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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. I really hope this doesn’t come across offensive to anyone, this is purely and only aimed at Mariah - I’m in my 30’s, I’ve never attempted yoga in my life; just tried this and nailed it easily. Unless there’s more to it that isn’t pictured, I’d say for her young limber age and supposed fitness level, it’s not that challenging or impressive. You do need semi-strong leg muscles and a sturdy core to achieve balance (along with some flexibility) to pull off the move, but I refuse to think she’s especially talented or a yoga extraordinaire, as anyone with youth on their side, who works out occasionally, should be able to nail this move fairly quickly (now if she was 50+ plus I may be somewhat impressed 😉).
  2. Mariah’s latest paper on restorative justice is on her website for those who mentioned earlier they wanted to read it https://www.mariahlianbrown.com/justice Also a new unflattering photo:
  3. No it’s not Roberts girlfriend (her hair and eye colour is lighter), but facially they sure are similar. Boys definitely have a type 😉 Unfortunately all I see when I look at Paedon, is that he’s the slightly less attractive clone of a young Kody but with Christine’s nose and forehead wrinkle. He always seemed like a sweet boy anyway and looks really happy now so that’s nice.
  4. I remember from earlier seasons when Robyn announced her pregnancy with Solomon, Mariah had a full-on break down in the bathroom because it wasn’t her getting a full sibling. Then there were the talking head discussion during the ‘will Meri have another baby saga’ where she sat between Kody and Meri on the couch and broke down again, stating that ‘she loved her brothers and sisters but it would so nice to have one that’s just hers’ (paraphrasing). Its fairly obvious based on episodes with regard to the older siblings; Maddie and Logan are close and Aspyn and Mykelti are close, the younger full siblings definitely have bonds (case in point - Ysabel’s post). It must have been a uniquely weird existence for Mariah, essentially growing up a lonely only, but technically being in a family of umpteen kids. She would have felt somewhat left out, like a cousin or something, when the kids all lived in individual houses with their full siblings.
  5. Side by side with a photo from barely a fortnight ago. Same style of shirt. Granted good angles and two weeks of dieting can do a little on the weight loss front, but they don’t fully eliminate ‘line-backer shoulders’ or a tubby midsection that quick. #stopovereditingyourself #justbereal #skinnyfilter #iseewhatyoudidthere
  6. So agree with this. I really enjoy the insights all my COL armchair psychologists above provided, great comments. These Brown’s are both endlessly tedious, yet endlessly fascinating at the same time. It’s what they don’t say and what’s going on that they clearly don’t delve into, or even know about themselves; I just find them psychologically intriguing and I too will continue to watch their terrible show purely for that, I find entertainment in it, in a ‘watching a car crash happen’ kind of way🙈 😉
  7. I love it how he’s been just as absent from social media as Robyn for their dramatic little lead up to the new season, but no one could care less to wonder what he’s up to or where he’s gone, yet everyone is speculating on Robyn’s whereabouts! 😆 It would gut him hard, you just know it!
  8. I actually appreciate the fact Christine doesn’t Facetune herself to the point of ridiculousness like old Mare and she seems confident, happy and genuinely lights up when smiling. I definitely give her a pass on having wrinkles, her smile is infectious. I do agree, she’s not aged particularly well facially and lack of sunscreen, stress and genetics is at play here. Her mum Annie was also very wrinkled for her age when shown on episodes.
  9. Yes!! It will be no different if she tries to remove it again in a few months or a year. He’ll still tantrum for it. One of my boys loved his paci and would have had it in 24/7 if I had let him. But as I’m a parent, it’s my job to set boundaries. I taught him it was for sleep and home only and we always removed it for photos. We then weaned off it at 13 months, he was very upset like Axel and he cried on and off, but again, as a responsible parent, I knew that it would be best long term to do it before he formed even more attachment. We comforted him actively through the separation and explained and cuddled him repeatedly until he was calm. Guess what? It was a distant memory in less than a day. Is she just going to cave everytime he has a tantrum about something he isn’t happy about in life and give it back? Sorry but lazy parenting. Yeah good luck with raising a healthy independent adult that way.
  10. Umm gross! So she’s gets sweaty and dirty from ‘garage cleaning’ and she’s not going to wash her hair because she’s ‘trying to train it to need less washing’s’. Sorry I may be a COL but I don’t think that’s a thing (any hairdressers on here feel free to correct me) but that sounds disgusting and unhygienic, I bet she smells like a wet dog only two nights after hair washing and I bet she doesn’t change her greasy pillowcase weekly either. Ugh.
  11. You got it! Captain Von Trapp definitely does not approve of Christine running about Salzburg/Flagstaff dressed in nothing but these old drapes.
  12. ‘Made-for-me?’ Nah. I can think of a few that ARE made for her though.
  13. Right? They’re nice flattering slacks that she obviously took pride in ironing (due to the fact they are made of a quality material that requires a press), her shirt is non-offensive neutral pattern and fits well and doesn’t look like it was worn by a toddler during a finger painting session. My COL ambassador here could definitely teach them a thing or two about classic style.
