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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. Thank you. I just love your posts. You nail it everytime. I read along nodding and exclaiming ‘YES! Exactly! Couldn’t agree more!’ 😆 100%. As a youngish COL in my thirties I can attest to the fact that it is most definitely immature humble-bragging (which I’ve witnessed in many of my peers since the birth of social media around 2005). If you are not a narcissist and your life is fulfilled and happy and you are secure in yourself (and that fact you are loved by people), you will not feel the need to seek validation and likes from strangers on the internet (besides passing on information and updating friends and family on genuinely exciting or important events). I believe Meri is most definitely unhappy in her personal life to want to share such a filtered and calculated version of herself constantly on social media for validation. Well there’s that and she wants to pull people into her pyramid scheme. I truly believe, now it has become widespread mainstream communication and some people continue to update unwilling participants in every detail of their mundane lives, we will (and are) now seeing a backlash against it. People are overloaded with Instagram & stories, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc etc and are just over it. The likes and reaction counters have been removed and the people seeking validation and importance have had this aspect taken away somewhat. It could be a coming of age thing also, but basically NONE of my friends in thirties now use social media besides for advertising purposes or genuinely exciting updates.
  2. Hey @laurakaye you’re not alone! It’s a common complaint in us women who laid in the sun and solariums in our youth and are now paying for it 😞 The décolletage, chest and neck is thinner than facial skin with less oil glands, so it can be harder to see results on than our facial skin with products and treatments. Many good active facial ingredients like retinol, or treatments like chemical peels which work well, are just not suitable for this delicate area unfortunately. In terms of home care, I would look into a good quality targeted neck/décolletage cream for that specific area. Make sure you are using sunscreen always to prevent further damage. Simple things like using silicone décolletage protectors (google is your friend 😉) and sleeping on your back at night, may also help improve skin tone and prevent further damage. Laser treatments may be able to help slightly improve skin tone, pigmentation and fine lines, but usually once the skin is sagging significantly, it means the underlying structure is lax and your only options that will greatly improve appearance are surgical, (like having a neck lift or facelift or fat grafting).
  3. You ladies above nailed it. She’s ridiculous! It’s seems like her whole life’s mission, is to try and make her sister wives (and Kody) envious, with her carefree and kid-free ‘party’ persona - ‘look at me with my bff’s! I’m a rebellious, travellin’ wild party animal, having soooo much fun!!’...if only she realised she just comes across looking like a lame, try-hard trying to appear young and relevant, as she desperately clutches on to randoms to fulfil her emotional needs and to try to portray herself as cooler than the other wives. It’s just sad and embarrassing.
  4. Not at all. All I’m trying to convey, is you have the ability to slow the process of facial ageing (in particular premature ageing) if you want to. Just depends on your own personal priorities and choice.
  5. Perfectly reasonable and professional way to run a ‘business‘ page right here 🙄 Take notes all entrepreneurs. I wonder why she’s in Facebook jail? Probably because it’s a scammy pyramid scheme page that someone reported as spam... (Ah well, one can dream anyway 😆)
  6. Below are the best proven active ingredients, to look for in your skin care products (which are all fully backed by science). Zinc oxide, (anti-inflammatory, best physical sunscreen blocks UVA and B rays without irritation) - look for in a day cream. 3-0-ethyl asorbic acid (vitamin c - helps protect skin cells against UV-induced oxidative & free radical damage) - look for in day cream/serum Hyaluronic acid or Squalane (skin smoothing plumping/ moisture)- look for in day or night cream/serum Niacinamide (vitamin B) multi-tasker for pigmentation/ageing/acne - look for in day or night cream/serum Mandelic/glycolic/lactic acid (AHAs) improve skin cell turnover for aging skin - look for in an exfoliator/cleanser or possibly day/night cream/serum. Retinol (vitamin a) multi-tasker for ageing/pigmentation/acne - look for in a night serum/cream.
  7. Oh you’re so welcome. Yes definitely a genetic component with needing upper blepharoplasty and yes it definitely should be covered by Medicare if your eyelid obstructs your vision to a certain degree. A nice simple day surgery 😊 good luck with it.
