stares. I like to see them all be honest and duke it out properly on camera. The best episodes are the ones, where the wives keep-sweet veneer comes off and they have a proper rage at each other - like Meri having an adult tantrum at Mariah’s graduation, or Meri slamming doors and raging about not being able to take king Solomon to Utah, or Meri and her wet bar/big house rental insistence when Janelle thought she wasn’t being financially responsible, or Meri wanting to be in her big house for Christmas or Meri feeling left out of Axel’s birth...so there’s a common denominator here for drama. While I dislike Meri, I need her on this show (and so do they), because I (and others) like to hate watch and her septic out-spoken personality is often the only one that brings some interest to this yawn-fest IMO. Fingers crossed she opens her mouth, gets angry and brings some good old fashioned Meri tantrums to this season soon 🤞🏼
  13. I’m sure they will show it. That’s the dill if you sign up to a reality show and the whole reason why ol’ Mare couldn’t quietly sweep her embarrassing catfish situation under the rug. They want to see the good and especially the bad times and this family sold their souls to the TLC gravy train.
  14. It’s a step up from MLM and would be ideal income as a SAHM I’ll give her that, but the only reason she will have any success hawking clothes, is due to her sycophant fan following from Sister Wives. I can’t really begrudge her capitalising on her platform as at least she’s not pulling innocent people into a pyramid scheme anymore, buuuut it’s still a lazy way to start a clothing business. It just makes me respect Logan (and any other Brown child out there) who’s quietly forging their own private path to separate success and who wouldn’t dream of using their fans to make money.
  15. I feel like Kody definitely struggles internally with it, but it appears his religious beliefs always take a backseat to his desire for money and fame. Financing the lifestyle they’ve all become accustomed too is his main concern; a lesbian wedding is good for ratings and keeping this borefest on air. He can probably negotiate a whole session out of it. It would be incredibly interesting if the cameras weren’t around, how different his acceptance would be...
  16. Yep this irritated me too. Either you’re a victim or you’re a willing participant Meri. I don’t care for Mariah, but she was absolutely correct when she said that Meri wouldn’t take responsibility for the part she played (in what she thought was a love affair), and she should have been held accountable if she didn’t want to be seen as a victim. Old Mare wanted to claim the victim angle though, to absolve herself of blame and so continually referred to how she was duped, but yet didn’t want to be called a victim? Moron. You can’t have it both ways. 🙄 I do think Meri continually dragged it out and brought it up, because she felt (and maybe rightly so) that her drama sustained that season and kept them on the air, so she just wanted to keep reminding her family of her sacrifice.
  17. I may cop flack for this but I’m just going to share my opinion. I know Janelle had big dreams that all of the kids attend college, but truthfully some kids are not motivated enough for it. Janelle herself quit and had kids instead and her sister wives never even went, so that’s Maddie’s example right there. Maddie and Mykelti both married young, are not motivated to achieve and they are both drifters. If you really want to better yourself and achieve a career, than you’ll do what it takes to get there which takes work, focus and sacrifice. They both had the opportunity and financial means to attend college, but lacked the drive (and possibly intelligence) to continue. Maddie was married and pregnant in her teens and that’s perfectly ok if you don’t have ambition for yourself, but if you do obviously it’s best to delay a family. While it’s not impossible for her to go back to college later and carve a career for herself, it’s unlikely logistically and statistically that she will. Mykelti as well married as a teen and just gave up because ‘college is hard’ (direct quote). Then she ‘quite her job’ (another quote), to be involved in multiple pyramid schemes which are certainly not a viable source of income for your average person in MLM, however she’s lucky enough to have the backing of her fan base to reach far and wide to scam into her downline and buy her rags. I guess we can be grateful as Tony presumingly has the smarts to delay breeding until they are financially stable/ finished living their selfish youth. Luck, grifting from the government, relying on another’s wage as a SAHM and entering scammy businesses is the Brown financial plan, so I‘ll definitely respect any of these kids that do manage to graduate and enter genuine careers to further themselves as people, without TLC or relying on fans to help - go Logan!
  18. Loving Kody’s clueless ramblings of ‘I really don’t know why Robyn’s house (aka his house) sold first when Christine and Janelle have been on the market 6 months’ Ugh yes you do. Could have something to do with the fact it was listed with an actual agent not a disinterested amateur like Janelle. Well that AND it also had a monster backyard with proper grass (not tumble weed like the other wives), a train-station sized pergola for entertaining and the interior fixtures weren’t beat into oblivion like Christine and Janelle’s. I really can’t remember anything else from this episode. Mariah’s announcement? - 🥱 yeah TLC it happened like 2 years ago, we know. How long are we going to beat the dead horse drama of the one house? If this is all we have to sustain a season it’s scraping the barrel even for the Browns. The words ‘one house’ is the new ‘Catfish’, we should all take a drink every time it’s uttered, it would make this show much more interesting if nothing else. 🤷‍♀️
  19. I get the impression Meri doesn’t have true friends, Meri’s motive in friendship is not companionship, but usefulness - how does this person benefit me? Robyn was befriended with hopes of forming an alliance against her other sister wives and favouring herself with Kody for ‘acquiring’ his new trophy wife. She then used her as mediator between herself and Kody to manipulate him to agree to her wishes and wants, being as Robyn was then the obvious favored HBIC. We saw in previous late seasons how Christine and Robyn had formed an alliance now during the catfishing instead, so she’s no longer of use to Meri and that friendship appears over. ‘Sam’ allegedly began with her trying to pull him into their green goo pyramid scheme, (probably again to favor herself with Kody as that’s really always her motivation - to gain an upper hand on those other wives), but then she thought maybe he could rescue her from her bleak sisterwife situation like a white knight. Cheryl the next ‘friend’ we saw, was simply a lady she could use publicly to verify her victim status in the catfishing. As Cheryl was also duped by Sam, Meri could try to validate herself as innocent and absolve herself of her part in it to her family and the public, by saying ‘see it happened to her too! Not my fault!’ I bet Meri dropped her like a hot potato when the cameras turned off and she’d served her purpose. Most subsequent friendships appear connected to the cult-like MLMS and so will dissolve the minute someone leaves or moves up the pyramid. No wonder she’s lonely, her life is one big game of faux relationships.