  14. Standing ovation 👏🏻 You nailed it. *cranks up COL hose to full blast in preparation* She is beyond insufferable with her woe-is-me perceived persecution for attention (just like her dad). If anyone IS trying to ‘erase’ her, it’s surely certainly not because she’s gay, it’s because she’s an annoying self-absorbed, narcissistic, precious snowflake attention-whore. #sorrynotsorry #comeatmeMeri #iwillhoseyoutoo
  15. I think they feel better as they can simply pretend there is no critical analysis of them or negative opinions. They can’t take them so they simply erase them instead of allowing them to stand opposing their own stance. Remember that for narcissists like them, the only right opinions and comments are those that mirror their own views and flatter them. If anyone dares question them or provide a different viewpoint then they are deemed haters and bullies and will be deleted, blocked and then Meri/Mariah will play the victim, attacking with a passive aggressive public post to garner sympathy and attention.
  16. Let’s hope ‘Christoper Plummer’ came to fix the water asap, Truely is sick and she already went into renal failure when sick from dehydration once, let’s hope she had access to bottled water or water was back on quickly 🙄
  17. More insight from your *Sofa psychologist into Mariah/Meri and how poor Auj (and maybe Meri’s sister wives) feel. No wonder Auj is depressed! *disclaimer I am thoroughly unqualified as a psychologist just pure speculating and copying from psychology books 😆 In a Relationship with a Covert Narcissist? Since one of the hallmark traits of narcissistic personality disorder is lack of empathy, the covert narcissist is not going to be emotionally responsive to their partner in a healthy way. They are inept at building and nurturing emotional bonds with others. How could they know how to maintain bonds with others if their energy is always focused on themselves? The danger is in not seeing through the facade of a covert narcissist, because they're more passive. But they can be just as destructive to relationships as the extroverted types. The emotional abuse might be more silent and subtle, but can wear you down and demoralize you. Your needs and pleas for attention will be discounted or ignored. You can get sucked into trying to constantly console and help this manipulative martyr to no avail. There’s no way you can fill their emptiness, fulfil their need for attention or change their victim mentality. You will likely not receive many compliments from a covert narcissist as they are always focused on staying elevated to maintain their sense of self-importance and to acknowledge someone else’s attributes would undermine that. If you are complimented, it may be a public performance, which serves only as a purpose to fulfil their own ego and status with others - eg ‘how great is this girlfriend of mine?’ The emphasis being you are an mere extension of them, a possession to be envied. Although the covert is more likely to appear emotionally accessible, it tends to be a performance and usually done with intent to exploit or eventually leave the person feeling small through disregard, blaming, or shaming. Meanwhile, your self-esteem is gradually undermined. The narcissist lacks empathy for you, won’t see you as a separate individual, and will do what’s necessary to maintain power and control. Their pain and needs will always take precedence, so you’re left feeling alone, neglected, low and resentful. Giving Back In general, narcissists are not givers. They find it difficult to put energy into anything that doesn't serve them in some way. A covert narcissist might present themselves in a way that looks like they are giving, but their giving behavior is only demonstrated with the intent of getting something in return. A simple, everyday example could be something like giving money to a busker on the street. A covert narcissist would be much more likely to put change in the jar when they know the performer or others are looking, in order to help facilitate some kind of interaction that allows them to be praised for giving, they then may cast their net wider and subtly post about the interaction on social media or drop it into future conversation, fishing for further praise and validation from the same experience. Giving anything for a covert narcissist is always more about them and and less about those to whom they are giving.
  18. The definition of Mariah (and Meri) - (thanks to extracts from a few psychology books). Covert Narcissist While all narcissists react poorly to criticism, the covert narcissist may have the thinnest skin of all, because they genuinely believe they’re uniquely special. Instead of the outward aggressive and exploitative nature of extroverted narcissist, coverts have feelings of victimisation, hypersensitivity, anxiety, and delusions of persecution. They still qualify for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), particularly with feeling special and wanting admiration, lacking empathy, being overly sensitive and feeling entitled. They’re still self-centered and expect special treatment. They often feel that their specialness is not appreciated, that they’re misunderstood, or that people or the world at large hasn’t sufficiently recognized their uniqueness and is against them. Some play the role of victim and a martyr. They might be a philanthropists or in the clergy or helping professions. Yet, despite the fact that they may appear to genuinely care for others, they’re motivated by a need for recognition, power over others, or egoistic pride. They behave self-righteously superior, moralistic, or like an exploited, resentful sufferer for all they give back to the world. Why Narcissists Blame Narcissists always have to be right. That means others have to be wrong, unless those others agree with them. Narcissists solidly believe in their superiority. Accordingly, they always try to assert it. They always want validation and vindication. They will overrule your opinions and seek to control your thought patterns with enough passion and conviction to make you to doubt. But the reason they seek to blame others for their misgivings is even more sinister. It’s easy to call out the faults of others. We’re all flawed creatures. But narcissists go on the attack for a reason. They know how others really regard them. More importantly, deep down, they know how character-deficient they are. Where most people would hear a negative opinion and shake it off realising it doesn’t define them, narcissists are incapable of hearing and dealing with criticism, so, they build themselves up by acting persecuted and blaming others. It’s all part of the game of “impression management.” Now, some are fairly skilled at this game. And some are so charming and slick about it that others get seduced and get on board with their plight. But certain narcissists can be downright boorish. Their impression management tactics offend the sensible, but they can succeed to sway the naive, vulnerable, or equally disturbed. Many narcissists today have no shame. In fact, shame and empathy deficiencies define some narcissist’s pathology. So, the truth is they blame others only to try and justify their attacks, as a victim. Dare to offend them or question them, and as they see it, you’re the bully and a fair target. They don’t care enough about what they’re doing. Nor do they care how it makes them look doing it. They don’t care if another’s opinion of their behaviour is justified. They lash out as a victim when offended without compunction. And that’s because they lack empathy, self-awareness and a sense of shame.