  8. If a line is present at rest, (when you have a neutral expression), it is not going to improve with Botox, as all Botox does is immobilise the muscle that moves the face (which over time creates the lines). The ‘eleven lines’ you’re talking about may soften a little, but Botox won’t erase them if they are already etched. A combination of options like Botox and dermal fillers perhaps may work if appropriate (fillers like Bellafill or Radiesse, Restylane Lyft or Juvederm Ultra XC all last about 5 years). In Australia as an RN, I can inject these under the guidance of a surgeon, who only needs to consult with the patient and approve the dosage, but I’m not sure of the regulations in America. If the lines were a big dill to you, then make an appointment with a plastic surgeon and consult with them about the options available, but otherwise remember my favourite quote - ‘wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been. If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old’ - 🖤 john kenneth galbraith
  9. The only interesting thing in this picture to me is showing the genetics at play with the horizontal forehead wrinkle. Mykelti is already exhibiting it at 23, she’ll age just like Christine, (but worse, as she has Kodouch’s beady little eyes and heavy eyelids as well to contend with also). For anyone interested (and I know it may be a horrifying and confronting thought for some as she’s so young), but from a clinical perspective, now would be the best time to start a preventative Botox regime for Mykelti, to prevent that muscle from creating that wrinkle permanently, like on Christine. (It’s too late for Christine her lines are etched forever). I started having Botox at 29 years old for preventative measure (as I’m in the cosmetic industry) and that is actually how it is designed to be used, if the muscles don’t move unnecessarily over time, they don’t create the permanent lines...)
  10. That is not a face that has ever seen a muscle relaxant I can assure you! 😆 The biggest muscle of the face is the glabella in the forehead and between eyes, which is where her biggest issue is (and where she’s clearly not had treatment on), by injecting Botox into the glabella to treat forehead lines, the bunny lines in nose may seem more obvious, but you can also inject into the nasalis muscle and put a few units there to counteract bunny lines. It’s much too late for poor Christine for injectables to help much, she‘d need to find a plastic surgeon for a brow lift and blepharoplasty now or ask Meri for her face-smoothing photo filter recommendations. 😆 I think her premature face sag is mainly due to lost weight in the face and genetics -(her mother Annie looked the same a few years back on the show at an early age). It’s also likely she’s never been diligent on taking care of her skin in the sun either, and I’m sure she’s not been able to afford good skincare while living on those food stamps 😉 Luckily, I get the feeling she’s the type of happy personality who is very secure in herself and probably not bothered by her facial wrinkles much (unlike some of her much vainer sister wives -*cough Meri! cough* Robyn! cough*)
  11. I think it would be incredibly difficult to armchair diagnose him as being on the spectrum at this age, especially given we only see a snapshot of his life. I think he looks like a fairly normal toddler boy, they have big feelings they can’t control at that age and rage tantrums are not out of the realm of normal in my experience - they can struggle to learn how to control emotions, it’s just developmental. May just be personality too, my younger brother was very definitely a difficult strong-willed and rage-filled, tantrum thrower toddler, but is a normal well-adjusted and mannered young adult now. My eldest son had epic fits and meltdowns (and isn’t on the spectrum) and with active parenting learnt we don’t behave that way by 4 or 5. I think Axel’s main issue is he was an idolised only grandchild and he’s had another steal his thunder that has special needs, so he’s out for attention, combined with the fact Maddie appears incapable of dealing with his tantrum behaviour effectively, by setting boundaries and following through on them (the giving back of the pacifier after the tantrum instead of riding it out - all he learns from this? I scream long and loud enough they give it back- excellent I’ll repeat this behaviour!)
  12. Two days apart. What a transformation. That right jean thigh though! 😂 Mykankles, If you are going to alter your pics at least make it realistic and believable, c’mon!
  13. Oh MAN! I’m with you Sandy 😂 I always worry my American COL’s must think I’m terrible at spelling and or am making typos, as being Australian we use British English and there’s many differences! I do try to use American English with words like Mom (instead of mum like I’d normally write), if I remember when posting here, but mostly I just forget as it’s so ingrained! Forgive me American COLs, I’m not spelling like Mykelti, I promise. There’s the -or/-our differences such as British spelling of colour, humour, labour, neighbour, flavour. British English doubling is used for all inflections (cancelled, counsellor, cruellest, labelled, modelling, quarrelled, signalling, traveller, and travelling) Conversely, there are words where British prefer a single l and Americans a double appal(l), fulfil(l), fulfil(l)ment, enrol(l)ment, instal(l)ment. American English uses the –ize spelling at the end of words, British –ise ending instead such as apologise, organise, recognise. While the Americans generally prefer –nse, British uses -nce, such as licence, offence, pretence. Words that end in –er in American have those two letters reversed when spelled in British, such as centre, fibre, litre, theatre. British English sometimes keeps a silent "e" when adding suffixes where American English does not eg. ageing, ageism. Before -able, British English prefers likeable, liveable, rateable, saleable, sizeable, unshakeable where American practice prefers to drop the ‘-e’ Then, there’s just the random differences in words used like - mom/mum trash/rubbish sidewalk/footpath soccer/football And then there’s the British metric system vs American imperial... the list goes on... 😂
  14. Meh, he’s what two or three years old? It’s still fairly normal for a two or three year old to not have impulse control over his emotions or want to see what happens when he pulls something out or pushes something over. Should she be dealing with that appropriately and correcting that behaviour straight away like saying ‘No, I won’t let you do that!’ Yes abso-freakin-lutely! Is she? No way, she’s too busy taking photos of it happening for Instagram, so she can complain about it for likes later or worrying that he’ll have a tantrum if she corrects the behaviour. If she’s not an active parent during these foundational years, it will bite her in the bum later, as while his behaviour is developmentally excusable now in the toddler phase, in a few years it may not be. You have to upset your child sometimes to teach correct behaviour.
