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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. How old is Axel? Lose the dummy already! I’ve literally never seen a pic of him without it. He doesn’t have a sucking reflex anymore, so he’s now building a reliance on it as a comfort association which will only make it even harder to ditch later on. Sure maybe he’ll be upset briefly, but at least he’ll have no dental issues and be able speak and self soothe correctly in the future.
  2. The only trend my fed-up inner COL hates more than ridiculous giant bows on baby girls, is these pretentious, fake, hipster glasses that woke folx wear, purely to appear more intellectual and interesting than they are. What’s the bet both of those pairs are clear glass and not prescription? Get off my lawn you frauds.
  3. That’s what she’s doing on a Friday? I thought the ‘busy-jam packed & intense’ schedule didn’t allow for that on a Friday? Must be a ‘cute little uterus’ registered day off. Again, good luck in the real world with a real employer Mariah, if your idea of ‘busy’ means swanning around coffee shops.
  4. This is amazing and I aspire to be a grandma like you one day 😆 Second this!
  5. Funny you should mention this, her head DID look conical to me today! 🤔 she’s 7 weeks old and is in a headband EVERY day all day. Funnily enough this mother is the opposite of a girly girl herself, I think she’s just completely caught up in having a much wanted girl child and this showy big bow trend, that she thinks she needs to do it. I just find it bizarre in this day and age, with all the woke pronouns available, that we appear to be going backwards with excessively gender stereotyping little girls with accessories they don’t require or even have a say in yet. Is there a happy medium here? 😉
  6. Sadly no, I know a friend of mine has a baby girl who is wearing them constantly, - while sleeping, in car seats, pram, all the time. Not my business or place to comment obviously (as like you say to each their own), but I’ve had to bite my tongue so much it nearly bleeds when I hang out with them, as I think they’re fricken ridiculous, sexist, stupid, simpering and unnecessary AF! Ahhh ok it’s off my chest, that feels better. 😊
  7. This trend of imposing big stupid bows on little baby girl’s heads needs to die already. They look ridiculous, annoying for the child, unnecessary and are probably a safety hazard, just let her be a fricken baby! Babies are cute just as they are. She’s a not a doll or a damn Christmas tree. - Signed a COL who’s completely over this millennial trend bullcrap.
  8. Apologies in advance for any blasphemy (and god rest Lizzie’s soul)... But if she was half as good at getting her own way as old Mare is, then that story is pretty believable. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear, that after single-handedly ceasing the wreaking ball to the church, she held the demolition contractors to ransom, demanding they install expensive french doors to the rear and a wet bar at the altar, at the expense the rest of the congregation.
  9. No defence for that job from me. That therapist has chosen wrong color for her and left tint on too long, she’s made way too block like and taken far too much tint over the skin and outside the natural browline. Yes it stains the skin but it’s not meant to stain it THAT far over her natural brow line. Multitude of fundamental errors. This is a cowboy tint job.
  10. Story from Christine on Instagram, she says she had some free time so she went to get her eyebrows dyed. Sweet baby Jesus. This has got to be a joke? What professional beauty therapist would actually do this to a client? They are wrong on all levels, beyond terrible, I’m laughing so hard I’m crying 😂
  11. Boo-fucking-hoo Mariah. I left home today at 6am, after starting my day at 4am (after being woken twice in the night by my toddler), dropped kids at daycare, long commute, finished work at 5pm, another long commute, picked my kids up after 6, then home to feed them, bathe them, read to them, make lunches for tomorrow, put them to bed, it’s now 9.30pm and I’m just sitting for the first time in hours by myself to scoff down dinner while reading this thread before doing necessary housework and repeating it all again tomorrow. Enjoy lounging with your feet up complaining about how long YOUR fancy free childless student day is, you clueless moron 😆 I sincerely hope this post doesn’t come across as ‘poor me’, she just needs a serious reality check if a few 12 hour days of life is worth a ‘I work so hard’ post. I was pulling 12 hour shifts even as a teenage checkout chick and then studying after as well once 🙄 This is a completely normal day for many working or studying people, (especially parents), most of the world is in the same boat, or much worse off than you, when it comes to being busy. Welcome to reality special snowflake.
  12. I’d say he’s got a gene in there for sure! Maybe that’s why he’s always got a goatee, to cover it. The only other Brown kid that’s inflicted with a ‘bum’ chin I think is Mariah? She got a double dose of the cleft chin gene from Meri as well.
  13. Yeah seems to me like she got comped or at least heavily discounted for a shout-out to the store. She had an Instagram story featuring a HUGE amount of stuff they got from the store and she was going through it all like an infomercial. Not a good cause, just another Brown grifting session. Comment from store on post:
  14. Yeah there a few different styles or ways to wrap them. This style below is likely the one she has. I found these really helpful with my second child as you need to be more hands free on and on the go and they are comfy and snuggly for a newborn baby who just wants to be near you.
  15. Wait. She wore this to a wedding? Did she even like the couple getting married? It looks like a T-shirt. A T-shirt that looks like bad kitchen floor linoleum or a Dutch souvenir plate.
  16. Yep I see what you mean, so baby’s head is facing towards her and tilted upwards and I’d say the lump on the top of the head is normal, it’s just the from the skull plates being separated either side of the fontanel (the normal soft tissue in middle of a newborns head). Until the skull bones fuse together properly about a year in all babies have it, but yeah it does look freaky here!
