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Jane Tuesday

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Everything posted by Jane Tuesday

  1. I'm legitimately tearing up. I'm so happy for Albert. Shout out to the Dodgers and their fans for giving him a standing ovation on a tough night for them. If he couldn't do it here, I'm glad he did it there. If it weren't for his time with LAD last season, we wouldn't have gotten this moment.
  2. I think they're saying they'll sell shares, and you can basically buy it like stocks and hope the value of the ball (and your shares) will grow. But I agree, it was a tough read. Unless I get to have it at my house, I'm not interested.
  3. Shallow comments first. Sandro is so gorgeous, and Maxy and her partner are a beautiful couple. Like, stunningly so. Janusz and his partner look like they could be twins. Do people in Scotland really wear kilts on just an average day? I mean, I know it's not unusual, but it seems an odd choice for walking on the beach. All that wind! lol I really enjoy Noel. What's the deal with Reb's sweater? If it's hot, take it off! I would think it would be an absolute annoyance having it hanging off her arms when she's trying to bake. I guess I don't have much imagination, because I vastly preferred the macarons that were the traditional round shape. I absolutely do not want a savory macaron. Nope. Two handshakes! Well done, ladies. Very professional. Syabira's feathers were beautifully done! Masks? Blech. I don't mind the crazy bakes, but I do think it needs to be something that someone might actually request from a bakery, or make to use as an incredible centerpiece. I can't imagine the event for which one orders a cookie mask. There's just something kind of gross about making a "garment" out of food. Maisam is sweet, and perhaps deserved to stay longer than Rebs based on this week. But neither of them are winning. I always feel like the first few weeks of Bake-Off are just separating the wheat from the chaff, and then they get down to business. Well done, Maxy! Her mask was absolutely gorgeous.
  4. I get what they're saying here - that nobody really recognizes the differences between the leagues anymore. But to me, when they play up the "AL record" bit, it's not about that at all. I think they're talking about that as an unspoken nod to what many fans are really thinking, which is that the records set by all the guys who passed 61 should be thrown out. To me, 61 is the real record, but analysts are too chicken shit to say that. So they use "AL record" as short-hand for "the record without drugs", because they don't want to talk about that anymore. And I say that as a Cardinals fan who loved every minute of McGwire's run to 70. It was fun, and an amazing memory, but I don't count it, or Sosa's 66 or Bonds' 73.
  5. I've been there, @Bookish Jen. Do you have anyone you can lean on? A friend, a mentor, a therapist? Does your employer have an EAP? If not, your primary care physician can refer you to a therapist, or some non-profits offer services. I'm not saying you "need" a therapist, (not that it's wrong if you do)! I just know sometimes it's easier for me to open up to a "stranger", and they can give you a different perspective from those who are close to you. I'm so sorry you're going through such a rough time.
  6. I try not to stan for the Cards too much in here, but... history happening tonight in St. Louis. The crowd is going to be epic tonight. Adam Wainwright and Yadier Molina on verge of setting MLB record that will never be broken Just a ‘couple of old shoes,’ Waino, Yadi on verge of history
  7. It's happening... What an amazing moment! I'm so jealous of everyone who was there today.
  8. I don't mind if someone asks me if I'm married or have kids. Those are standard "getting to know you" questions, IMO, and not really that personal. Now, if somebody asks WHY I'm not married or WHY I don't have kids, or when/if I plan to do those things, that's a different story. But simple demographic info that could be easily found on the internet is no big deal. Of course, it does depend somewhat on context and tone. Is it a conversation or an interrogation? When I say I'm single with no kids, do they act like that's weird?
  9. Hey, look! The two NL teams I hate playing each other. At least it's a good game. I can't believe they still do that fucking chop. Any bets on Albert getting to 700? I'll be happy if he at least passes a A-Rod.
  10. Jane Tuesday

    Tennis Thread

    Serena Williams Says Farewell to Tennis On Her Own Terms—And In Her Own Words
  11. Maybe if you're a fan of that particular player it's interesting? But I find it SUPREMELY boring, and incredibly awkward. It's just so, so fake.
  12. This mic'd player thing is horrible. Make it stop.
  13. I'm not sure how well this would work internationally, but I go to the post office and grab a flat rate box. When I'm packing to come home, I pack that box full of dirty clothes and ship it to myself. That usually frees up enough space for my souvenirs.
  14. I (and two of my coworkers) just got covid at a work event, and gave it to my parents. My nurse niece and her husband are also recovering; they didn't get it from us. All of us are having it for the first time. Just saying. The collective "we" may not be talking about it, but it's not gone. As for your mother, cut her out of your life, learn to ignore her, or resign yourself to her "toxicity". She lectures you because you listen.
  15. True! I'm hoping my community theater does it soon. I'd love to play Beverly/Annette. ("Me and the Sky" is my go-to audition song.) I might try to make it back to Broadway to see it before it closes.
  16. I will say - and I know this isn't the book thread, but it's not a spoiler - that the Bridgertons all looking alike is a theme straight from the books. So while it may be momentarily confusing, it is a nice nod to book readers. :)
  17. To me, Anthony is The Hot One, which leaves you with The Older One and The Baby-Faced One. Seriously, I did have some trouble at first. But the energy of the characters is so different that once the real action started I didn't have an issue.
  18. Aww, thank you! He especially loves British drama, if you're into that. :D Agree with both of these. I feel like it was somewhat common on L&O to have the junior ADA take over questioning a witness or doing the closing statement because of optics. So, a female ADA questioning a rape victim-turned-killer makes sense. But I definitely thought episode 1 was a little early to jump into her full back-story. I know it's a pilot thing to try to flesh out every character, but I think it's unnecessary and cluttered.
  19. I would love this! I always thought he was a great character (and actor).
  20. Worth noting, the mods over there have switched it to "unverified".
  21. But they also said this: That's just not really possible. We saw them eat together in the pods. We saw Sal sing a whole freaking song. We saw them move from sitting on the couch to the floor to lying on the couch under a blanket. And that's a big detail to get wrong, IMO.
  22. Instagram post from Shayne, commenting about his behavior on the show. Interestingly, Natalie, Deeps, and Danielle all reply with hearts in their comments, and Natalie even shared it in her stories. It just makes it super hard to believe that AMA. I'd love to know what proof they offered for verification, and it seems coincidental that it happened to be on a less popular sub with fewer rules. 🤷‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cafa5eUF147/?utm_medium=copy_link Also, he directly addresses Netflix is probably quite unhappy with him for coming out with that before the reunion!
  23. I'm in rehearsals for a musical at our community theater. I got a bad cold, and my doctor gave me prednisone to help with my symptoms. It made me think of this crazy show. Hope I don't get addicted. lol Plus, in two weeks, I'M IN TECH!!!!
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