  15. I agree with this. I had a toddler addicted to a pacifier but there were rules around it once it became a habit, it wasn’t allowed on excursions with us and never in photos. Eventually it’s usage dropped to only in bed before it was gone forever by two. Were there protests? Yes! But 99% of being a parent is staying firm to your convictions, not giving in to tantrums and therefore teaching boundaries. She’s allowing him to rule the roost out of laziness and fear of upsetting him and he knows. Also I know the ‘toddler-shaming’ and ‘mum life is so hard 🙄‘ narrative card Maddie likes to play is relatable to many young mums, however I’m over it. Yes all mums will attest to the fact toddlers are annoying at times, we all know it, but her constant public oversharing of Axel’s (developmentally normal) tantrum phase or obsession with penis phase, is not necessary. Don’t get me started on her face-palming him on Instagram for likes, for destroying an age inappropriate activity SHE provided him like a build-a-gingerbread house. What exactly was she expecting a toddler to do with this, sit quietly and meticulously build it? Ugh go facepalm yourself Maddie you dud. Poor Axel is just a pawn, set-up for her social media presence and mummy blog.
  16. Looks like the skinny filter app took the day off. That regrowth is terrible! Why even dye your hair a high maintenance color, if you aren’t planning to maintain it regularly?
  17. Yeah as DakotaJustice said above, It started when Maddie signed on under Meri with Lularoe a few years ago. Meri tweeted that someone wasn’t working at their potential. She didn’t mention a name but it was widely presumed to be Maddie, after Maddie clapped back via Twitter. The tweet said something along the lines ‘that Lularoe isn’t fun or a hobby, but a business to be taken seriously and she was disappointed in someone’. Following that, Maddie tweeted the messages seen above.
  18. My suspicion too! Pure speculation of course, but clues being - Aspyn’s dropping off the radar publicly recently, being of right breeding age and wedded situation (in terms of the kids) and she’s often referred to as ‘sweet’ in the family. Could she have been the ‘sweet little mom’ Meri received news of? If it was about Aspyn, way to alienate more bonus kids Meri! Who could forget Maddie’s Twitter rant about old Mare being an ‘abusive monster...who plays like she’s the one hurting’? Sounds about right. Anyway, sadly not surprising Meri would try and make someone else’s pain and grief about her. Classic narcissist behaviour. Mariah definitely learned from the best.
  19. So much this! I don’t know why she doesn’t look at her own backyard as a social justice warrior. I actually answered her narcissistic little questionnaire a few months ago and wondered why she doesn’t talk more about the extremists and do good work within her culture. She knows the injustices of the polygamy lifestyle like no other (if not from the dysfunction of her own family, then from others in AUB sect she grew up in). Only 6 or so years ago she supposedly wanted to be a polygamist herself. She doesn’t have to denounce polygamy and go against her parents or old church, but as you’ve said, she is perfectly placed to campaign against the extremists in the FLDS and help woman and children there. But silly me! That would mean she actually did something worthwhile towards a cause and we all know she doesn’t actually care except to help her image and gain the almighty dollar.
  20. Sorry, but she’s no better at it than the thousands of other Lularoe devotees out there hopelessly trying to make a buck. She just happens to have a ready-made customer fan base and is unscrupulous enough to capitalise on this. Those ‘people’ and ‘buyers’ who spend hundreds of dollars? The majority of those are her gullible devoted fans who desperately want to have interaction and please her at any cost and the rest of actual buyers who are wanting a certain pair of hideous unique polyester leggings are only following her because of the reach and pull of her minor celebrity anyway. All MLM reps are encouraged from their upline to package with sweeteners and treats to encourage good vibes and sales coming in. Nothing new or unique to Mykelti. Also the stuff she has to ‘process and invoice’ is her full-time job, so she should be able to handle it accordingly. While possibly time consuming, it’s not difficult to pack and dispatch things. No she doesn’t. She’s a famous person in an MLM. There’s no strategy here, it’s situational. Sorry if this comes across argumentative but let’s not blow smoke up her ass for being a marketing and sales professional when she’s actually a minor celebrity blessed with an outgoing personality, dubiously capitalising on her fame in an obvious pyramid scheme.
  21. So in 10 short years she’s managed to morph from a cute and naturally attractive teenage girl, to a homeless 40 year old shrew and she’s grateful for that? Alrighty then. Agree. Put the ‘10-year challenge’ trend in the bin. Nobody cares.
  22. This one ☝👏🏻 😆 Ding ding! we have a winner.
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