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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. I agree. I was so shocked! And then HE apologized to HER!! This team better not win.
  2. The wrong team went home. I thunk the Underbakers should have gone.
  3. The Red team ( can't remember the name) is slowly self destructing. the winning cake was amazing, as was the one with the maid cleaning up after the organ harvesting.
  4. Loved this episode! It was so much fun! Penny's bed looks small for two people. I always thought that.
  5. What the heck did I just watch?? Toby and his fixation with Happy's marriage was just painful. Walter and his fixation. On Paige just felt so so wrong. I wanted to see more of June the fighter pilot, did she land safe? How is she doing??
  6. I thought the fire breathing dragon looked like a puppy dog.
  7. For a moment, I thought I was watching Big Brother instead of Survivor. Please. I have no wish to see people making out. Ugh. I fond the Millenial team is just one big ball of sameness. I can't figure who is who yet, Still cheering for Gen x.
  8. Not really fond of anyone on the Millenial Tribe right now. the cyclone looked really scary. interesting challenge, I liked the choices/consequences. i would have voted out Dave. What a baby.
  9. So I'm just curious. This episode airs in Canada at 8:00 but in the US at 10:00. Can we start talking at 9:00 or do we have to wait until it airs in the US?
  10. Yay! My team won! They ran such a great race. Way to go Steph and Kristen! and I am so glad Jillian and Emmett did not win! I'd be OK with Emmett but not Jillian!
  11. I love having Doug back, but he really needs a better fitting jacket! The jacket he is currently wearing is way too big for him!
  12. I am disappointed to see Fire and Ice go. I would much rather watch them racing than Jillian and Emmett. Jillian and her screeching are on my last nerve. I was soo hoping they would go. on the other hand, my fav team is in first place!! Yay!
  13. I mainly wanted them to go back for the sneaker so that they would lose time! bad KittyCat.
  14. Thoughts that popped into my mind this episode. 1. I want to fire a cannon! 2. Go back for the sneaker! GO BACK for the sneaker !!! 3. Emmett: your so called called "weak" of Frankie and Amy are not so weak. Don't be so quick to blow them off. 4. I want it hear more of the choir at the pit stop. 5. Steph and Kristen continue to rock! 6. I want Emmet to go away.
  15. That ad makes me want to throw things at my TV. It's nit enough for me to mute it, I have to change the channel!
  16. So sad to see Julie and Lowell go. What a lovely team. He never felt sorry for himself, and truely gave it his all. I really wanted them to win. Lowell is a true inspiration to us all. Accept what life hands you, make the best of things and enjoy life to its fullest.
  17. Great episode! But please teams, spot helping each other! It's a RACE! Lowell totally rocked his challenge. He was amazing. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to see the logs.
  18. Another great episode! Loving Kate and Kelly more and more. They just rocked the earing challenge! speaking of the eating challenge! that would have done me in. No way,no how. I was gagging just watching it! sad to see the Moms go. Was hoping for the BB couple. I can't stand them!
  19. That was a great leg! kelly and Kate are growing on me. I really want to slap Jillian! Brutal heat. Both Tanya and Stephan were looking pretty bad. Surprised that no one jumped into the lovely looking pool!
  20. The Jasper Line Task was nerve racking! My poor cat, he was sitting on my lap and I kept grabbing him when someone fell. He ran away! That was a really hard road block and I really admire anyone who made it through! very glad that one of the quitters was eliminated! I hate quitters!! 0nce again, Amazing Race Canada is much harder than Amazing Race USA!
  21. The 2 17 year old servers are the smartest ones there!
  22. Sarah is obviously a huge part of what is wrong with this place! both she and Karen have their heads in the sand!
  23. Yawn. an incredibly boring episode.
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