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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. I don’t know? just edited and changed the photo to see if that helped? I can still see it as normal 🤔
  2. To be fair her private school was a co-op run by their church, that all the kids attended before Robyn came to family and they all went public and sent kids to public school (except Mariah who stayed at church school) so not sure if it was particularly spendy, but YES she was definitely so holier-than-thou about it with the ‘I don’t like public school’ spiel! I remember Meri did talking head about it also, when they moved to Vegas and her speshial snowflake had to attend public school. Meri was complaining Mariah couldn’t adjust, as she didn’t like the morals and language of the heathen kids there...Snort! And look at her expletive laden posts now 😆
  3. Amen to this. I’ve tried every fancy diet under the sun, sure they may all work if you stick to them, but the mathematical component of why they work is still the same, no matter the content of what you’re eating. It’s Input vs output. More food in than you need, requires more movement or you’ll gain weight. Eat less, move more. There is no backed science behind the diet Christine is doing.
  4. Neither. There’s just very little redeeming features with her. Not even being nasty, I just truly don’t think we’ve seen any? Audge actually seems like a nice enough girl and quite attractive (if a little unmotivated and sludge-like, but I blame Mariah for that as she was cute, bright and slim when they met), I actually feel like she could do much better. It appears to me, (the armchair psychiatrist), she’s dominated by brat Mariah and needs her to make all the life decisions, eg - let’s move to Chicago cuz I’m going to Loyola. Marry me? Join Lularobbery scheme under my mom so we get some money, so it’s not me that looks unwoke. Ok you can be a graphic designer then, but feature me all over your website. I’m going to yoga teacher training in Bali for two months, you wait here, good dog. Let’s go to Mom’s house I’m bored of quarantining in our house’ It just comes across to me, that Audge is an agreeable drifter without much ambition of her own and Mariah takes care of her, so she just puts up with it. Of course I could be way off and she’s an equal partner in the relationship who has a say, who genuinely loves and adores Mariah, but then we arrive back at the WHY? 😆
  5. Wow, yes good observation! I always love your insights Roslyn, you notice every nuance and you are always correct. We actually saw a bit of that play out on the episode where they returned to the ranch in Wyoming (or Yoming if you’re Robyn) after his father’s death. It was obvious Kody struggled with making his dad proud all his life, you’re right, this was (at least partly) a conversion to gain favor. I now remember the line he spouted, about his dad ‘watching him from up in heaven, heckling him to live polygamy the right way’. 💡
  6. I think we can safely assume Audge is at the B&B with Mariah. Aside from the obvious, - dog Koda being in both her and Mariah’s recent shots - I’d recognise the other side of that lacy net curtained front door anywhere as one of Meri’s fave backdrops 😉👇🏼
  7. Ugh who else doesn’t just love an tone-deaf wannabe influencer in this Covid-19 climate? I've been wondering to myself, what I should wear and drink to appear woke, whilst traipsing about the country during a deadly outbreak of a disease? Such a priority! 😅 Phew! thankfully Mariah is here in the bustling main street metropolis of Parowan to save the day, getting her tits out in her overpriced lululemon top (that she brought with staff discount), with her super, duper, tiny, delicate joolry (because the more non-existent the necklace appears - the woker, duh), drinking her ‘essential’ woke canned water she made a ’speshial necessary’ trip to the Parowan local store for...Crisis averted! I’m off to go grab these tagged items immediately. 🙄
  8. Yep I get it too. Stress = Tired = Lazy = Overweight and the cycle just continues. I’m not currently overweight and I make myself work out and watch my food intake, but I’m certainly not someone who likes being active and eating healthily is not second nature to me, so I’ve been heavier before. It would be extremely easy to just succumb to complete sofa sloth laziness, if I didn’t continuously motivate myself to do the right thing, so I genuinely relate to the struggle. Given the stresses Janelle has brought into her life, I don’t really blame her for finding it hard to get out of her lifetime rut. Should she be a health coach? H-E-double-hockey-sticks NO! She should be enlisting the help of a proper one for herself and implementing some solid life changes, but I think she’s too far gone and in denial. Back on topic - I’m really impressed with Christine’s weight loss. I thought she was much like Janelle, in an unmotivated and stressed cycle, but she’s really done well, looks healthy and kept it off a while now.
  9. Absolutely. They are all over each other in the first season with the nickname ‘lover’ flying around everywhere. They appear to be pretty happy mostly and more cohesive in general as a family, I guess due to the big house/Mariah still being there, it kept Meri more connected to Kody and fambily, well that and since ol’ Habsburg Jaw wasn’t yet an official wife, Kody still gave her attention.
