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Everything posted by Luckylondon

  1. Has anyone else noticed that the two mole type beauty marks on Adam's face were on his left cheek as a child and on the right cheek as an adult? I thought maybe the photograph inverted it, yet the young actor had it on his left cheek. It was making me nuts the first episode and I thought that maybe it was a casting thing and you can't match facial moles exactly and they figured people wouldn't notice-- just see the two moles close together on a cheek. However, now that many here, Matt Saracen, and I are all questioning if this is not really the same person, it seems more significant and one would think that his family would notice that his facial beauty marks/moles have changed sides.
  2. Scheana and Mike Shay did go to high school together and she was/is 2 years older than him and two grades ahead of him. I remember at some point him reporting that she was this hot senior and he had a crush on her as a sophomore. Don't know if they dated in high school. I got the impression that they were friends and in a similar crowd and he was dazzled by her. She moved to LA to be an actress/singer/Villa Blanca waitress/SURver. The Stassi crowd didn't like her for being a "home wrecker" where none of the SUR men were safe and they were brutal to her at times. For the crossover casting and generating viewer interest, Brandi on RHoBH also hated her for dating her husband for a significant amount of time and then crying on Access Hollywood that he left her for Leann Rimes. (On this one I see Brandi's point.... He left YOU?)I don't know when her romance with Mike Shay began or rekindled but I don't believe they have been together since high school. Shay is also a DJ and was good friends with Tom Sandoval and James. They all worked on music together. Earlier episodes have Shay DJ'ing and co-DJ'ing (sorry, I don't know the verbs) with James. So I think it worked because they were all friends and he had a long history of admiring her. They may have re-kindled in the hometown and he followed to LA. Don't know. But I do know that Shay established relationships and had solid friendships with the Toms before Season 2. (WHY do I know these things and retain them?!!) Tom Sandoval was in his wedding party. Scheana also became significantly less threatening to the women once she was firmly established as serious with Shay and he was friends with their boyfriends too. Once Stassi fought with Kristin and Katie and Scheana was nice to her and Stassi was grateful to have a friend... Scheana was in and held on and was not going to be bullied off the show. I think having Shay helped her with that as he was always there for her even when the chuckleheads were being fickle bitches and screaming at her. Now her rock has needs and feelings and is not so coveniently affable and adoring of her love of the spotlight and being center of attention and this creates problems and conflicting values snd goals.
  3. YES!!! Oh and that picture of Lisa is in Ken's closet and it is always there. Every time some young SURvers come to the house and have to get dressed or undressed or model (or donate clothes-- this time?), they flash to that picture and the boys get giggly. Schwartz may not have seen it before as he did not work for Lisa at the restaurant or in the show as a cast member until last season? Schwartz is so intimidated and fascinated by Lisa-- he is like a little boy-- he gets all tongue tied and overwhelmed around her presence. I have seen that pic on RHoBH too in Ken's closet when he dresses Giggy. It is perfection in that it is so 80's naked with diamonds on a white furrrrrr.... RAWR. For giggles, there are YouTube videos of Season 1 audio of epic scenes from VP Rules that are acted out with Barbie dolls dressed as the characters. It is beyond hilarious. Stassi tantruming about her burthday and enter Jax doll in a chunky sweater. Must see re-enactments.
  4. Yes, hyacinth, I agree that to the one who is sent home, she is likely to feel very manipulated and feel she was sweet talked and told I love you and then the FS. She likely thinks she is getting engaged and will be told "I love someone else more. Sorry." And it will be humiliating and all feel like lies. I would feel manipulated if it was me. Tell me you love me and a week later proposing to someone else? Kiss my ass choir boy!! I totally 100% can understand from that perspective. Conversely, I think Ben meant what he said to JoJo or thought he did because of a lot of things going on in his psyche with her family questioning his character and seeing her in that lingerie looking bikini and he was messy and he made a big mistake in speaking his thoughts out loud. I agree with Yorklee2 in that I don't think he did it to be callous or with misintent. In fact, I think he was trying to be validating and honest in the moment. The irony is that his efforts have made him seem less honest and less likeable. I think that Ben's fatal flaw is a need to be liked and thought of as a good guy. The harsh reality is that some people really don't like people who want to be liked. Especially if they have a reason to find them in any way too eager or perceive them false. So that is Ben's stuff to work out about why he does that and decide if he wants to change it. I do feel badly for the one riding a love cloud that will be sent home. That is rough.
