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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. But not before laying itself unfolded and dishevelled on Nancy’s couch, with the 185 page file open, to reveal all it’s traumatic experiences.
  2. I’m sure he stayed overnight. In the first episode he goes a courtin’ for a few days I thought? I think he mentioned she lived like 4-5 hours away. I remember him kissing the wives goodbye and Christine was very upset like ‘you can’t leave me! I need you, I could have this baby’. Then he drags Maddie and Aspyn along that time, to take care of the chin’s ‘Kidses’ while they go out to dinner and he proposes with that string and the chin’s square face is all like ‘hahahaha yeah, but where’s my real ring? I know you are a teevee star now? I’ll say yes on camera but you better cough up the diamond later.’ Anyhow I digress... I’m sure Christine insisted he bring a kid up to Robyn’s visits like a Duggar kid accountability partner, (which he mentioned he did ‘sometimes’) but that would have been convenient anyway as they were a free babysitter, so he could obviously go out on romantic dates and get frisky in the sports car and probably still go sneak into her room when the kids went to bed or drop them off with his pawn shop friend Mykelti lived with if it was St George. Poor Christine, can you imagine being pregnant and hormonal thoughout that infatuation courting period! Right?! So weird! Why memorialise the time you nearly killed your child on her birthday? Bad taste - just like Kodouch’s actual wedding ceremony content for Maddie, that included details of her ‘failure to thrive’ incident and emergency appendectomy. Another inappropriate occasion to bring up near death 🙄 I know and I agree wholeheartedly about her health coach endeavours. I most definitely enjoy the snark on her! Yes! a sociable introvert is me-to-a-T also. You wouldn’t know I’m an introvert to look at, but I definitely need my alone time and am all peopled-out after work! There certainly is plenty to snark on and despite me having a soft spot for her, I am not blind to her glaring faults and certainly appreciate (and occasionally join in with - whoops 🙊)the hilarious commentary here about her ‘health coach’ career and sloth life. Anyway I like you too Kyanight. 😊 Even if you like Meri.
  3. This is it 👏🏼 And while I occasionally have empathy for Meri, I really can’t really stand her, but I respect your opinions as valid, like to see your posts and it’s nice to have variation and different view points in general, as long as we respect each other. I really like Janelle. There. I said it. Unpopular opinion I know, others think she’s lazy, but just like her, I am an introverted sloth who values education, thinks the rest of the Browns are embarrassing and who also ignores her treadmill and can’t pass up a drive-thru, so I relate to her on that core level. 😉
  4. Ahhh but since that wasn’t seen or recorded, Christine could just live in blissful ignorance and pretend Kody bunked in Dayton’s room amongst the teddies and science projects and didn’t get a private show of all the Victoria’s Secret purchases. This time she had to (gasp!) witness the physical affection peck on the doorstep, between her husband and his girlfriend and that is where the line is drawn. That’s going too far. 😉
  5. Looks as though she’s been running about Salzburg, dressed in nothing but Maria’s old drapes.
  6. I’m just irrationally upset by the fact the TV doesn’t align centred with the drawers below. My OCD is triggered. How can this not bother them? The chin showed what a snake in the grass she was that episode, racing outside out of camera’s way to make-out with her boyfriend, while he should have been rushing to his wife in labor. Considering they weren’t supposed to to be physical at all before marriage, that would have been a double slap for Christine seeing that afterwards. I’ll bet it still stings her on the rewatch. I guess she just fast-forwarded through that bit while readjusting her rose-tinted glasses 🙄
  7. Truely does resemble Mariah a lot, it’s the identical ‘bum’ cleft chins, pudding face and Kody beady eyes that do it. I also think the Brown genes are strong. Janelle’s kids are dominated a lot more by her froggy genes (particularly Hunter, Maddie, Garrison and Savannah) but the rest of them could easily be from the same mom you’d never know.
  8. It’s sad that her parents pimp a 10 year old out for public consumption and potential judgment. They use her appearance both on their TV show and social media to get likes and money. They have the ability to not feature her, or have private Instagram if they want to shield her from opinions. She has been made a ‘celebrity’ and celebrities will get scrutinised for everything including appearance. You can hate on her parents for that.
  9. She’s like a car crash to me. Horrific but you can’t help but peek anyway. I like following her because I like the unknown - will I laugh my head off today? be enraged? recoil in horror and bleach my eyeballs? You just never know! It keeps you alive.
  10. Eek that’s scary, didn’t pastor Caldwell insinuate COVID was a hoax and social distancing an overreaction? Maybe they didn’t all get dressed for a computer session on the couch after all ☹️
  11. Ok detective time! On 19th August 2019 she posted she was on a flight somewhere. I call bullshit and say that this post was a cover story for this very moment, when everyone looked back and wondered why she wasn’t in North Carolina. Meri damage control - ‘Couldn’t be at the birth, was travelling for work y’all! Busy busy!’... there’s no mention of where she was flying to or from which is UNHEARD of for Meri - She loves to post about where she’s going or coming from over social media often in advance (to sell the pyramid scheme dream of being a globe trotter), she went to Chicago earlier in the month and Oregan later in the month, but there’s only Flagstaff posts either side of this ‘flight post’ within a few days and she slips up and mentions in the comments she’s getting her hair at hairdressers done the very next day (so on the 20th - Evie’s birthday) which would surely be in Flag. I speculate she lied to save face about not being asked or not wanting to go and made up travel excuse. I’ll bet that plane picture posted is from her Chicago flight home, a week or two earlier 😂
  12. Yep, they’re super creepy (and cheesy). Maybe her pic technically has no filter, but a filter would have been a much more pleasing enhancement, then the severed head overlay (favored by tacky romance or thriller novels covers), she gave it 😆 ...actually that gives me an idea... Here I am, ready with the cover for their next best-seller.
