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Jane Tuesday

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Everything posted by Jane Tuesday

  1. It's not my gossip or my grammar, and I know nothing of McCain or The View. I just happened to see it and thought people here might be interested. *shrug*
  2. From the celebrity gossip IG @deuxmoi... No idea if it's true, but they're usually pretty accurate. 🤷‍♀️
  3. Even so, I think it's a big stretch. Whoever the original poster was, it's safe to assume that they have a wide spectrum of people as FB friends, with an equally wide spectrum of... perspectives, let's call them. And I can tell you from my own experience moderating forums, often the person who reports posts is NOT engaged in the conversation. In fact, I'd say that's usually the case. 🤷‍♀️ It sounds like you're assuming it's her simply based on her whacko beliefs, with no other proof? And I'm just thinking you might be happier if you attribute it to an unknown third party.
  4. That... seems like a really big stretch? Why would you assume it's her? Your uncle likely has many friends who saw the post and could have reported it. And if his original post vanished as well, I'd guess it wasn't just your comment. Likely there were further comments that turned ugly (for lack of a better term) and so the whole thread was reported and removed.
  5. How in the hell do you even get four pair of tights ON???!!??
  6. This just came across my Facebook feed, and I thought I'd share. Especially exciting for those of us who don't live in NYC (or any "real" city) to see all these great shows. Win a trip to see Hamilton anywhere in the world in 2022! It's a fundraiser for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. You can make a donation, buy merchandise, or just fill out a form with no purchase. In addition to the big prize, there will be weekly winners. TBD, but LMM mentions in the video NYC movie premieres, NYC trips, etc.
  7. Yadi is coming back for one last season before retirement. Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit (and then laughed at myself for it).
  8. A thousand times, yes. I especially love when they keep emailing, and act all perturbed that I haven't replied. Uh, I've never heard of you, and you cold called me. You have zero moral high ground to expect a response. I've thought about changing mine to, "I don't have any authority to buy anything or hire anyone."
  9. He also received a percentage of her Vegas money on top of this... over $2M. Meanwhile, she couldn't buy an iPad.
  10. I talk to people in elevators, or at least smile and nod. I find it incredibly awkward to be in a small space with another human and ignore them completely. Maybe it's partly because I'm from a small town where everyone waves (when driving) and says hello (when walking). When I'm in the city, I have to very deliberately NOT look people in the eye on the sidewalk or the subway. 🤣 That said, as a general rule for men reading this: let women take the lead. It used to be considered just good manners to let women initiate contact (conversation, handshakes). It's awful, and not about you personally, but being alone with a strange man can be scary, especially for women who have experienced violence. Back off and let her decide if she wants to talk to you.
  11. I have a cousin who does this, too. Lots of posts about how great her dad was, how much she misses him (45+ years later), etc. And then other cousins chime in with "your dad was a real character, miss him!" replies. The man in question died before I was born, but by all accounts he was an abusive, drunk, shithead, who beat his son and abused his wife and daughters verbally (and perhaps physically). His son - who never got an ounce of sympathy from his mother, let alone therapy for his abuse - became an addict, lived on the streets, and ended up dying in a train station WAY before his time. He basically pickled his liver. The person she's fawning over was a monster who ruined her own brother's life and sent him to an early grave, but she has seemingly forgotten all of that. (She was late teens/early 20s when her dad died, so she definitely remembers.) I realize you only get one dad, and when everybody else is waxing poetic on FB about how great theirs is/was, she probably feels left out. But what excuse do the other enablers have? It's okay to just not comment. You don't need to pretend that old asshole was some kind of fun uncle.
  12. RE: the Barnetts' finances, he never said he sold the house to pay HER debt, just "student loan debt". From interviews they did after the original run of LIB, he sold it to pay his debt, which they discussed but was left out in the editing of the show. Besides, it's highly possible he didn't have any real equity in the house yet. Everybody acts like selling his house must have netted some huge sum, but I didn't get the impression he had lived there long. Take out closing costs, and he might have basically gotten his down payment back. Amber made a big deal on Instagram when SHE paid off her student loans a few months after the show aired. I assumed she used influencer money, but she does work. She tends bar at various nightclubs and posts about getting home from work in the middle of the night (which is why she's in bed when he leaves for work, not because she's a drunken bum like the show implied). The impression I get is that at some point, he thought he'd do "the adult thing", and buy a house, but he wasn't really in that stage of life. So when he married Amber, they decided they'd rather live downtown and have that kind of life for now. They've moved since the show into a new apartment at the Battery, and it's not cheap. I think they still have the same roommate (at least, he was in their videos during lockdown) and they seem like good friends. I imagine if they got pregnant they would move - you do get nine months to get ready - but millions of children live in apartments. You don't have to have an attached garage and your own patch of grass to raise a happy, healthy child. I have a lot of problems with how Amber behaved during the reunion and this anniversary party, but I had to defend her on the money issue.