  5. Great post, HumblePi I do have a doctorate in clinical psychology, yet obviously Jax is not my patient. That said, viewing him for 4 seasons, it has become increasingly clear he likely has Borderline Personality Disorder. I posted about it in last week's thread. It's symptoms do cross over with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and other former Cluster B disorders. However, to me, Borderline fits most specifically, especially regarding his unstable sense of self and instability with rational thought processing when experiencing emotion, splitting behavior, unstable interpersonal and romantic relationships and the complete reckless self harming behavior when he feels out of control. Because he is male, this can be overlooked and labeled as Antisocial Personality because his self harm and self destruction often ends up in legal trouble or criminal charges, yet it stems from a need to push boundaries to see if people will still love him. He is a very classic, "I hate you! Don't leave me!" I have worked inpatient in a psychiatric hospital for years and there is something that just buzzes for Borderlines and Jax has been ringing for years. Also the reaction he invokes in people is diagnostic to me. A borderline personality patient can easily tear a treatment team apart until everyone is mad at each other. Just by discussing them! You have to "treat the team" as well as the patient, as staff becomes disorganized and confused and angry by behaviors of the patient that seem intentional and preventable. The feeling that many of you speak of that you feel when you observe Jax is how Jax likely feels a lot of the time and he does crazy behaviors to destabilize others (unintentionally sometimes) or stabilize himself (black out drinking and drug abuse, trying to be a good friend after being such a dick and it makes no sense, his desperate need for approval while simultaneously thumbing his nose and screwing everyone over). This all seems like this is Asshole Personality Disorder, but Borderline Personality Disorder is a very real thing. It is a problem in how your personality is structured and has developed. It is not a biochemical problem like depression or bipolar disorder that can be treated with medication. It takes an incredible amount of work with someone skilled in treating Borderline Personality Disorder and this treatment is hard to find outpatient. There are some intensive outpatient programs. Most find their way into therapy for some presenting problem (relationships, legal issues, substance abuse) and hopeful can get some therapy to repair that insecure unstable attachment formation to stop the patterns of behavior.
  6. violet and green, perhaps I should edit my post as I may be incorrect. I inferred from posts here, that Ben was taking a lot of heat on social media because multiple people stated examples of him being given a hard time and going from well-liked to perhaps more mass dislike than Juan Pablo who at least was always honest that he didn't have feelings of love for anyone. I don't use Twitter much or follow the show on any social media, so I was taking the information from the posts here that he was getting skewered, as many do when they make a misstep in the social media age. I used the term "angry mob" regarding reactions to Ben telling 2 women he loved them as an idiom as a way to say "the town folks are upset with good boy Ben" and his treatment of the ladies. I didn't mean to imply that it was more serious than that and that there are literal shouting mobs over Ben's actions. I hope this clarifies my statement/post. I agree that he is bumbling along, getting lost in the process and his feelings and it is getting messy in a way he did not intend and is not going to be good for him.
  7. No. It was confusing and spanned over episodes as Kaitlyn had rose ceremony's in the middle of episodes and to be continued's and such. On their 1:1, the week before the FS dates, Kaitlyn and Ben talked about past relationships and he said he was in love once. He talked about things important to him and Kaitlyn asked how he felt about the FS coming up. He said that it didn't have to be all about being physical and it is an opportunity to spend more time together and know each other more or something similar. Kaitly then said, "Ben, are you a virgin?" and giggled. He looked a little stunned and put on the spot and said, "No. I'm not." I am not sure if he wanted his sexual history for his family, friends, church, community to see on ABC prime time, but he seemed like, "okaaaaaay... she went THERE." The next week he did go to the FS with Kaitlyn, as did Nick and Shawn. I have no idea or inkling if they had sex. It wasn't made obvious to me either way.
