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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I don't think Gwen is Jack's. I think Laura may have treated Gwen's mother in the past and knows who the real father is. Maybe someone (even Jack's SOB father) may have pretended to be Jack and used his name so that's what Gwen was told. I just don't think it is Jack. And I think Laura was sending the money to keep Jennifer and Jack's relationship safe.
  2. Maybe she is doing. both - either 2/2/22 or 2/22/22 as a wedding date. Can't forget that one.
  3. I wonder if they asked Virginia before they matched her if she would be OK with a man who has been divorced? If not, I think I would be pretty mad to find that out. Even though, he seems to be mature and normal and has a good explanation for his first "marriage."
  4. I have a friend who always uses a broker for his cars, and yes, they are more of the high end vehicles. I am already ready to throw something at Virginia. I will give her the benefit of the doubt because it was her wedding and she must have been nervous, but if they would have spent 5 minutes less on her horrible eye makeup and tied her hair up or pulled it back, she wouldn't keep playing with it. It looked horrible and her constant playing with it made me anxious. I am not a fan of hers at this point. Too immature and self-centered. And, as others have said, with Eric being a pilot and having to not drink much, this will be a challenge. He WILL get honeymoon activity, though. (If she can wait to get to the room.) I really have hopes for Brianna and Vincent. They were low key and calm and seemed very happy with their matches. He will have to go to Chick Fil-A on his lunch hours. Clara made too many strange faces and is pretty needy. I hope she can settle down and just let things happen. I like Ryan so far. He has a nice smile. There are times I think that Paige is not pretty at all (but Chris is awful all the time), and then sometimes, she looks very pretty. I am usually wary of people who have to constantly tell you how religious they are, so I am not a fan of that behavior. I just know that I will never warm up to Chris, since narcissism and mysogeny are not attractive traits. I am fully expecting that Chris will look like he is not happy with his bride, but I am sure that it will be editing and he will be OK. I don't remember anything about the last couple. I was hoping we would have gotten all 5 weddings last night. How silly of me.
  5. LOL - how about a client who says, "That's exactly what I wanted and I don't like it!"
  6. I was so disappointed tonight. I really like Max and I didn't like Zoey. Also, there is too much Mary Steenbergen and too much of her "singing." I know people are trying to get back to a new normal, but there is too much that isn't working for me. Max and Zoey not working; Max and Mo not working; Zoey being a manager not working; Emily's obnoxious SIL not working for me. This was such a wonderful show last year and the second seasons can often not live up to the first, but I am trying to stay hopeful that we will get back to some joy somewhere.
  7. It sounds like it is a new story with Ciara. WE will see her, but she is being held captive (boring) by someone who was hired by Vincent. He is treating her well, but says she will never escape. So, while WE see her, Ben will be getting closer to Claire. Maybe Ben and Ciara will have that second sense that Bo/Hope always had and Ben will sense that she needs him and leave poor Claire alone yet again. They HAVE to find a better story for her! So, she (VK) will be seen on Jan. 28, but no idea when she will be back in Salem. I am sure it won't be until Ben and Claire have formed a bond.
  8. If that's true about Charlie, we also have Lucas, Sami (who is coming back soon), yes, Kate, maybe Shawn, Ben, Rafe, Nicole, etc. all to protect Allie's honor. I also hope they don't kill him, but they went too far and there is a baby now and it would be easier to tell the kid that his father died than to tell him that he was conceived by rape.
  9. Just read that Kristen will go crazy (again) and use Tony as a hostage to escape prison so she can be with Brady after he is shot. Plus, she is plotting revenge against Chloe (who I still have no idea why she is there). Maybe THIS time she will be put away for good???? Or at least send her to a more secure prison.
  10. I don't even watch anymore - just read summaries, because there are no characters left that I even kind of like. I know that Nicole seems to be a fan favorite, although I never understood why, but they have just made her into another cartoon. Barging into interrogation rooms, insisting that she be informed of what kind of poison was in Ava's system, etc. And now she is getting Allie all riled up again to go after Charlie. She needs to stay the heck in her own lane and wait for Eric to come home (or not). It is annoying just reading about her. Julie already has that job. (With Maggie behind her.)
