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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. The education from the homeschool of unqualified Christine and AUB Church is shining through. Her lack of punctuation, grammar and inability to use the correct ‘you’re/your, is embarrassing for one with so much higher education. If you’re going to be a preachy intellectual snob and put yourself on a pedestal Me-me-me-riah, at least have basic education skills on display, or you’ll lose all credibility real quick. An expensive college education means nothing, if you haven’t yet grasped the basic foundation. Random comment caught below (now deleted) from her latest preachy post 😉
  2. She’s a condescending asshole. Any valid points she does make are completely overshadowed by her obnoxious delivery. She blocks and deletes any comment that doesn’t flatter her or support her own opinions. Some of her replies to her comments (which aren’t even from rude people) are shocking. There’s a way to diplomatically respond to an opinion you don’t agree with and educate and sway others, but instead she chooses to censor everything and be a rude, condescending and arrogant dictator - which won’t help anyone learn anything from her anyway. Absolute insufferable moron.
  3. I’d like to see them Ginger if you have screenshots. I’ve caught some but lots have obviously been deleted already as it appears she is now arguing with herself 😉
  4. Don’t worry, it isn’t hard to stop injustice and people dying. Mariah’s shown us that all you need to do is post an uncapitalised preachy ramble about the injustice on social media, block and delete most of the comments, and then go do some yoga, enjoy brunch, maybe travel around a few states in a pandemic if you want...Easy.
  5. ‘Surprisingly reluctant’ 😂 Anyone here surprised by her reluctancy? *crickets*
  6. Oh thank you! Brow trends are definitely a generational thing though that said! Everyone often has preferences (or regrets!) based on their heyday. From the 1920s-40’s thin, round and painted on was in. In the 50’s it was bolder and arched (think Audrey Hepburn and Lauren Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor) 60’s -70’s were mostly thin arched again and sometimes painted on (Sophia Loren, Twiggy) 80’s were all about big bushy, natural and untamed (Brooke Shields, Madonna) 90’s-early 00’s rainbows rounded like Abbie‘s before brows above but often really thin (Pamela Anderson, Drew Barrymore) 2000-now is a thicker but natural groomed arch brow like Abbie’s now brows. (Mods sorry, I tend to geek out and get way too passionate over brows, but I’ll get back to Abbie and JD here and end all brow chat here I promise!)
  7. Each to their own! 😊 I used to do brows for a living and those bottom ones horrify me a bit as the dimensions are wrong. Brows should begin in a straight line up from your nostril side and inner eye corner for aesthetic balance. She’s taken too much of the beginnings off between them and rounded them off top so they look like rainbows. They’re more natural now.
  8. Ok that baby is officially the cutest Duggar offspring. Abbie looks great, so happy she’s let her eyebrows grow in naturally, from the horrendous over plucked rainbows she suffered from in the early days. Much more youthful and flattering.
  9. Mariah looks much better as a balding old man farmer, than as a 25 year old female. Her features really lend themselves to it.
  10. Agree on Justin. No more of his punchable face! Reminds me of Will Ferrell’s Mugato from Zoolander. Kristin has to bring in all her barnacle friends because if they don’t document their lives too, there’s literally nothing else to show. She doesn’t show her kids - fine, I respect that. But now no Jay either. What’s even the point? Watching her pretending to run her vanity project business or her boring friends lives whose segments I fast forward through anyway? Ugh hard pass. Hopefully E do not renew this borefest and let Kristin fade into obscurity where she belongs.
