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Everything posted by illini1959

  1. So did I! There were NO tears when Paul was crying on Christmas' shoulder. I might have seen a few another time, but not consistently. Tears = crying to me. At least Alex's fake crying had tears. I can only hope Josh is not this delicate in real life. His (real I guess) crying got old real fast. Grow UP. I thought the same thing about the Coke! Is that what she did in her speech? Beg for AFP votes? Thank you for mentioning that because I couldn't understand a word she said.
  2. Happy new season!! It's only just begun and I'm already OVER Alex and his French accents. Last night's contestants were all so lovely - no board jumping, no wild clicking or otherwise annoying behaviors :) Could not come up with Adele, but anything after the early 80s is usually lost on me anyway.
  3. Thank you. I call it talk/singing, emphasis on talk. Me, too! I thought so, too. Maybe she can start dressing Mel B., what was UP with that?
  4. My EXACT words last night. See, unless I'm really just missing something, all summer I've never known WHO the Have Nots WERE or how they got to BE Have Nots :/ Allllll this fighting/getting in each other's face/cussing each other out - most of the time for NO reason - has GOT to be producer driven. How else could they act like that, then at eviction its all I love you hug hug hug kiss kiss kiss miss you blah blah puke. I know it's not "reality", but I think they could back off of that some and not encourage that much fighting. I kept thinking "why, again, am I watching this?" And if Josh is like that at ALL in real life, gets in people's faces then cries like a little girl later, he's gonna have a hard road ahead in his life. Just sayin.
  5. I know! Before I read your reply in it's entirety I typed out "it's like a show for 5 year olds" lol When I saw this was the Zingbot episode I almost just didn't watch, but hubby overrode that decision :/
  6. Maybe I'm in the minority on this but.... The Zingbot is stupid.
  7. Maybe she's practicing for her next gig on Survivor :/ that's all they wear anymore. I'd like to know the answer to that, too! Right! Julie, or someone, mentioned the Have Nots last night. What? Unless I'm really missing something I don't even know who they ARE. I miss that as being punishment or consequence. There's no mention of slop - I actually kinda miss the gross choices people (not me) voted on for them to have in addition to slop. Why do the "powersthatbe" always ALWAYS try to fix something that's not broken?
  8. My thoughts exactly! Except I also thought "she's already reproduced. TWICE." Sad. So sad.
  9. YES!! Is there a prize for the number of times the word (I use that term loosely) "c'rect" is used in an episode? Because if there is, these 2 would win. If that had been a drinking game, we'd all die of alcohol poisoning. Judy didn't help matters by constantly asking a question ending with "correct?" C'rect C'rect C'rect Puke.
  10. I watched several of these so can't quite remember episodes or names, but does anyone remember the house they fixed up for a large family? There was an iron mark on the carpet and a hot pizza box had been put on a dining room table (leaving marks) by a child, which Karen was going to redo. They picked WHITE carpet, a WHITE couch, a WHITE bench. I wonder how long that will last......
  11. Everyone but Simon, apparently ;) Totally agree!! Mediocre. I am sooooooooo sick of "talk singing". I don't know how else to describe it, but I HATE it. I don't mean rap, I mean when there's literally little to no melody. If you can't SING, don't. I can NOT believe the Quiddlers got cut!!! They did show a lot of creativity and originality. Count me in with the disgusted group.
  12. I'm getting tired of not seeing the full runs of veteran competitors like Bull and Flip. I realize there's new talent out there but I still want to see the ones I know. We were surprised Grant went out (again!) on the salmon ladder & no Vegas for him :( Loved the Eskimo Ninja and the MIT/Northeastern friends.
  13. I don't get the girl with the dog, either. Bleh. Love the 3 Masqueraders! Love them. I'm not usually a fan of kid singers, dancers, etc., but that little girl could belt it. I thought she was awesome, maybe not for a Vegas act, but someday she could really be something. So the "buried guy" act. It's bad enough that the wife was wailing about and being the distraction - but add the JUDGES to it and I'm just rolling my eyes. I'm old enough to remember when variety shows and talent shows were just that. SHOWS. They did the things they were meant to do - entertain. When (and WHY) did it become a thing to have so much obviously producer-driven drama?? Fake "reactions" of people in the audience and other talent waiting in the wings....just let me watch the show already. I hate all that extra crap :/ (and for what it's worth, it's not just on AGT, it's everywhere)
  14. Mine, too! Maybe she lost a bet ;)
  15. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. This times a trillion!!!!! I agree! Then I think....they deserve what they get ;) That's exactly how I got it, too!
  17. I was coming here specifically to see if anyone else noticed that. It was SO obvious! I can't believe there was no correction. Can the judges get any more random in what they call correct/incorrect??
  18. I hear that! I've seen several of these "In an Instant" episodes and they're all like this. Two hours that could EASILY be boiled down to 1. Way too much repetition and dragging things out. It could be a much better, more interesting, series if the powers that be figure this out.
  19. Me, too. Every.single.time. From your mouth to God's ear :/
  20. Agreed!! I miss Nick :( I know in the grand scheme of things this isn't a big deal, but when she started a segment with "damn, what the hell?" or some such - I thought really? I guess things are "accepted" as normal these days but I think on a family-friendly show that's not really necessary. I wish they could get Nick back, I wonder why he left? And who dresses Mel B??? :/
  21. Just saw the last part of last weeks episode and wondered how I missed the "Deeper Cut" part focusing on Wil, giving some backstory on him. Is this a new piece of the show? Have they done this on the other judges? In any case, very interesting and impressive life that young man's had.
  22. I hope he can build a forge that's not surrounded by hay. I kept thinking he's one spark away from burning the barn down.
  23. Did anyone notice this update? "EDITOR’S NOTE: A previous version of this article stated that the facilities involved in the story were owned and operated by the Church of Scientology. That information was contained in an erroneous statement from the Cannon County Sheriff’s Department. This article has been edited and amended to reflect that the facilities in question were in no way affiliated with the Church of Scientology. Global News regrets the error." It's at the top of the article in the link above. hmmmmmmmmm..................
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