  11. I think they showed her upper face when Kelly mentioned her friend Tina being cut.
  12. I just turned it on for a minute and saw random people making a big deal about Jamie and Elizabeth, so off it went. So glad I missed Jamie O. I have never watched Couples Cam for more than 5 minutes since I am not really interested in the couples they have on there other than Keith/Kristina and maybe Greg/Deonna, but not enough to watch. Again, anything with Jamie O is an automatic turn off for me.
  13. I still think that she is pregnant with Stefano's clone, thanks to Dr. Rolf, although I am not sure how he worked that magic behind bars! I know they have pretty lax visiting rules, but, this?????
  14. The twins are named Carver and Julia, but they will call her Jules.
  15. I have read speculation that Vivian is the kidnapper to get revenge on Lani for killing her beloved Stefan. It is also going to be the way they introduce Jackee Harry's character in some way, so who knows?
  16. And they matched people because they both had dogs, as one of the reasons. Did they not watch last season? Cat matches didn't work. Maybe dog people will work out better.
  17. I wonder if there would have been too much of a royalty fee to pay to Kanye, since she danced to his song?
  18. Don't they do their personal style auditions for show group because if they are selected, they can do that kind of routine as a solo when SG performs? It doesn't have to mesh with the DCC style, since it is assumed they can do the DCC style or they wouldn't be on the team. The editing and lack of continuity from episode to episode, as has been pointed out is really making this show even less fun to watch. I am glad that Meredith is gone, for her sake and ours. And I definitely hope she does not decide to come back and try again! As many of you have stated, she never should have been selected last year. She had so many chances and she still fumbled her way through. I did like that Kelly told her that she can't make the team with only 1 yes vote. (Even if that yes was from Kelly, so I am glad that Kelly finally realized that she was wrong about Meredith, girl crush aside.) I guess she is pretty, but I don't find her as gorgeous as many do. She just comes across as not very bright and certainly not very self-aware. But, her solo was beautiful.
  19. Sorry it took a while to find it: it was on popculture.com 'Married at First Sight': Beth Bice and Jamie Thompson Have Changed Their Minds Completely About Having Kids. It could be a fake article, but I did read it!
  20. Maybe Ava will be killed trying to save one of her sons? And it sure is sounding like Claire and Ben will get together to console each other, once Claire's relationship blows up. I hope this all wraps up soon, as these writers really suck at writing anything to do with any kind of mafia.
  21. I will try to come up with a best storyline but until I get there. . . I quit the show for good when Sami came back and screamed her way through every scene she was in, pushing Nicole into her wedding cake, etc. Lani choosing her psycho BFF over her husband and her unborn babies! Kristen being brought back for any reason and it looks like she will be around for a while. I am NEVER going back to watch again. Jake and Kate - just eeewwwww. Allie rape/who wants my baby stories. OK - I do like that Gabi came back (for 12 seconds), but she will be back and ultimately get together with Jake. That's all I've got!
  22. As soon as they called Meredith in to the office and the waterworks started, I just cringed. And when Kelly said she lost her edge, I just shook my head. What edge??? She was awful last year and is the same, which makes her worse, this year! That she seems to think that it is OK to be slow again, because she will eventually learn them, is ridiculous. She has no confidence as a veteran and they just need to cut their losses and get her out of there! Soon, please!
  23. I can see a line of baby clothes, "I was conceived from Plain Caucasian Sex!"
  24. OH NO - I just read that Elizabeth and Jamie have changed their minds and are now talking about having kids!!! I think they are just ever so slightly below Jamie O on the "will do anything for a camera" scale. I am sure if they do, they will want it all on a reality show.
  25. I thought Desz would come in second. Looking at her face when he (finally) read the name, she seemed to be totally shocked and not happy. Not that she would be happy not to win, but she seemed really surprised to come in so low.
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