  8. Yes! Totally caught that pissed off bitch-face angry and annoyed/ jealous "oh, no he did not just... I made it clear that he has to supportive flirt only with ME!!!" look that flashed across her face as they raised their glasses to toast, yet she recovered quickly and smiled to say, "Cheers!" I thought... Schwartzie is gonna hear it on the walk back to the green room!! ;-)
  9. Although this is a first that we have seen any lead say "I love you" to 2 women, it is not the first time it has been said. I distinctly remember Brad Womack telling Emily Maynard that he loved her before the Fantasy Suite. I remember because I was shocked and thought, "Wow. He is really in to her." He said, "I love you Emily. And... you know what? I don't care if I'm not supposed to say that yet or not... I am saying it now anyway because it is true. I am in love with you." And she smiled and they kissed and romantic music soared. Brad did take all of his final 3 to the Fantasy Suite. Emily made a statement about having time alone together "to talk more" would be good. I am fairly certain he slept with Ashley Hébert, Chantal O. and probably Emily. No one cared or gave him a hard time that I can recall.... Well, except Emily!! I remember at the After the Final Rose, Emily and Brad looked stressed a bit. They said they had not moved across the country to each other yet and "would see." Emily acknowledged watching the show was VERY difficult for her and CH joked, "Awkward Tuesday morning phone calls?" And she said, "Ohhhh No! That night!! Monday night on the phone!" And Brad gave a knowing nod and looked exhausted. He said, "ohhhhh yeah" The audience laughed and he said, "Everyone thinks Emily is the sweetest nicest thing... and she is (he recovered quickly), but she has a temper on her too!" She smiled and everyone laughed except Brad. CH asked what was the hardest part and Emily demurred and then said that if he knew the he was in love with her like he said he was... Well she didn't understand why some of those things weren't saved just for her!! Brad had no words left as this appeared to be an on going fight and he said nothing and looked defeated. I remember this because I have watched every season and never heard anyone ever make issue of the FS concept. Well, the dark haired girl Season 1 made a big fight with Alex about it because it would make her look bad in TV ( which she accomplished anyway by fighting with him all day and night about it). I also, perhaps naïvely, never assumed the FS absolutely meant they had sex. Intimate, romantic, fun roll around time, yes. Definite sex? Nah. I always assumed this when the show started 15 years ago, as I had also spent fun nights when dating and not had sex. It never occurred to me that they ALL did as he was still dating multiple people and I figured a lot would want to hook up and have alone time, but not be ready for sex yet. Fifteen years later and wiser to the world, I agree that many or most probably have sex in the FS, especially if they think they are in love. Yet I still think it is possible to have a great night without it and leave him wanting more. No judgment either way. What confuses me is why many are so angry with Ben for taking all 3 to the FS. Almost every single Bachelor and Bachelorette has done that in 30 seasons of the show. Emily was the first lead to act as if she demurred and declined the suite for separate rooms, but that was fake for TV and she spent the night with all 3 and definitely had sex with Ari. Sean then made it clear there would be no sex but more time together. And Andi let Chris go home early to spare him because she felt she was way further along with the other 2. But Chris Soules was with all 3-- (well he didn't have sex with Becca). So is it because Ben said I love you to two people and that seems cruel and unnecessary if you are going to break up with one in a week? Does it appear that it was a ploy to get them in the FS? Because I think they were going anyway... but their hearts did open more and make them more open for a magical (and not guarded night). Hmmm... I think Ben IS confused and a dumbass. I think that he is a people pleaser and is not aware on a conscious level, but rather, subconsciously, that the words of JoJo's brothers hurt his own conceptualization of self. It appears that accusing him of being fake, phoney, brainwashing the girls, arrogant, and enjoying the power created great cognitive dissonance for Ben regarding who Ben thinks he is and how he has handled this process. It was a narcissistic injury in psychology speak (we all get them and it creates a reaction). My perception watching is that Ben really likes JoJo and loves hanging around her and can really talk to her. She is the cool, hot, chill chick and he often has gone to her as a touchstone to get re-grounded when he feels overwhelmed and insecure in the "journey" process. She is good for him in that sense. I think he is attracted to her and she is cute and sexy and he is falling for her. So he said, "I love you too" in the moment because he does and is falling in love with her and having the feelings and wants her (and maybe, subconsciously, her family) to know that he is for real and is genuine in his feelings for her. Then, the next date with Lauren and she confesses her love and he says it back because he HAS loved her for awhile and is thrilled to hear her say it and has to tell her back. I agree with others who see a marked difference in the way it was said to Lauren and to JoJo. I believe he loves them both, but he is head over heels romantic love for Lauren. He is just a dumbass to say it out loud to two people on TV. I think internally he pressured himself because of wounds to his ego to tell JoJo to prove he is a good guy; yet, once he said it to her, he HAD to tell Lauren because because how can he explain that to her with the ring on her finger? (If he chooses Lauren, and I believe he will). But the whole thing looks messy. Perhaps in efforts to be a good guy and be more open with the women and not have all the power so they feel uncomfortable, he has made himself the bad guy because he said too much about his feelings and now social media mob thinks he is a phoney hypocrite? My opinion is that he is trying his best and he is a dumbass and rather messy which makes him much less slick to me.