  20. Yes he’s apparently gay and coupled up, but she likes to milk her bff relationship with him on social media to the point of insinuating there’s more to it. His benefit from that weirdness, is obviously the business she throws his way in the form of her fans, who are there to be used and bled dry. 💰
  21. That post is confirmation to me this Blair Michael is using Meri for her D-list celebrity connection, naming her constantly to draw her following to his own business. Meri in turn is using him as her ‘BFF that she is just soooo close with’, to try to make her sister wives and Kody jealous and also as her pretend boyfriend, to make the public think other men are interested in her.
  22. I feel the same way about witnessing these mundane workouts and cooking sessions on social media... Who are these weirdos that want to witness a half-naked and chubby manatee, floundering around her living room with her filthy yoga mat and hairy pits? I sure as shit don’t and if really felt the inclination, I’d just record myself and watch it back, because at least I take a shower daily and wash my mat. The same as her cooking. I do that at least once a day snowflake, in my own kitchen. It’s not interesting, or special. You’re not making an exciting recipe and you are not a professional chef, therefore it is not content worthy of posting to masses. It’s just sad, as obviously there ARE people out there who are desperate to fawn over any scrap of content these narcissistic D-listers throw out, and that makes it easy to keep the lazy Brown’s scamming money from their fan base, in the form of MLM/influencing/wellness blogging, which ultimately prevents them having to get real jobs like they should.
  23. Really Blair Michael? You think it ‘shows how much she enjoys her business and sharing happiness with her fans’? This guy is either as delusional as she is, on her payroll or riding her coattails for his own business success. ACTUALLY, it shows how desperate she is to capitalise on her fame, by hawking her pyramid scheme to unsuspecting fans to ultimately try to scam them into her downline, so she can lord her ill-gotten gains over Kody and her sister wives when the shows over. It actually shows what an asshole of a person she is that she’s happy to scam money from innocents that love and trust her due to her TV show, all due to a desire to stick it to Kody and her sister wives. ‘Sharing happiness with her fans’ phhfffttt!! 😂
  24. Kody’s mentioned more than once that Janelle is ‘easy’ and romance is awkward with her, so he definitely sees her as a buddy. She’s not needy and she just bottles up and eats her emotions, which Kody loves, as it’s one less wife’s pesky emotions he has to deal with. I think she knew she wanted kids but was too apathetic to have a full time husband and wanted a sister wife to raise her kids for her, so polygamy works for her. Kody married her because at that time he already had a ‘sex wife’ with Meri (they used to call each other ‘lover’ and be all over each other in the early days based on extracts of the book) and what he needed was a practical workhorse to bring in some money and pop out some kids that Meri wasn’t delivering. Plus she was there, willing and he really needed that second to enter polygamy. Kody’s admitted he didn’t find Christine attractive and it’s clear he married her because she had the power to elevate him within his church, due to her family founding it. Plus she was blatantly throwing herself at him and he knew he needed more kids and a third wife (as three’s the magic number wife for their afterlife planet) so she was in. Christine (and later Meri) are clearly the least fave wives and the ones that give him trouble, due to their desires for a normal monogamist experience of having an emotionally available husband. They want to have someone fulfil their emotional needs and shower them with romance, attention and adoration and Kody’s not that guy. Kody is only in love with Kody (and possibly Robyn). He doesn’t like that they continuously hold him accountable as a husband. Robyn was favored simply due to her position and young age, she came lithe, limber, sweet and fresh-faced after he’d been bored with three plump bitching housewives for 20 years, she could have been her total bitch self from the outset and he’d still have been enamoured, but she needed to stealth her way in to her sister wives lives as well in order to cement her place in the family and therefore the show. Now that she’s comfortably HBIC, financially secure and still in favored last position, she’s free to be the crotchety nasty shrew she always was, underneath that sweet-talking patient and peacemaker persona. I hate myself for it, but I just find these boring idiots endlessly fascinating and ironically, it’s for what they don’t show us or talk about 😆
  25. Isn’t this a kitchen circled? Meri’s has a staircase so must have multiple storeys so she’d have more space as they all would. They all seem so entitled now and with the exception of Janelle, seem to prefer monogamy. They would have jumped on this house in the Utah days. Far be it from me to defend Kody’s plan though, I still think he’s a moron! 😆
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