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Everything posted by illini1959

  1. I do the same thing! Can't wait to see what you all think (we mostly think alike!) when there's someone irritating to me. Board hoppers, crazy clickers, affectations of any kind..... Kat! had to go or I was out until she was gone. I love this! You are so right!
  2. I hate that she felt she had to do that, and that (to me) it wasn't done very well. One of the most beautiful things about her was her smile and now it's all weird looking. Sad :(
  3. Ok. Is it just me - and it may well be - but did Lauren Graham have some "work" done? Something funny around her upper lip - very Meg Ryan-ish....? I hope not! Something just looks off to me. That being said, still SUPER excited!!!
  4. I haven't seen this, but my daughter has and she just told me about this. She said they are Tarek/Christina wannabes and are beyond fake. She said at one point the woman (I don't know either of their names) was on the phone to call someone and one camera angle showed her homescreen - she wasn't even making the call. Now, we all know these shows aren't "real" but some are more scripted than others, apparently. It's a shame that the network(s) really think we are that stupid and want the overplayed "drama". No thanks. I won't even give this one a try.
  5. I must have missed this last year....who were the judges? Were they the same as on the Christmas and Spring shows? Gotta say I'm not impressed with the host or the judges on this one :/
  6. Ha! I fully expected Paulie to shove Zakyiah off the couch and sit Corey next to him. I'm ok with Nicole I guess :/ If I never have to hear "Nicorey" again, I'll be happy. Victor & Paul on TAR would be AWESOME! Still ticked we have to wait for that to even begin this year. Final thought is, why doesn't BB do a reunion show like Survivor? I know they don't, yet every year I'm surprised that there isn't one. Like someone else said.....good time to talk about what their strategy was, also - are the showmances still intact? ;) any number of topics.
  7. I guess we're going to have to watch everyone in their underwear again. :/
  8. Along with Corey, who looks like a stupid chicken. No offense to chickens. Me, too.
  9. So did I. It looked like they could have found a better place to fit the refrigerator, but maybe not. I wonder how that will go over at resale. But, I did like that couple, too! They were really sweet with each other.
  10. Cue the baptism ceremony! Talk about not reading a room :O So preoccupied with her own issue - a PHONE NUMBER - that she drags Rory out of the church holding (!!) the babies. Ohmygosh! And I love Lorelai!!! But, there are times where I wonder what she's thinking and sad that there could possibly be people in the world (even a fictional world) who could be so incredibly self serving.
  11. I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who can't understand a word Grace is singing. Thank you, bluepiano, for the description - I haven't been able to find the right words. I hate, HATE that type of singing, which to me is more talking than actual singing.
  12. Yeah, not sure what went on, either. I remember Tyler handing each of them a packet before they took off. Like spiderpig said, one was dinged for damages done to other vehicles, someone (same truck?) got a parking ticket. Either the Jersey Italian truck made a TON of money in the park or they made SOME money and the other trucks made next to nothing. It was looking like most of them weren't making much of anything, but we all know how editing is. I'll need to pay more attention going forward.
  13. They got seed money at the beginning. I don't remember how much, but they were all careful about their budget while shopping.
  14. Exactly! Since when do the kids take priority over the adults? How absurd that the dad, like you said - working from home! - should have to forego an office because a couple of kids couldn't possibly share a room. Not only did they "need" separate rooms, they "need" double sinks in their bathroom. Granted, that's handy, but for kids? Not a necessity. Pretty soon each kid will need his own toilet, too. I grew up in a family of 5 with one bathroom. It's a wonder I function as an adult. I wasn't crazy about any of the houses, the first one was more my taste but all those stairs would get old.
  15. Agreed. She was drinking beer at the surprise party Logan threw for her at that bar - where everyone was in the "jail" uniforms. So, somebody was serving her while she was underage.....
  16. I saw this! There's also a son. He's the one who teaches them how to hunt. I wanted to hit them upside the head, too. Several times. The husband was so ignorant and unwilling to listen. I saw the one before it, won't spoil, but you'll probably want to hit them upside the head, too! I find it hard to believe these people chuck everything and try to homestead without (apparently) even picking up a book on how to do it. Maybe they have, but the 2 shows I saw would suggest otherwise. You are right about the outhouse :/ Interesting show, though.
  17. Agree! I was about to bust a blood vessel until they ruled him incorrect.
  18. I call them wobblers. You know...Weebles wobble but they won't fall down? ;) HATE it. Stand.Still.!! Between that and the DD hunting yeah he needs to go.
  19. I guessed Joseph Smith which led hubby to guess Brigham Young :D The number of "direct" descendants clued me in to a Mormon.
  20. I have one and couldn't be more blessed :) Cleveland couple looking for Victorian/Colonial. I liked the house they picked but preferred the 3rd one, which was close to the top of their budget but didn't need work. The guy was all about "putting our stamp" on whatever house they chose. Usually that means tearing out walls, so maybe I should be glad they didn't choose the 3rd house. Gorgeous built-ins!
  21. I hope I'm remembering this right, but did they not have any furniture in front of the fireplace? I saw two small chairs off to the side, but I can't remember if they showed the entire front room. It just looked like a blank expanse in front of the fireplace. I wonder why.
  22. I have never been able to verbalize this - I know it when I hear it but could never describe it. Thank you! I think she could be good, but as someone else said, that affectation will need to go. And I'm so over Heidi's fake "binoculars" or whatever she's doing :/
  23. Ah. Thank you! I'm sure she's not losing any sleep over any silent treatment, consider the source and all that ;) It's sad that in this day and age, people still feel they need to resort to that behavior. Good for Cydney.
  24. Maybe I misheard, wouldn't be the first time, but didn't Jeff say something last night about Cydney's Ponderosa video and that it was awesome or something like that? I just feel like I remember him mentioning it and wonder what it was....
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