  10. Spot on. 1000x agree with this. Borderline Personality Disorder is often overlooked in men or diagnosed as something else because their acting out can have more physical aggression than self injury, however, I have always viewed Jax as BPD. It is not just impulse control, he has difficulty with emotion regulation and he feels very dysregulated and out of control when he does not have at least one woman in his life telling him he is attractive and worthwhile. He also majorly does not believe the rules apply to him. He has a deep insecurity combined with a great sense of arrogance that he can get away with anything or talk his way out of things and he is constantly pushing boundaries to get caught at things-- yet terrified that people will discover how worthless and unlovable he secretly feels he is. It is a complex disorder. The compulsive shoplifting is very typical. It is like his interface (his personality) with the world is broken. He is superficially charming, but I don't see straight sociopathy. He is a mess and his wounds are deep and BPD or any personality disorder is EXTREMELY difficult to treat outpatient, without a structured program. Jax needs a lot of treatment for impulse control, emotional regulation, managing effective interpersonal relationships, and restructuring some of his major cognitive distortions-- all of which affect his behaviors. It is so hard to find this specialized treatment when you are actually seeking it. For me, it is hard to see Jax continue to self-sabotage. Many people do it on many levels. Yet his tend to escalate to involve the legal system. He is feeling happy in a stable relationship with a girl that doesn't want to start fights on vacation and before they can make it to the airport, he has to go and sabotage and thrill seek-- just to see if he could. Now he has to deal with everyone's disappointment in him and the shame. Feelings he doesn't handle well and cause him to act out.
  11. This is gold. Thank you! I see LaLa in the video. I see Ariana sitting like a cute girl at the library. Then... is she the blond that gets blasted with the ghostbusters thing and goes nuts on guitar with her tongue out? Or is she the blond with the light blue sweater and white skirt dancing in the stacks and the group dance? Or both? I just read this and it sounds ridiculous. Oh how I love these chuckleheads. And, not for nothing, FI Tom can really dance. Heh.
  12. I have been wanting a fashion thread desperately since the one on TWOP died in 2007 with Daniele D.'s clothes. Yay! Thanks, dolphincorn
  13. No, LabLover, that was Danny in Real World:Austin, which was 2 seasons after San Diego. Cameron was about 19 during RW and she was kind of like now but more naive and sheltered and not knowing as much, so not as confident. She had a crush on Brad, not sure if they ever actually hooked up. I don't think so on the show. She said she went to his wedding recently within the last year or so one time when she was on WWHL. Who else was on that season? Robin-- she ended up doing a lot of those RW-RR challenges. I think on the San Diego one, Robin had some romance with Randy.?? I don't know it was so long ago. Jamie Chung was on that season and she is a famous working actress now. Cameron did at least 1 or 2 seasons of the RW RR challenge back in the day. Is it ok to put this here to answer the question or does it have to go in Cameron's thread? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Real_World:_San_Diego ETA: I guess you figured it out when I was posting! =)
  14. I got Cameran. Phew! Sounds right (minus the Lilly Pulitzer uniform-- I am in NY), at least out of these jokers. This quiz is like Russian Roulette! By the nature of those answers offered, I was actually getting NERVOUS that I might end up as Thomas somehow or even Katherine and I do not have time to evaluate my life like that.
  15. I am not the original poster, however, I interpreted the phrase "I think the clothes is going to make the couple here" to mean that Dorinda and Bethenny were sniffing each other out and ended up really bonding over clothes. Specifically, when D said they are bringing that color back this year and Beth was a little aloof, "wow you are that interested that you know that much..." And Dorinda said "well, there is an Alaia sample sale tomorrow" and Bethenny freaked out (it really is a BIG deal-- up to 70-80% off) So they started bonding and laughing and Dorinda rolled with Bethenny's jokes about the phone. They both said they never pay retail if they can and they were fast friends. They "get" each other. The magic word was Azzedine Alaia. Additionally, if Dorinda was coveting B's jumpsuit on Twitter last night (she wasn't at the party to see it). They have a bond over fashion and style. I have to agree, I was LOVING that jumpsuit. So late 70's with a modern cut. Love!