  10. Sounds about right! in the first episode she’s cooking salmon and asparagus as Mariah goes downstairs to Christine’s for tater tots and other fried delights. She (Meri) sanctimoniously states, that she prefers to eat healthy so she doesn’t join the fambily for dinner. Sure that was just for the appearances of the first episode.
  11. Some HAIR rewatch observations from season one, episode one (I know, I know why would I do this, in my defence isolation makes you do desperate things and I’ve already binged watched all of tiger king on Netflix in one evening so what’s left? 😂) So Meri had nice long hair and was fairly slim and attractive back then. She’s sure declined rapidly like Robyn has, into matronly-dressed, Michelin-man land. Mykelti and Mariah’s hair was so much nicer their natural colour. They were so cute and normal looking back then! Maddie’s emo dark hair is harsh and unflattering as usual and makes her look 40 not 14. Aw look at pretty little natural Mykelti without all the Technicolor box hair dye mess! Kody looked like Bruce Jenner pre-sex change. Seriously can you tell this is not Bruce from an episode of Kardashians? With that hair, it’s uncanny! That’s all from me, Sofa sloth on this special recap of Sister Wives changing hair from episode one. Thank you and good night.
  12. Audge probably has slighty more sense of awareness, then to out herself publicly as a traveller of many states during a pandemic where you are required to shelter in place. I’ve been wondering if she’s with Mariah too or elected to go home to her family instead or stay in Chicago (as she should have). Is Narcissistic personality disorder genetic? Probably then. I personally think she’s an asshole from a combination of nature and nurture, she had no chance. Wow can you imagine that selfish twit taking care of others? She already out right said ‘it’s not my dream, whatever’ at the Lizzie’s grand opening. I can not see her operating this place, even for the odd essential truckie victim who has the misfortune to drop in.
  13. Right? What an absolute tool. How he managed to get just one woman to marry him I’ll never know, let alone three! Pickings must be very slim indeed for polygamist wives, if he’s the best there is. After reading the book I’m more convinced than ever, that converting to this religion was just his show-boat idea to live out his womanising fantasies and be the centre of attention at all times. He actively sought ways to be a fame whore when the opportunity presented against the church’s wishes.
  14. She says the book they’d been trying to get pregnant for three years before Janelle came into family and she was devastated when Janelle was pregnant quickly with Logan. It was just coincidental she became pregnant with Mariah at same time as Janelle was pregnant with second child Madison and Christine with first child Aspyn. He’d been married to Meri 3 years before Janelle came in to family and I think a year and half later married Christine.
  15. 100% this. This pandemic is a mild inconvenience to her life - at most it’s storm, which despite being unsettling will pass and she’ll be entertained In the meantime, but some people are facing a goddamn hurricane right now of uncertainty! essential workers risking their health on frontlines, job losses, mortgage defaults, no food, sickness, deaths alone without funerals...all of which her insensitive, arrogant, woke ass has no concept of, as she has failed to follow the most basic instruction of staying home and not interacting with others. Rest assured @Mahamid Frauded Me if I did ever see her in person, I’ll be ready to blast her straight in her tone-deaf, smug doughy mouth, with my COL extendable hose attachment. Here’s a bonus fantasy drenching for you - please send toilet rolls to Australia 😆
  16. Yup I noticed too lately (although Evie’s not immune to getting a serve of her mom’s impatience too, if she touches her mums face too much while nursing Or has a fussy day) but there’s definitely a distinction of glorifying Evie more than Axel. Toddlers are tough, I get it, but her language, tone and content is all about subtly demonising him, which I find sad. He’s going to grow up feeling that distinction, especially since Evie’s got special needs that will gain her more positive attention too.
