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Everything posted by illini1959

  1. Me, too! Hedda & Louella? Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, Debbie Reynolds & Elizabeth Taylor, Olivia & Joan....the list goes on. I'd also be really happy with any story, not necessarily "feuds". I love that time period.
  2. I can't believe nobody got pheasant (under glass). Maybe I'm just that old ;) Oy with the accents already.
  3. And those fresh batteries JUST happened to be right there. I hardly EVER have extra batteries on hand when I need them, let alone the right size. She replaced those in a flash! Also glad to see Cabe has his lady friend back :)
  4. Yeah. I know...but this one just seemed like a few sentences strung together. Not that I could've done any better under the circumstances.
  5. I kept saying that! I don't remember if a possible tribal was even discussed by the other team - did they? I don't remember them talking about who a target would be, nothing. I don't see why it has to be edited so heavily and one-sided....at least give the illusion it's still up in the air :/
  6. If you promise to never board jump or start at the bottom of the categories I will love you! Oh and not go crazy with the clicker ;) :D
  7. Yep it's official. I am going to actively dislike anyone who starts at the bottom of the category. It's just going to have to be a character flaw, and I know there's no "rule" about it but I can't get past it. I figured Warhol would be too easy (and I knew it was wrong) but the way things have been going with teen level FJ answers it wouldn't have surprised me if he'd have been the correct one. I haven't ever heard of Hockney :O There will probably never be a category again where Alex won't have to read the clue with some type of accent.
  8. Well that went by fast! Thank you! Mother's Day is in May - wouldn't this have been early even if they hadn't had the 2 show block? As usual, I could be missing something though.... I do agree, though and wonder why? Why the rush?
  9. I was waiting for it though! ;) The poems, bleh. I agree - why mess with it? One of them (Courtney?) wasn't even a poem unless I missed the part that rhymed. Is the finale really next week already??
  10. I knew that and German still jumped out of my mouth. I got FJ, lucky guess. Alex continues to annoy me. ANY chance to be a condescending mind reader e.g., I know you knew it but couldn't get it out (HOW does he know?) If he can use an accent, all the better. A nit pick on my part :/
  11. I agree, and I like Kathy Bates a lot. Was Olivia De Havilland that blonde? Earlier she wasn't, but maybe later she was. I just recall her being brunette.
  12. Those were my days, man :D Best music ever!
  13. Agreed! I got all of the 70s song titles, not to date myself ;)
  14. The huge fondant decorations on nearly every one of his bakes is getting really old, too. I think it was Nancy (?) who told Daniela to trim up her presentation (did I hear that right?) AFTER John's huge plop on a plate, which got no such comment?!? He's always overdoing his presentations. Step away from the fondant, John! I agree with comments above re: time given to bake. I get that it's supposed to be a challenge, but shouldn't it be a challenge to do WELL and be creative rather than who can throw together the most ingredients in a short amount of time? :/ It looked to me as if at least some of them didn't have butter in their puff pastry, or at least not nearly enough. I've seen puff pastry being made on the British baking show and there was butter everywhere. Team Adam for me, too! :)
  15. Oy with the French already!! It's getting to where I hate that more than board jumping and I HATE board jumping. Stop with the accents and reading rap lyrics (which gives me the creeps) and the condescending attitude, etc., etc., etc......... I also knew what y'all were thinking! Glad to have kindred spirits ;)
  16. That's ironic, isn't it? On Ace of Cakes there was barely an edible piece of cake to eat (although I get he was designing showpieces) I'm not sure I'm thinking of the same person, but there always seems to be a "cartoon" character - for lack of a better description.
  17. I know homes are decorated to a person's taste, but oh my. Too many things to quote that I'm in agreement on so to touch on a couple - brass has to go. To me there are NO redeeming qualities in this finish. They clash with stainless (and everything else), they look cheap, therefore they make everything else look cheap. Again, my opinion :) The wallpaper. Ugh. I don't get why people would put all that dark wallpaper in a small area. The seashell backsplash, the pink/peach grout, the vinyl floor, the cat feeding cubby on the COUNTER. :/ My question though, in all seriousness, is - why wouldn't she have at least asked some questions BEFORE she bought - Hey are these floors hardwood? Can they be refinished? What about this wall...can it be taken down? (Maybe she asked about the wall but they edited it as not knowing for sure until they were in the middle of design.) I see that sometimes, questions that should be asked and answered before you buy are not seeming to be asked. Maybe they are, I know the show has to have it's dramatic "ohmygosh this might not work!!!!!" moments. I don't know why, but they do.
  18. Now I love me some good buttercream ;) but sometimes less is more. Totally agree. Everything is overdone, over the top. You know the rule about jewelry? Take one thing off - same applies here in a way. Step away from the fondant, people.
  19. Me, too! I kept telling my husband that it was creeping me out <shivers> And board jumping. But I think the swaying (can you not STAND STILL??) bugged me almost more than the board jumping. Maybe it's a tie...
  20. Per TAR's FB page April 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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