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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. Not sure where this belongs but as @AZChristian and @Kohola3 I think suggested in the Mariah thread, some of these thread titles could use an update. Here are my picks for the ones that need an update (just for fun but seriously can we make this happen?) :- Meri Brown - Dethroned catfished queen living the pyramid scheme dream Robyn Brown - She’s got the man by the balls and the certificate to prove it Janelle Brown- She’s only mildly smarter than your average Brown, with way worse gastrointestinal issues Mariah Brown - Faux activist extraordinarie, she’s woke, she’s queer and she doesn’t wash her hair Mykelti - Taco belle who ‘quite her job’ to be an ‘entrepreneur’ Maddie Brush - College dropout, teen bride, and proud mom of two questionably-named crotch goblins Join in!
  2. Agree. I read Clan of the Cave Bear as a teen and I really got into the series but don’t think I could even read the last one despite trying. At least I didn’t have to wait 20 years for it though as they were already published 😆 #youngCOL
  3. I vote ‘woke even with her eyes scrunched up’ 😆 Mariah Brown and her queer white sneakers. Mariah Brown - i’m a womxn with two expensive college degrees yet i still can’t capitalise or spell words. Mariah Brown: She’s woke, she’s queer, and she has greasy hair.
  4. While I don’t doubt Auj has some genuine talent and I do admire she’s actually trying to launch a legitimate career (as opposed to her unmentioned shitty side hustle pyramid scheme), I think her whole identity is way too wrapped up in Mariah. I know she has to start her career somewhere, but looks to me like ‘Mariah’s vanity project’ is the basis of most of her website offerings as she features heavily throughout. I would like to see Auj stand on her own as an individual more. Do you think Auj is featured at all on Mariah’s website? Heck no. Mariah doesn’t need her. I want to like Audrey, but she does come across looking a bit like an aimless unconfident puppy dog, following around and riding the coat tails of her narcissistic master Mariah.
  5. elegant /ˈɛlɪɡ(ə)nt/ adjective meaning graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. Both Meri and Lulahellno need to look up the definition of elegant. They do not embody it AT ALL. The only thingk they’ve ‘knocked out of the park’ is the misappropriation of a perfectly nice word. Meri’s shoes ARE hideous (as is tradition), but I’ll give her points on this occasion for at least losing her 80’s scrunch hair - it looks so much better this neat, natural way.
  6. I’d imagine the rest of the garment went to re-upholstering someone’s chair. Obviously not Janelle’s.
  7. Yawn. More recycled egotistical yoga pictures of her royal wokeness, combined with the plagiarised bandwagon ideology, from the latest woke cause. Get some new material already Mariah the Messiah, you’re getting stale and predictable.
  8. Looks to me like Meri’s ‘edgy’ old commitment ceremony dress didn’t go to waste and was able to up-cycled in to a more appropriate garment for her fellow sister wife. I think that’s nice...
  9. Reply from Meri to comment on her post. Yeah sure Jan, that’s why 99.9% of people entering MLM fail, they don’t ‘#hustle’ enough. 🙄 It’s all the participants fault, nothing to do with the flawed business structure that makes it actually mathematically impossible for the majority of normal participants to make money from them (unless they have a public profile or got in very early)...she is so out of touch and disillusional if she thinks she’s just successful because she ‘#hustles’ more than others - it actually disgusts me.
  10. I was trying to think of why Meri would be so enthralled by this look and I think I get it... 1. She’s only subjecting innocent bystanders to just the one ugly patterned garment head to toe. Hard to do the traditional tacky LuLaNo pattern mixing in a jumpsuit; so there’s less backlash from the ‘pesky haters’ about it not matching . 2. Caleb would be definitely approve, I’d bet she’d be his favourite bonus mother-in-law when he sees this outfit, (which would piss off Janelle so double win!) 3. Ok Halloween has already been, but she’s all sorted for next year with just minimal accessories (just add one of Kodouches many firearms and an army adult bonus son’s cap and Robert’s your father’s brother) 4. If she needs a quick place to hide from the annoying bonus children she doesn’t want to help raise, she can simply go stand in the Flagstaff backyard
  11. Worked for a private surgeon before and I can sadly say I was subjected to a onesie jumpsuit thing similar as a uniform. Looked like a mechanic or like I was about to jump out of a plane. It actually does happen! 😆
  12. No and I agree with you. I never said we learned anything about polygamy (particularly the religious aspect), I just said we got some truthful glimpses and insight to reality of their lifestyle intially. The jealousy, the hierarchy, the wedding dress storm out etc, there was real truthful conversations and emotions on display. Last season it’s like they’ve realised how it was all being portrayed and seemed to close ranks, gloss over and avoid having more of the truthful talking head conversations and confrontation on camera; it became more about boring cake tasting filler and fluff.
  13. Yes thank you for expressing that! I feel this too and completely agree, that’s the point where the show lost the small amounts of reality and polygamy insight we were shown in beginning and became instantly about more superficial fluff. The family closed ranks and started producing filtered and manufactured TV, after the catfishing and divorce shuffle; Shit got real with the backlash and no viewers were buying the plyg paradise dream anymore. They obviously had to come together and figure out how to still sell the lifestyle, when it was clearly imploding around them - So we see the whitewashed ‘Meri’s a faultless victim’ in the catfishing saga, all the speaking in riddles conversations after Axel’s birth and b&b, no one addressing or going deep on the real issues even though the extreme tension is clearly there. You can see the calculated way they dance around the truth and skip having revealing conversations. They know if they bare too much truth, it’s acknowledging the sham; that they are together purely for the TLC paycheck and this lifestyle most definitely doesn’t ‘make each of us better’ as the opening credits claim.