  16. I also thought that Amanda said something like she would fight her or bring it bitch as she walked away and it set Heather off and Heather came in to the living room yelling, "Come get me, big BAD girl!" That is how I heard it. Kind of taunting her to not make throw-away badass statements to the camera as you walk away-- come back and bring it, if you think you are such a bad ass to say shit to me. "Come get me, big BAD girl"
  17. This is the Link that I meant, Cooksdelighthttp://www.bravotv.com/southern-charm/season-1/episode-106/videos?clip=2771135#
  18. Wow. Chris really riilllly can't dance though! I know that many can't dance and they learn and do their best and it is fun. Sean was painful but he was a little adorable at times in how he earnestly tried. Regardless of feelings about him, he was a bit of an awkward lug that worked very hard to learn steps and frame and depending on the dance it was generally awkward but sweet. Chris is much bigger and clunkier, less flexible looking -- he is like a solid brick with feet and head. I give him credit if he tries.
  19. I was not sure about Sandoval cheating in Miami. Schwartz did for sure whatever is the alleged city. I wasn't sure until watching Jax answer the question on WWHL tonight. He seemed to have practiced the moves to give body language and words indicate truthfulness, but his microexpressions gave it all away. He said "I don't know. I wasn't there." Three times when probed. Rehearsed answer. After the statement he briefly looked down, then he looked like the cat who swallowed the canary-- a lot of effort put in to staying frozen, biting his cheeks not to say anything or open his mouth because the words might fall out. When Patti Stanger was like,"Dude, he totally did it, it is so obvious." Jax tried to say the girl might of just wanted TV attention while making "I don't know" shoulder shrugs. Patti was like, "whatever, he totally did it" and Jax gets a quick gleeful smile that he got away with lying but someone else told the truth. It is so clear (to me)-- I can't trust his words, I have to watch his body when he says words. Damn! I wanted Sandoval not to have cheated on Ariana.
  20. The first time I saw this (both go home on the 2 on 1 date) was Deanna. The guys were shocked when the second set of luggage was taken away as well.
  21. Bwahaaaaahaa! OGG, I had a big HA out loud... Like a chortle or a strange giggle, so thanks for that! :-)Yes, Laura-Leigh was playing the part of a patient in a psychiatric hospital in a movie called "The Ward" that I was watching in my bedroom. I typed it quick. Re-read it and laughed to myself, "does it sound like *I'm* in the psych hospital? Hmmm... it kind of could. Oh, who cares, it is fine, I don't have time to re-phrase it." Guess I should take time to re-work my sentence structure. ;-). The irony is that I have worked in inpatient state psychiatric hospitals for a few years (not currently). I have done all different groups including some that involved watching film and discussion of it related to the group. However, this film is not the type of movie that anyone should be watching while staying inpatient in a psych hospital! In the movie, Laura-Leigh was one of the 4 main characters-- I was mildly impressed--she wasn't bad, but I guess she didn't do too much. It was a B-level psychological thriller, not One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. :-) hee.
  22. deleted post- I figured out the quote thing but it made a new separate post, so I deleted duplicate content. *apologies for blunders as I figure out using Previously.tv on my phone.*
  23. Laura-Leigh. I saw her name in the opening credits of a horror movie with Amber Heard in a psychiatric hospital. Then I had to watch the movie to see her in it. I think the timing was before Vanderpump Rules. Her name is Laura-Leigh. Like Madonna or Cher, but with a hyphen. Yep.
  24. Ok, I guess the "reason" to put Joey up is that she made an all- girl alliance and it failed, according to Caleb. And people think she could do it again! Meanwhile, it wasn't Joey it was Paola and Amber and Nicole too. Joey just blabbed about it not working and falling apart. The guys are so aghast someone dared make a girls alliance. Last summer, the guys lived in fear of the (non-existent) girls alliance.
  25. Devin talking to Caleb and Frankie in HoH at 11:09 AM making a pitch that the Bomb Squad save Donny with POV and make him promise that of he gets HOH he won't put up any of "these 8 people", but we won't call it an alliance- it just has to be one of those other 7. Frankie was like, "Um, no... he is not an idiot. That is a huge move and he will know exactly what it means." Devin is pushing to have Joey put up and voted out because he says she pulled a stunt and it work out well and everyone will understand that as the reason she has to go. Anyone know... What did Joey do? From what I have seen, she seems always "on" at a high volume starting at breakfast. But did something happen that people are annoyed with her?
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