  11. To clarify, I didn’t mean ‘sad’ as in sorrowful, it was meant in the sarcastic informal way, inferring her to be a pathetic desperado. 😉 As you say, she definitely doesn’t look like that on tv which we all see, but quite honestly Botox and fillers won’t help her either to be fair. IMO she already has them in her natural picture (she had a slight glow up between the catfish season and this last one with the use of them), but she would now need a face and neck lift to fix those jowls, plus fat grafting and heavy duty chemical peels, to resemble anything near what she’s filtered herself into here! Botox and fillers aren’t FaceTune, at best they tweak, but they aren’t magic wands when someone’s face is already aged. They don’t turn back the clock drastically like people think they do. Botox relaxes the facial muscles that cause a wrinkle over time, so once it’s already there imprinted, it’s too late. Filler creates subtle changes used mainly for cheek sculpting and lip enhancement, you can use it to restore volume and iron specific wrinkles somewhat, but again, it’s not magically going to restore youth to a mature face like Meri’s.
  12. Holy FaceTune Meri! Way too much editing. That most definitely is not you! It’s sad that she is obviously so uncomfortable with who she is and is trying to present such a fake youthful veneer version of herself (and that’s from someone who injects people with Botox and filler for a living). There is nothing wrong with a filter or subtle FaceTune to boost your confidence (if you have a blemish or something you’re self-conscious about), but that is a completely different face she’s always presenting us, so she’s obviously not secure with herself at all! Guess that’s a natural consequence of sharing your husband with 3 other women all your life - but yeah, polygamy’s awesome, makes each of us better! 🙄
  13. What a magical photo. I hear the angels singingk whilst imagining the bear happily shredding her overpriced & unflattering Lycra shorts to strips and chomping down on her lumpy and plentiful backside.
  14. 😘 Too kind. I love this post! (And you Coco! 😍) Agree wholeheartedly. Another reason why polygamy doesn’t work and causes emotional damage. I wonder if eventually she will channel all her woke self absorption, into some real inward reflection and realise this. I would love to see her use her social justice power to speak out against polygamy and help other children and woman being emotionally damaged. This is her domain, her cause, she knows it well. It is her fight to fight. People would listen to her opinion on the topic as she’s lived it and respect that cause. Not black lives, or refugees, or the bees - although they are of very relevant and equal importance, they are just not personal to her situation like polygamy is. Polygamy would be far less condescending for her to preach on.
  15. Never fear, I’m here! Oh c’mon, she does bathe sometimes! 👇🏼
  16. Well the only ones left are from the leg humpers anyway, though I did catch this one before she deleted it, which was great! 😆
  17. I didn’t even notice that, but that’s a huge slap in the face to the ‘other moms’ if we are believing their ‘one family’ narrative and that the moms claim all the kids as their own. But here’s the thing, despite appearing as a lovely and sweet sentiment from Mariah, it’s actually purely a planned marketing pitch for Lizzie’s (and you know Meri ain’t having those other women play any role in/or get any credit for her B&B). Mariah knows Meri bankrolls her right now and she’s gotta earn her keep. If it was a genuine post, Mariah would have likely put it on her own Instagram. These people will do nothing publicly unless they hope to earn a buck from it.
  18. Awww and Mariah is well-known to be such a good group cook - Wonder if she stormed out of the kitchen in a bratty funk this time, right after burning the food? (like she did when she cooked breakfast at Christmas with her sisters, as the eldest girls that time). How amazing that the pretentious twit can capitalise letters correctly when she is required to, in a more professional capacity (makes me despise her even more knowing she doesn’t capitalise on purpose in her own posts then 🤯). It was all going pretty well, until the unnecessary capitalisation of ‘Legacy’, ‘Love’ and ‘Women’. Seriously Mariah, proofread before you hit post, especially if you’re marketing. It’s just pure laziness.