  14. Ugh. Any celebrity promoting any MLM as a dream career path, is an appalling, shameless and classless human. In the MLM game, network and reach power is everything; up on her pedestal she can cast her net wide and reel in those sucker fans. It’s not an even playing field; she will always be successful because of who she is, but the reality is, 99.9% of others won’t. She’s preying on her innocent following, coaxing them into a scheme they are destined to fail in, just to make herself wealthy. Total abuse of her power; she is literally ruining unsuspecting sycophant fan lives for her own gain and the wench knows it. I literally can not stand this family and their shameless grifting ways. Pull the plug already TLC; off to obscurity with them!
  15. Agree, it just prematurely ages her. She looks 33 or older, not 23. All the M initialled Brown girls with that unnatural and harsh mahogany box dye hair, look a decade older than they actually are. It’s especially unattractive when they can’t even keep up with the regrowth. Best easy care hair tip for a soon to be new mum - go back to your natural colour for the first few years as you probably are not going to have time to maintain your dye job. Don’t know what Mariah’s excuse is.
  16. So if I were you, I’d ask your waxer or beauty therapist to create more of an arch. You have plenty of brows and a natural arch point and this should be simple for a professional to achieve. She is not giving you a nice shape based on this photo. I’ve attached a photo showing all the areas in red a waxer could be attending too, in order to create an arch Microblading will help you create this also, so definitely something to try. You need more brows in glabella area (the middle - which you mentioned you were trying to grow in?) If they don’t grow in there for whatever reason I would recommend you get microblading, your brow point should start in line with your nose if you hold a thin pencil up from your nostril. Also microblading can help you achieve better definition on top of your natural brow and arch where it’s slightly sparse. I’ve attached my scribbly pictures so you can see what I mean here, (sorry they are dreadful as I’m just using my fat finger to doctor the picture on my phone to hopefully try and show you what could be done 😆) Good luck! Keep us posted.
  17. Which is exactly what she’s seeking from her so called ‘platform’ (like the arrogant narcissist she is). It’s all about validation, attention and praise from her fans... ‘Look at my deep thoughts here, did I mention I have two degrees? I’m so wise, academic and woke! Immerse yourself in my woke musings, while simultaneously gazing at my artistic selfie/album cover! Bask in my celebrity glow, see I’m special, nonchalant, cool and untouchable. Look at my queer white sneakers as I pose, aren’t I so iconic?...’ That’s what I see and I can’t take her seriously, as these posts are obviously insincere and crafted to promote herself. She cares nought for other people or causes, except to raise her own profile. It’s painful that fans continue to blow smoke up her ass with exactly the reaction she’s seeking, when she has done nothing I’ve seen of value to deserve praise. Off my lawn with you.
  18. This is a post I came across on Facebook that may interest some people, it’s a book from Christine’s Aunt Kristyn, who has appeared earlier seasons vehemently opposing polygamy (most notably the episode at university debate where Christine dramatically hid from her in the bathroom with all her sister wives 😆). Looks like she’s giving away her book for free if anyone’s interested? I’m sure it would be an insightful read.
  19. Don’t forget when king Sol was born and she created a shrine of clothes and gear for him in her house and then outrightly admitted on camera, she was way more excited for his imminent arrival then any other baby. Obviously she picks and chooses her relationships with the kids, purely based on her opinions of their biological mothers only. I’d expect nothing less from ol’ Mare who has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old, as opposed to Christine who obviously genuinely loves all the children as individuals regardless of parentage. As if we needed anymore proof, but ol’ Mare definitely ain’t cut out for polygamy.
  20. Wow right? What a blatant display of favouritism straight from the ol’ Mare’s mouth. You wouldn’t want to read that from your aunt, let alone your bonus mother whom supposedly is in your immediate family. Ugh she is awful.
  21. So she has one hand on her coffee (that isn’t even in a travel mug 🙄) and one hand on her phone taking a picture. Let’s hope she’s parked and not actually driving. What is the actual point of this update, except to declare yourself a careless moron? Don’t know the rules in the US, but in Australia, it’s illegal to use your phone or to eat or drink while driving, (even just sitting with your car running). She’d be fined if a cop having a bad day saw her do that here especially if she’s driving.
  22. Daaayum. Please share your narcotics with me? You must have the good gear! 😆 I just see another Lularag top that looks like a wetsuit. Sleeves are too short, material cheap and flimsy, with stupid gimmicky paw print motif only suitable for toddlers and her hair resembles a Halloween wig. Don’t even get me started on her lame poses and facials. She’s looking good health and weight wise I’ll give her that (and that only 😉).
  23. Exactly. While I appreciate the sentiment of her post and it’s all true, I’d be banging my head against a brick wall, if I was a teacher reading that uncapitalised mess. At least have the respect to try and use grammar, when posting a tribute to the very people that teach it! 🤯 I guess we should be grateful she managed not to include a narcissistic selfie with the tribute post.
  24. That Instagram post is load of pompous condescending drivel. This muppet up on her soapbox, sure rates herself highly for one who has done and seen so very little in this world yet - Mariah the queer messiah, speaking her all-knowing truth and educating uninformed plebs. And what better picture to use alongside the serious topics of racism, equality and bigotry; then a narcissistic shot of Miss white-privilege-personified herself, in her $200+ Lululemon yoga gear, with her butt in the air, while everyone else is busy working and contributing to society? Just another way for this narcissist to jump on a bandwagon and make it about her, gaining praise from sycophants by any means possible - ‘Oh you’re so wise, oh you’re so flexible etc etc..’
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