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Jane Tuesday

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Everything posted by Jane Tuesday

  1. I totally agree, and didn't fault Carrie at all for just not wanting to deal with her. But... I had a ton of sympathy for Charlotte. I am a really easy crier. Like, REALLY easy. Especially if someone I care about is in pain. When I go to a visitation, and they have the pictures and videos, it's all I can do to not be a blubbery mess. I know it's not appropriate, and I try to control it, but I'm not always successful. No, I get that. I think they just went too far. A 17-year-old backtalking his mom in private, smoking pot at home, sneaking around with his girlfriend, I could totally buy. But the screaming sex-fest while his parents are in the next room, hitting up a random stranger for pot on the sidewalk, and making out with his girlfriend at a little kid's recital*? That's way beyond normal teenage rebellion, IMO. Are we supposed to think he's deliberately setting out to embarrass his mother to get her attention? It doesn't seem so. He's just coming off as really, really stupid, like he doesn't have a basic grasp of how to go about in society. *I misspoke above, it was at the concert, not the funeral.
  2. Do normal teenagers try to suck their girlfriend's tonsils out at family funerals these days? What a world we live in. How old is he supposed to be? Over 18? He'd have his bags packed if he was my kid.
  3. Has she given any reason? Is she just worried you'll be disappointed? That's sweet, I guess. But what can it hurt to look? If you don't find anything, you're only out your time and energy. And you'll hone your resume, search, and interview skills in the process. And you never know, you might get a great lead! I work in the corporate world, and sometimes it takes FOREVER for them to fill positions, especially for something as niche as instructional design! I'd start knocking at doors so that one is open when you graduate. :)
  4. @bilgistic, that's so obnoxious! Hit reply, replace the subject with "unsubscribe", and send it back to them. 9/10 that will take you off the list. Then hit them up on social media via direct message and complain. If you don't hear back in a couple of days, complain publicly and tag them. While this isn't technically illegal in the U.S. (assuming you reside in the U.S.), it is absolutely illegal in Canada, Europe, and most other places, and it is considered a horrible practice by the industry in general. (In fact, most email service providers require their customers to certify that they are NOT doing this kind of thing, because it hurts the sender reputation of ALL of their customers.)
  5. To give them the benefit of the doubt, it may be a technical issue. If all the images are on the same server, it would be easier to just route them all elsewhere, versus picking and choosing and worrying about legalities of individual images. Especially given how many pages are on their sitemap, individual team pages, etc. Then again, they've changed way more than just images, so... probably just being petty.
  6. I think he told me to "go to hell", which he now denies ever saying. It was a fun morning. (We actually have a great relationship. But we work together, which means we spend LOTS of time together. Sometimes too much.)
  7. Yep, that's exactly it! I try not to swear, because I tend to think it's the last resort for people who have poor vocabulary. But when I'm incredibly frustrated, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" is my go-to. It's all about perspective. My dad got on my case recently for "rolling my eyes" at him. I replied that wasn't it, I was simply looking heavenward to find my patience. He didn't believe me. LOL
  8. I love raisin cookies, but I hardly ever get any, because my dad doesn't like them. One year my little nephew gave me a tin full of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies as a Christmas gift, and I hoarded them through January. Best gift ever. LOL Tip: any time you use raisins in a recipe, plump then first by soaking them in hot water, juice, or spirits for 15 minutes and then straining before adding to your recipe. The raisins themselves will be juicier, and they won't dry out the surrounding baked item.
  9. Are you chilling the dough before you scoop the cookies onto sheets? You might bringing them to room temperature before you bake them. Then the hot oven will cause them to spread out faster.
  10. As someone who worked in news production for nine years, eight of them as a Director, I feel your pain. Sometimes your posts make me nostalgic - those years were some of the best in my life - but posts like this remind me how frequently it really, really sucked. LOL
  11. Awwww! Really unpopular opinion, even (especially?) among Cardinals fans, but I have a soft spot for Joe. I remember when he was starting out calling games on the radio with his dad. He's not the best, but not the worst, surely? 🤣🤣🤣 And he's an unabashed fan of that other STL team, the Blues! He can't be all bad.
  12. Google tells me she's a TikTok "star" and friend to the Kardashians. Two things I give not one shit about, so...
  13. Luis Garcia's windup is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a baseball game. WTF? Ridiculous.
  14. I'm excited for Halloween this year. I moved onto "Trick or Treat Street", where basically everybody in my town brings their kids. I'm prepared for 200 ToTers. My nephew is coming to help decorate the porch and hand out snacks. My Halloween-related peeve is the trend lately to make ToT** two nights, or a different night than the 31st. I object to the first because - as excited as I am - I don't want two nights of it. And I object to the second because how do you make sure EVERYBODY in town knows? So you do it on the 30th, but in reality, you also have to be somewhat prepared for people coming on the 31st. Or worry some sad new kid didn't get the memo. I'm sorry, but if you're too busy with other fun plans on the 31st to ToT, maybe skip ToT for the year? Or go before/after? It just seems incredibly ballsy to think everyone needs to bend to your schedule. Where I live, there are probably a hundred Trunk or Treat community events other nights. Your kid will still get candy. **I'm just referring to the random, door-to-door trick or treating. Trunk or treats or other Halloween parties... do what you like.
  15. This site needs a vomit emoji. That's not art. That's hate speech.
  16. This might not be appropriate if you live in the city, but I want to give painting "barn quilt" squares a try. They're big, so you have to move around them. And you can decide what size and level of pattern complexity you want to use.
  17. It's not too much to ask, but I'm not sure it's your place to ask it. In regards to your own health, sure. If you don't want her to stay with you, or you want her to keep her distance from you, that's your call. But unless you're hosting the party, you don't control the guest list. Tell the younger daughter what you know, and let her make her own decision. It sucks, and I fully sympathize with you, but they're both adults. The sad reality is that there will likely be many at the party who are unvaccinated, or un-boostered, or don't regularly mask, etc. You have to decide how much risk you're comfortable with, and what you can do to mitigate that risk. Hugs, mom! I know you just want your daughters to be safe.
  18. Yeah, I've never even watched FN, and yet I know who Bobby Flay is. I see him consistently in magazines, TV appearances, etc. And as mentioned above, he owns restaurants and has put out multiple books. I think anyone who is excited about his "demise" is doomed to disappointment. I assume he wanted more money, or maybe he just wanted off the FN hamster wheel.
  19. Well, shit. Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted. :D
  20. Ha! I'm about to explode. Go Cards!!!! And now Albert is batting. Talk about crazy... eta: Whew!
  21. Cardinals fans on Twitter are embarrassing tonight. I've enjoyed the streak as much as anyone, but good lord, people. This game literally does. not. matter.
  22. I thought you were invoking deer as a curse word, which, in my part of the world, it totally is. They're like rats here, if rats weighed 200 pounds and jumped in front of you on the highway and totaled your car. Fucking d**r.
  23. Damn, it's fun being a Cardinals fan right now.
  24. The "my truth" thing... IMO it depends on context. I think it originated with the idea that your experiences are "your truth", while acknowledging that someone else's experiences - even of the same event - can be different. We are all shaped by our own backgrounds and past events, and that makes us perceive things differently, and sometimes there is no one "truth". What is true for me might not be true for you. It allows people to tell their stories, and other people to hear those stories, without getting bogged down in defensiveness. But there's a massive difference between that and saying things like, "The covid vaccine has killed more people than covid! I don't have to prove it, that's my truth!" Actual facts that can be proven one way or another are just "truth", not "my truth" or "your truth".
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