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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. OMG! The roommate was drinking ALCOHOL! What a terrible person! She had a poster about taking shots! My precious, pure, perfect daughter must be protected from people like her.
  2. The plaintiff college girl was a very special snowflake wasn't she? Boo hoo. My roommate is mean so I have to leave college after 1 day!!!! I think it would have done her a world of good to stick out the 2 weeks and learn how to get along with people you don't like.
  3. I need a floating hot tub! I found that puzzle easy, as soon as I got skating, ice skating rink came to mind right away.
  4. I pegged the counsellor as soon as I saw her. What a great counsellor! My boyfriend puts his daughter first! What should I do? I know, let's cyber bully her into killing herself!
  5. That body would have stunk to Hugh heaven so the manager would have known something was wrong right away. The bickering of the tech guts is stupid and getting old.
  6. Well crap. I was cheering for Joe. Hope if they do another All Stars he gets invited back. I do so enjoy watching someone who loves the game like he did.
  7. But on the other hand, we had the awesomeness of the first case with the painter that painted the wrong house! And wanted the plaintiff to pay for his mistake.
  8. Well, it could have been worse. The third victim could have been a CSI person using the Zugo service.
  9. Great smack down in the distracted driver! Judge Marilyn was on fire!
  10. So all these cheer leaders and football players laid there for hours and no one found them? No parents cames looking for them? Or is the entire town comatose?
  11. Kitties! I want all those kitties! I would have stayed there forever! Hayley is seriously annoying. I bet she is a challenge to work with.
  12. OMG! That was bad, Walter falls into a lit of poisonous snakes and all of the employees and students etc magically disappear, leaving Happy to save him. Page is taking a course in history and suddenly becomes an expert in the exact three countries involved in the dispute. Let's not even discuss taking some poor guys Taco truck and using the salad spinner as a centrifuge!
  13. This episode seemed to drag in forever! And really Amelia, you are going to start an 18 hour surgery on the drop of a hat? With no rest before hand? The last few minutes were good, but the rest was just blah, blah, blah.
  14. I thought they might have her moving to Florida for good. I wonder if Howard and Bernadette will move into the house?
  15. Why wouldn't Derek just call Meredith's cell phone?
  16. What a stupid police force. Sure, send Beth back to her home, where the guy trying to kill her knows how to find. No need for a safe house of hotel room. Give her a biddy guard but don't give him a bullet proof vest. Finally, open the locked door and kept him in!
  17. The show is going away for a month? That stinks! I love Firestorm. It would be so cool for him/them to have a separate show.
  18. Wow! That was a great episode! Damn I love this show. Actually felt sorry for Dooley. And hjs family. Dottie leaping down the stairs was cool. I very rarely buy shows on DVD, but this us one show I could watch over and over. Hope it gets renewed!
  19. We need a Peggy Carter line of clothing. And hats. And shoes.
  20. I just saw this ad. Yeah, the last thing in the world I want is a 4 foot tall teddy! And the way the girl in the ad cuddles up to it is creeeepy!
  21. The evil underground prison upsets me more each week. No beds? No chairs? No books/TV/radio? No bathrooms? I know they are bad people, but this type of punishment is worse than death. Isolation, boredom, no basic needs of living. It's just cruel. Peek-a-boo was just trying to get her boyfriend back. She never really hurt anyone, (yes she stole money, but she never physically hurt someone), instead of getting her to use her powers for good, they lock her away. She'd be great at rescuing people trapped in dangerous places for example.
  22. The defendant in the last case was an odd duck too. She looked like she was spaced out on drugs or something.
  23. I was quite enjoying the head movements the plaintiff was making, esp when talking about her "sugar daddies". And I feel sorry for her son. What kind of hime life does he have?
  24. Exactly! Beth should have California shutters, or blinds. And check before opening the door! Or, as I have said from day 1 of this show, move to a high rise condo with security!
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