  19. Sheesh. The last thing she needs is more teaching/encouragement on how to self love. She’s already got that down pat. I think I’ll send her some more appropriate reading material for next weekend (as a thank you for appearing in the ad campaign for Unwoke COL).
  20. ‘This is coming on the cruise with me’ Cool...So is she also bringing along the homeless pregnant lady (to wear that hideous maternity dress) and the child (whom the vest belongs to) as well? Seriously, these clothes are just shit. They look unflattering, poorly made and I’m not sure why she keeps trying to make them happen. They’re never going to happen. #NotFashion #BargainBin #ClearanceRack #OneSizeDoesNotFitAll #GiveThePregnantHomelessLadyHerDressBack #GiveTruelyHerVestBackToo #OnlyOnTheCruiseCosYoureOnTV
  21. Aw thanks you’re far too kind 😆 it’s very amateurish photoshop at best.
  22. I thought this comparison was too harsh actually; Manatees obviously wash themselves clean all the time, so it’s a bit unfair to them 😉 Nah I totally see it and you’re hilarious (also we are going to hell).
  23. Anytime! Hosing the ‘M’ initialed Brown girls right in their moon faces, is my most favourite pastime (I should definitely get out more...)
  24. So apparently Lulahellno do wetsuits now. She looks awful and mismatched (as is now tradition). This friendship with the Blair character is a definite eyebrow raiser. Gay or not, she’s using him to her full advantage to try and insinuate something deeper by ramming him in everyone’s face publicly. Sad old Mare. Do you think it’s all a ploy for ratings when season starts in January? There’s literally nothing interesting happening with these guys so they have to start the speculation ‘has she left the family and got a new man?’ ‘Is Robyn pregnant or gravely ill -why haven’t we seen her?’ ‘Is It just Robyn on rotation now, why is Kody never pictured anywhere else?’ ‘Why no mention of Mariah’s upcoming wedding?’ I feel like they are finally learning how to manipulate social media to their advantage, instead of giving what little plot lines they did have away. Last season was pointless watching, everyone knew what had happened from social media.
  25. Your Weekly Dose Of Real Snarkiness ~A newsletter for the Unwoke COL community~ Welcome to all new subscribers! Thank you for joining our movement and signing up for information about our products. We guarantee this won’t be the worst newsletter in the world (that award’s taken). A lot has happened since our establishment one week ago and we are pleased to announce the expansion of Unwoke COL, with the launch of our all new homewares range! Introducing the Unwoke COL Frypan™️! With an easy grip handle, this sturdy skillet is perfect for delivering a blow to the noggin of unwanted woke and intersectional visitors . With it’s surprisingly light-weight design, it aims to stun and confuse, without causing major damage. No crime scenes in your kitchen! No jail time! Just an end to the pretentious blathering. How good! Unwoke COL Mop™️! Much like the Unwoke COL Indoor Sweeper, this soon-to-be-household staple, is also used to forcefully escort the enlightened off your premises, the key difference is, it’s patented clever design, also delivers a well-needed wash to the individual. It’s truly a device that gives back and we here at UnwokeCOL are extremely conscious of being charitable to our wider community. Unwoke COL Plunger™️ - A game changer! It allows you to sneak up behind and suction easily on to the greasiest parts of the unwashed intruder (we recommend hair), then it’s just a simple process of dragging them out of your sight. With its strong design and easy-grip handle, you’ll be rid of them faster than FT can demolish a taco. Last but certainly not least, is the Unwoke COL Rolling Pin!™️ A multifunctional tool; you can use it to deliver a blow (much like the Unwoke COL frypan) as demonstrated above. Alternatively, if you can catch the folx in a downward-dog type yoga position, you can use it to roll and flatten the doughy individual, until they are a soft new shaggy rug. Well isn’t that a nice unexpected bonus? Please contact your local representative to purchase any of the revolutionary products featured in this newsletter! Interested in becoming a Unwoke COL representative? We are still looking for passionate and crotchety ladies who are against woke folx jibberish to join our MLM company, so order a starter pack today! Yours in cranky old-soul cluelessness, Sofa Sloth
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