  19. If there somehow is another season and we have to hear how gosh-darn difficult pandemics are for poor persecuted polygamists, I’ll go stick my own head in their prairie dog poop, drainage ditch. I can just imagine now, how exciting the talking heads will be in season 12! We’ll have Kody, manic and beady eyed, carrying on passionately about how the government forcing social distancing restrictions, infringes his rights as a polygamist man and he had to make the difficult decision to only stay with one wife (like he didn’t already anyway *snort.*) And then Robyn is ‘just-sittin’-here’ attached to him, her jaw getting impossibly squarer and her goiter neck even larger each episode, she’ll be wringing her chicken claw hands and wiping eye boogers, sobbing how she ‘just wishes they could be together again‘ (*double snort!*). Meri will be at the other end of the couch like an orange zombie in cheap mismatched floral-polyester, looking distantly into space and wondering how the hell this ‘social distancing’ thing is any different for her? She’s always been rattling around her McMansion alone, getting plump, with only boxes of moldy garish leggings and internet strangers for company. Oh the Lularoe cruise got cancelled which was a blow, so at least she can talk about that ...oh... no wait, she can’t, as it’s a pyramid scheme TLC rightly doesn’t want to endorse. Staring into space it is then! Christine will be all anti-depressant forced smiles and emphasised words, while making excuses for Kody’s lack of visitation like: ‘it makes sense as Robyn has the younger kids and he needs to be there to help’...then she’ll trail off ruefully as she realises that hey! wait! wonderful man never once lifted so much as a tea towel up at her house, let alone a child, when her kids were young! She mentally adds that to a list of grievances to attack Kody with later... Janelle contributes nothing to the conversation, sitting detached in her usual stony-faced manly pose, her deadly upper lip skin cancer has now officially got dermatologists watching everywhere, grabbing their scalpels in longing. Her relentless middle girth on display is testament to the fact she just can’t stop eating the entire peanut butter contents straight from the jar, or using her treadmill for a clothesline despite being on a ‘diet’ and exercising every episode, for the near decade the show has run. Then oh joy! We can look forward to having that SAME boring talking head segment rerun, on every season episode, right after Kody’s smug little voiceover says ‘previously on Sister Wives...’ Here’s to season 12! There’s not enough wine in the world for it COLS, so prepare your cellars now 🍷
  20. Ok I’ve been pondering some more about your insightful post - particularly this ‘low-key racist themselves’. So true. Only 6 or so years ago, Mariah was passionately entrenched in possibly the most racist religious sect ever - Apostolic United Brethren. AUB racism towards blacks, can be traced to the Bible story of Cain and Abel. Mormon folklore holds that ‘the curse’, God placed upon Cain was black skin. Fact check me if I’m way off COLS, but as I understand it, the AUB is so racist they literally separated from worshiping at LDS church temples when the LDS allowed blacks to enter temples and the priesthood. This was in the 1970’s? and AUB actually saw its membership jump considerably after LDS became more inclusive to blacks. The converts to AUB were LDS families who completed their conversions simply because they didn’t think blacks should hold the priesthood. Some AUB members actively sought out to convert LDS folx they thought would be partial to the AUB’s white supremest stance, (actually using it as a recruiting tool). I imagine she still has much guilt about her involvement in spending many years with that abhorrent belief system and is keen to distance herself far, far away from that stance now, but it just makes her even more of a preachy hypocrite! For the majority of her life, she’s was literally the definition of a systemic racist that her posts refers too, how quickly she’s just shelved that away. Thankfully she did realise she was gay and got herself educated, or she’d still be an AUB white supremest with the same social media soap box, so hey guess it could be worse! 🤷🏼‍♀️
  21. From a COL in her thirties, I thank you for your woke position on this 😆 Mariah would be proud of your inclusivity!
  22. Thank you for this, loved your post! I hate it when I agree with what Mariah posts and while she’s spot-on here (except for the spelling of folks 🙄), her motive for posting it? Hmmmm...questionable indeed. Due to her history of hawking juice, water filters, MLM leggings and then the woke products on her website, I smell an insincere influencer trying to build a brand/public profile, just trying engage followers from as many demographics as possible, so ultimately they make her money. I don’t see someone who is genuinely concerned about the state of the world and society. She’s far too self-serving, attention-seeking and bratty for me to believe this is genuine support for a cause, unless it directly benefits her in some way.
  23. Sorry! Wasn’t really sure what you wanted done, but I just took ‘ball gag’ creative license and ran with that 😂
  24. Ok then. My trusty editing app does love getting a workout on the Browns.
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