  17. Ok more Kody. 👆🏼First of all, eeeewwww to ‘the spark you feel in your loins’. 🤮 Mills & Boon books everywhere want their euphemism for ‘boner’ line back and I didn’t need that mental picture in conjunction with Kody. Secondly and more importantly, it was ‘love at first sight’ for Robyn? They other wives must have loved reading that and comparing their section to this, especially Christine, when her section was all about how chubby and unattractive she was eating nachos. Also poor deluded Meri trying to suck up to Robyn in the hope Kody would love her for it... which brings me nicely to my next chosen extract written by Meri... Wow! 👆🏼Stealth bitch and her kids shamelessly intruded on Meri’s night with Kody on the regular and Meri thought it was fun and games? That’s next level manipulation. Poor Meri never saw her coming did she. Ugh more disgusting Kody arrogance below 👇🏼 Seriously noone proofread this beforehand and thought maybe that line about hitting innocent Reba up after church, with awkward sexual assumptions about himself and her cousin, makes him seem like a proper douche? I think his ghostwriter must have had his number. 👆🏼Christine’s first time meeting Robyn sounds fun. Wish the cameras were around then to capture her being mortified, after being called a hussy. Interesting to know it’s not just 6 bedroom rentals Robyn expects God to summon up on demand, he is expected to find her a husband too. Does this bitch do anything for herself?
  18. Ok! I may be a good 6 years late to the party, but being in isolation and bored I finally cracked and downloaded their ‘New York Times best seller’. Hooo boy. After reading this sad little diary of plyg broken dreams, I have snark, so I’m hoping I can bump this thread again to discuss. Kody Snark So he just admitted here polygamy 👆🏼doesn’t work for women and he is just using it to be with many different women as one doesn’t ‘fulfil his needs’. I knew he was arrogant, but daaamn!👆🏼 You’re right Kody, no one in your fambily will know loneliness again. *Cough* Meri-catfishing *Cough* 👆🏼 Lol at him thinking his arrogance was just due to youth, when it’s a core component of his personality and certainly hasn’t improved with age. 👆🏼 WOW. 👆🏼 I knew of this story but actually reading it is something else! No wonder Christine had to go on antidepressants and take a therapist on her anniversary trip, about the time this book came out. Why was this a necessary revelation? Especially when he’s clearly so attracted to Robyn in the book and obsessed with her wanting him... ugh what an insensitive jackass.
  19. It looks like she’s storing all the crops the undocumented workers picked, in her underwear. I think that’s nice. One of the many ways she gives back to world.
  20. Interesting to see how many comments on her post from those surprised she was in Utah now. A shelter in place warning obviously doesn’t apply to the woke, who are free to pass through as many states as they desire during a pandemic, as long as they put out a few social media posts championing migrant workers, it’s all good!
  21. There’s never been a more appropriate time then now, to turn the high pressure hose on her - when she’s genuinely loitering on an elderly woman’s actual lawn. I’m sure grandma Bonnie is appreciative. Did she actually write there in her caption ‘I’m always thinking of what I have to offer the world’? phfffttt! The arrogance of this pretentious slug is just amazing.
  22. You’re in luck! I found some rare footage of some of the pillows who made it out of the U-Haul alive. Robyn’s house Kody pillow - Christine’s house Kody pillow - Janelle’s house Kody pillow - Meri’s house Kody pillow -
  23. I agree with this. Despite not being very maternal and once openingly declaring she didn’t like the chaos of a big family, she’s gone and had herself a particularly rambunctious toddler and a baby with special needs and she’s in SAHM position, (which can be monotonous and emotionally challenging) - All this, at time when many of her peers and even her siblings, are still in their college partying and carefree years. I feel like she must feel some resentment by the majority of her posts, there’s that undercurrent of annoyance and dissatisfaction in her situation, but it also strikes me as though motherhood has consumed her life and she’s now wallowing with her ‘motherhood is a tough gig’ narrative - because she’s experiencing this life stage before all her peers are, she gets to feel she’s above them in a sense and feels compelled to portray how hard her ‘mature’ life is compared to theirs, for their admiration and ‘wow I could never do what you do’, or ‘you’re such an inspiration’ Pat-on-the-back type comments. I currently have young kids at home, but it’s very easy for me to find other things to do (and then post about on social media), other then mundane complaints or everyday things my children do that annoy me. I put one in the pram and we go on walks, bike rides and I take photos of the world around us, I catch up with friends, I take my kids to playgrounds, aquariums, zoos, I enroll them (and myself) in activities and sports ( all pre Covid-19 obviously ☹️), but if you have no hobbies, friends or ambition to do anything except SAHM in a complete sloth-like bubble, just taking photos of your child throwing his toys everywhere, it’s not healthy for your mental state or your family’s growth in general, (plus it’s a complete borefest for your followers on social media 😉).
  24. Now’s a good time for the show to not be renewed then, they can go full circle back to their roots, join the real world, get real jobs and start living in reality. It’s unlikely they have lived within their means or they’ve saved any money so a slice of humble pie could benefit them both.
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