  13. Let’s hope so! I’m thinking they got all dressed up only for the likes and leg-humper comments on social media picture and are having church online (I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt anyway).
  14. You’re spot on with the friends thing. Only worshippers of messiah Mariah need apply. Personally I like friends who challenge me, who think differently who I can learn from and debate ideas with. I think this is almost what annoys me most about her (and it’s a long list) but she is so judgemental and sanctimonious and refuses to hear any criticism even the most minor questioning, without deleting and blocking. Friends must only share her opinion and viewpoint and worship her word as law. Someone made a comment on the hairy legs post, innocently asking ‘why is it you don’t shave?’ The leg humpers called her out as rude, before she clarified no, she was not being rude, just genuinely curious as to why (as it’s obviously against social norms for 20- somethings to post hairy-legged pictures) before Mariah just deleted her comment. To me that is the worst kind of person; one who preaches a different viewpoint from mainstream society, but who is unwilling and too stand-offish to explain their different view. She could have let that comment stand and explained her feminist stance while educating people on her decision, but instead, since she can’t take the slightest bit of questioning she views as negative, she arrogantly deletes it. Just a spoilt baby, playing social justice warrior dress-up for attention. All show, no substance.
  15. Oh but don’t forget... there’s at least two New York Times best-selling authors in this family 😆 Anythingk Robyn can claim verbally, Meri can do better, by advertising herself as kind of a big dill ‘New York times best-selling author’ on her social media. Both these numpties couldn’t write a book on their own, even if it was a kindy project for little Areola. Delusional arrogance.
  16. Touché 😆 Ok so this dress was one of the many then, after Kody (and Mariah).
  17. Ok the commitment ceremony dress was awful but incredibly it wasn’t the first snot-green monstrosity she fell in love with, recently did a rewatch of season one and this was one of Meri’s options for Robyn’s wedding - which she liked! And we are supposed to want to buy clothes from this woman? 😆
  18. More shock value to prove she’s not a demure fundamentalist Mormon anymore. Must need to still remind everyone she’s a progressive intersectional feminist lesbian now, so here’s her leg and armpit hair, boobs and thigh roll under skin tight shorts on social media. The only person to be woke, special and liberated, sure. sure. Yawn. Poor Audj, I can’t imagine the bush below she’d need to navigate based on these pictures -of course that’s assuming she was still inclined to want to, after the getting past the dirty socks, sweaty bike shorts and gorilla legs.
  19. I’d have to do a rewatch of that episode to be sure (I do have them all downloaded so can check it out tonight 😉) I had thought it was at least that amount she ended over budget, I know Christine had a certain amount left under $20,000 and Kody asked her for that for Meri, but to be honest I can’t remember exactly the amount.
  20. I think it’s a multitude of reasons regarding how leaving would change her current lifestyle, that make leaving not an attractive prospect for her. She obviously thinks she’s better off hanging on like a barnacle, then on her own. I actually think the main reason Meri stays is ‘it’s better the devil she knows’. She grew up immersed in the AUB religion and has many close relatives still in it, plus having lived with Kody and family all of her adult life, she probably fills she wouldn’t be able to dill on her own full-time. If you notice whenever Meri has a crisis or situation where she needs a clear head, (like the bushfire moving or buying the B&B) she melts down, freaks out, needs a hug and reverts to the words ‘I don’t know what I’m doing!’ I’ve heard her say that on camera at least twice now when she’s in a difficult situation. All her ‘I’m an independent woman’ platitudes she puts on social media, are just projecting what she wishes she was. She needs Kody particularly (and the others) as her safety net, because she’s so emotionally-stunted and probably deep down fills she needs them for her eternal salvation. So ingrained religious principles and her co-dependence is definitely one reason she stays. Another reason is definitely the show which brings her financial benefits and a nice lifestyle and crucially as you said - it’s nicer than the other wives can afford (which she obviously likes as it’s a power move and self-esteem boost for her), another reason is Mariah who would be pissed if she left the family and may take her dad’s side and big family over Meri, leaving her alone, another reason is pride - she hates being referred to as a victim (even though she acts like one) and she lost so much pride with the catfishing fallout, she clearly doesn’t want to lose the marriage too and hangs on to the ‘we can fix this’ idea, even when clearly Kody is saying ‘nope’. Lastly I believe she still holds genuine hope to get a relationship going again, as she’s still in love with Kody, the catfishing was a wake up call and the divorce tears she cried being cast aside for Robyn were very real, you can tell she is just dying for him to love her back again, to the point of embarrassing herself. That’s my two cents anyway 😉
  21. So true. It’s her core self-righteous, domineering and egotistical personality that’s obviously remained the same, despite the complete belief system /viewpoint switch. I read someone else’s opinion of her too a while ago, who knew the kids in high school and said similar, that Mariah was stuck-up, judgemental and standoffish but the other kids were nice.
  22. Yes. Great example of ‘the simpler times in Hawaii circa 2016’. Who could forget Mariah rolling her eyes in distain and refusing to acknowledge or engage with her Mom in that lighthearted jovial moment, like a resentful teenager (when she was actually 21)... What are these ‘simpler times circa 2016’ she’s referring to anyway? In 2016 wasn’t she coming out as gay on national television, having emotional tantrums over Meri’s scandalous publicised affair and dealing with her own terrible eyebrow situation? Weird caption honestly.
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