  13. I've found that the best thing to do in those situations is to go ahead and buy online for store pickup in an hour or two. When the clerk goes to pull the item and it's out of stock, they'll generally call to ask if I want a substitute. Even stores that don't do that... if you wait until you get the "ready for pickup" notification, you'll know it's there before you go.
  14. Don't blame us! Everyone I know thinks they're awful (if they're even watching, which is a bbiiiiiigg if).
  15. I removed my "shocked face" reaction once I read the actual article. They're totally right - small children don't need daily washing with soap (and adults don't need soap on every inch of their skin every day). And I noticed they never really said they don't give baths unless the kids are visibly dirty. Just that they don't use soap unless they are.
  16. That's making my point, though. WTF is that thing? They end up just making something up. Old teams, I get. There probably weren't mascots back then, and they aren't going to change now. But why deliberately choose a name that then has to have a separate mascot assigned? To be honest, I don't care if a team has a mascot. If Fredbird disappeared forever, I probably wouldn't notice. But if you're going to have them, it would be nice if they made sense and weren't just a random fuzzy orange thing with eyes.
  17. I always love the parade of nations and the lighting of the cauldron, but the rest of it just goes on too long. I'm sure it's great in person, but after awhile it loses me. Nothing against Naomi Osaka, but I thought she was a bit of a disappointing choice. For me, the Olympics is all about shining a spotlight on athletes who usually don't get any attention, and I like the when the cauldron lighter is from an obscure sport. Like, "you've never heard of this person, but she became a host country hero after winning the first gold medal in pairs underwater trampoline." The two people with one flag thing was ridiculous. Nice idea, but nobody thought through the execution. Are they doing two for the closing ceremony?
  18. So, they named the team after bridge piers? They're pretty, but that's kind of boring. Is this something Clevelanders/Clevelandians are even aware of? I'm struggling to think if I know anything about St. Louis bridges beyond where they are. 🤷‍♀️ My only objection is that I hate names that don't lend themselves to a mascot. Like, what's the physical representation of a "Guardian"? Who's operating the t-shirt cannon? It seems like they all just end up with some kind of generic bird. Lol
  19. Unfortunately, our lovely politicians exempted themselves from US CAN-SPAM law. Unlike the rest of us in the email marketing world, they don't have to get your permission OR give you the option to unsubscribe. And they sell/trade lists with each other all the time. So if you've ever expressed interest in a candidate, you're likely on lists for other candidates of the same party, and even affiliated PACs. Your only option is to block it locally. Is it any wonder people hate them?
  20. First I'd trying replying to the email and telling them what's up. Many companies will have someone monitoring those replies, or they'll be routed to customer service. If you don't hear back in a couple of days, go to their website and use the "contact us" form. Next option would be to direct message them on social media. If none of that works, it's time to go nuclear... start rage tweeting at them. 😉
  21. Honestly, I had never heard of this Hilaria person outside of this thread, so... I guess her shtick is working? But I still don't understand why anyone would follow this person. I don't get the deal with these celebrity wife influencers. Why the hell should I care? Unless the person is interesting in their own right, which, even if she WAS from Spain... that's not really all that interesting. lol
  22. Email marketer here! If their unsubscribe links are dead, that's totally illegal (definitely in the US, Canada, and Europe, and probably everywhere). If their links aren't working or your corporate filter is blocking them AND YOU KNOW IT'S A LEGITIMATE COMPANY, try replying with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. The vast majority of email service providers will automatically process that as an unsubscribe. If it's not a legitimate company, I'd just mark them as spam or block them and move on. You'll stop getting them, and you'll also negatively impact their sender reputation, which will benefit us all. :) But please don't mark as spam unless it actually IS spam, because the negative repercussions of that can be really, REALLY hard for a legitimate, lawful sender to overcome. Also, a quick tip... since all marketing emails MUST have an unsubscribe link, that's a quick way to filter and delete old marketing messages in a hurry. Just search for "unsubscribe", check everything that comes up, and delete.
  23. My uncle was a horse guy, an old cowboy. His favorite mare was a quarter horse who had been used in a few local races before he owned her. In his older age, he took up trail riding. The old girl just would NOT let another horse get abreast of them. If someone tried to ride beside them, she would speed up faster and faster to stay in front, no matter what he did. LOL She lived out her golden years on our farm, and I saw it play out in the pasture dozens of times. She did not lose, whether it was a race across the field or being the first to the water trough. She may have been an outlier, but it definitely happens. No, they don't care about ribbons and looks-based competitions, but pure speed is a different story. (As an aside, we buried her in a place of honor. She was beloved.) That said, I don't care to watch equestrian events. (Or rodeo or racing, too be clear.) It all seems like a waste of a good horse somehow.
  24. I don't know if you're replying to me, but of course i agree with you. When I mentioned having the right to celebrate, I was referring to the whole thing - BBQ, parades, hanging a flag on the porch, going to a fireworks show. I have seen comments in some quarters basically saying "unless you believe the same as me, you don't love 'Murica" and shouldn't get to do those things. If you haven't seen those comments, count yourself lucky you don't have my uncle as a FB friend. Related peeve: cutesy spellings, e.g. 'Murica.
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