  17. It looks like a fabric baby carrier or baby sling so you can be hands free and get stuff done (or take selfies like Maddie 🙄 ) they’re often used for discreet nursing as well. Not trying to mum shame her, but you probably shouldn’t use them until the baby about 6 weeks and can hold it’s head up somewhat so they don’t slump over and suffocate in your chest (It’s happened before ☹️) The baby’s head is also supposed to be with kissing range.
  18. 🐸 Ribbett. (Sorry I’m knowlingly being unkind with the frog reference here but it’s true, she’s all Janelle. I don’t believe the Brown genes got a look in at all).
  19. I have a theory she must have a long haul flight coming up and she’s building the groundwork with fans for the dogs to look like legitimised ESA. 🙄 Don’t get me wrong anxiety and depression are terrible and debilitating at times, (I know personally), but be a responsible adult, seek help immediately and get it together to ship a few orders out occasionally. What is with these two and their entitlement to check out of real life for months for their mental health? *Bali*cough. Yeah she’d never leave I think. Without Mariah she wouldn’t have a ‘business’. They capitalise on the show’s fame (and public eye gay relationship) exactly like Meri to climb the pyramid.
  20. Holy damn. Teach me to get my hopes up about her outfit being nice in original post. Of course she was going to sabotage herself and revert to toddlerhood the very next post. Most of this family seem so emotionally stunted at a teenage level and attention starved. I wonder why that would be given there’s a husband with 4 wives and 19 kids...oh wait...
  21. Knowing how to spell your fiancées abbreviated name (that you probably call her constantly) spelt the way she likes it is probably something you should know. But then we’re talking about Mariah, and she's so self absorbed I’m not not surprised at all.
  22. After a few months hiatus they are back in business. I was hoping they both came to their senses and left, but no. Extremely long explanation letter below- (I have cut out a chunk of repetitive waffle) :- ‘Hello everyone ♥️ This message is long long long overdue and I can’t begin to apologize enough. I am about to be SUPER transparent with ya’ll right now because that’s what you deserve so please be kind and bear with me. (Not that any of you wouldn’t, because our group is pretty much one of the most accepting out there!) “Remember to fill your cup first, you can’t pour from an empty cup” Over the past year, I have seriously LOVED my “job” selling LuLaRoe. I loved my work so much and never felt like I was really working, so it was easy to sort of let if take over my life. I hadn’t realized I wasn’t doing everything I needed to do to take care of myself mentally and physically. As many of you know my depression during the winter months last year was really bad and really affected me. Instead of seeking help from a professional, I thought I could handle it on my own. I didn’t do a great job, I was just covering it up with work, life and all the truly WONDERFUL things in this life happening! Between overworking myself and moving away from all I’ve ever really known and all my friends in Utah, I was in bad mental shape. We always talk about work/life balance and I had honestly thought I was taking care of myself but I haven’t been and my mental health took a huge toll. So I had taken these summer months off to try and refocus and take care of myself and enjoy the beauty Chicago has to offer during the summer as well as find some professional help to better help me cope with my severe depression and anxiety. I’m still working on it but I’m making some great progress. These past months have been good but they have helped me realize that I need to take care of myself and create a work/life balance that is healthy and sustainable for me. It also made me realize how much I just flat out MISSED you guys. I have had a REALLY hard time trying to find the words to tell you all and I felt terribly (and a lot of shame from myself) for not being upfront and saying something sooner. I let y’all down. Sometimes, depression makes us do things we know aren’t great, or don’t really make sense, so I apologize for poor customer service, communication and transparency these past few months. I’m sorry I couldn’t bring myself to say something until now. So in conclusion, we are STILL here, we are STILL selling LuLa but we are scaling it down. I have been trying to get in the past few launches without any luck but that’s okay!!because there’s so much great stuff here and more coming! And now we have SO much amazing-ness to catch up on! I hope you still stick around and can forgive me for the unanswered messages, posts and time taken to ship from the website. I can’t begin to explain how badly I feel about it. Thank you all for caring and checking in to make sure we are okay, it means the world that you all care about us so much... ...Also, Mariah is the greatest person on this planet and I can’t thank her enough for ALL the support she has given me through this hard time. Thanks Rainbow Fam, we’ll be seeing you soon ♥️We have a LOT to catch up on! Love, Auj As a little thank you to everyone out there and for anyone who just needs it in their life, I will be writing everyone who makes a purchase from now until Sunday night a little handwritten confidence/empowering themed note!’
  23. It’s mutual love 😘 maybe I need to sign up to Lulahellno so I can flounce about travelling everywhere #livingmywhy, and come take selfies with you my BFF (or preferably any male in your household)?#damnlegitimatejob #wouldmissmyfamilyunlikesome #becauseIcannot #bottomofthepyramidtoopoor #onlyTVstarsprofit
  24. Yeah I agree with you it’s used awkwardly and like she meant to use possibly. She was ‘passably’ feeling the heat there while typing, knowing she’s a lying liar who lies and that’s why she mixed them up. 🤥
  25. Thank you! as soon as I asked that remembered which one it was and that she left it with another mod in ‘13 and started fresh. Was always a great read, I miss her recaps and the interesting Plyg insight 😃 I wish we could drag her out of (seemingly) sister wives retirement, but do I totally understand if she’s had enough of these asshats.
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