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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Not even close to a girlfriend - a date, who was probably selected by production to have her first meeting/date completely captured by cameras. Same with Paige's "date." I think they were both fake and am highly suspicious of both people who were fine being on camera.
  2. Next week is the Hall of Fame contestants and the following week is a look back at Season 12's Top 25 moments. This season has been way too long and I hope their attempts to drag it out fails miserably and the numbers are as low as it seems the number of people who watched last night.
  3. As long as there are cameras there. Those two make me nervous. I actually fell asleep and don't care. I was so annoyed at spending so much time on that horrible smug Paige - first with her friend snd then all that time on her"totally real date with a guy who just happens to agree to being filmed." I don't like her and never will. She is too much for me. Haley is still annoying and will be single forever. I bet she was waiting to be asked to be Clara's bridesmaid. I am not sure if Suz-onnnnn and Jake will work, but, again, as long as the date is being filmed, it is not real. But, good luck to him. That was a nice house that Vinnie and Bri were looking at and I hope it works for them. I didn't see if they made an offer. Ryan and Clara are fine and will be fine. That is all. ETA: Judging by the number of responses here, it looks like the producers have gone to the well once too often this season. I am guessing the numbers will even be lower for the next two weeks.
  4. Heaven help me, I am probably going to watch - or at least check in. I am disgusted with myself. But, I am NOT going to watch the next two weeks of replays and highlights.
  5. I watched the marathon, too, and remembered how wonderful and fun the first season was, but when you see them one after the other, you forget just how often they had Mary S trying to sing! Same with Lauren Graham. Way too much of both of those women. And I didn't remember how often Jane Levy sang in the first season. She was much better in S1. I agree with everything you said, @D Angel. I am not sure where they will go with the next season, though. They have already established Max and Zoey as a couple (yay!), so I am not sure what will happen there; Simon will go on to manage/mentor the new smaller acquisition team - fine; I hope Maggie is out traveling with Deb and finding fun again (so we don't see her); and I really don't care about Emily and her brother, so I am not sure what will be left. Mo is fine, but I don't know what is in the plans for her. Maybe Zoey will actually do some work?
  6. I don't think they will make it long enough to have a child (other than VirGINia).
  7. I am guessing it will be Dr. S in the lake (pond?) but they could have built this up more. We know he is nasty and a blackmailer, but the things that he is blackmailing about are pretty lame (well, maybe not Kate). Gwen's story is stupid and she already said that her losing the baby wasn't because of Abby. I think it will end up looking like Xander or Gwen, but am guessing it will be the mob or whoever he is dealing drugs for. I do hope that the Kate SL isn't too long. She can say that it is just because she wants to hurt Gabi and she doesn't care about Jake, but that isn't working. She just needs to get back with Roman and be done.
  8. I don't watch Couples' Cam, but that sounds like Chris and Paige to me!
  9. Talk about this never ending season: according to my TV guide, June 6 will be a Where are they now so we can see what they were doing 4 months after Decision Day (wasn't the reunion 3 months after D Day, so it's just one more month??) Then, on June 16, we get to see who's in the franchise hall of fame, and THEN, because you need to relive this horrible season, on June 25, we will get to see a Lookback Special of the Top 25 moments from this season. Are they kidding????????
  10. Sorry - now I am really confused - is she (VK) off the team for good, taking a break, or will she be back in the fall? Thanks! (I don't post here often but have been watching this show since the beginning. I even pay extra for the Variety package on my cable to get CMT, which I am not proud of!)
  11. Because I don't do anything that requires me to "follow" anyone, I am not sure how it works, but I would be willing to bet that NONE of those people listed have a clue who Jake from MAFS is. Their accounts may have something that follows people, but I can pretty much promise that those people have much bigger things on their minds. Maybe Jake follows them and their accounts reciprocate?
  12. Really, though, how long can Chloe be kept in a trunk with her mouth taped? She would have been dead by now!
  13. So, we may lose Kristen as she meanders through the park after injuring yet another person and manipulating another, but we still have Susan?????? Just make it stop! And how long before Rafe finds out that his "I'm changed" lover was the one who let Kristen escape? I sure hope that they don't degrade Kate by having her fake blindness to keep Jake.
  14. LOL - thank you, @Ilovepie. I was coming on to write exactly what you did. I was so angry, I even yelled at my TV a few times, which, for me, means it is time to walk away from this show. I was so sick and tired of Paige running out to follow that bastard to the car and telling him how great he was doing. ENOUGH! Then to have Kevin Frazier, who I had always liked in this role, totally sucking up to her so hard I am surprised there was any air left in the room. She may THINK she won the martyred saint award, but even if she had not heard some of the things on the clips she never saw, she still had enough of him to know that she needed to get out. And, no, she is not a pillar of strength and class. I am glad she is in therapy, but I will be truly happy if I never have to see her smug face again. (But, I will say that with her hair that way and off her face, this was the prettiest I have seen her face. The dress was horrendous, and no way a dress a "nice, Christian girl" would wear on national TV.) I was also yelling when Kevin bought in to fake Haley and attacked Jake. Jake was clearly done and didn't really help himself, but he didn't care. Haley clearly knows how to be charming when the cameras are there. I am SO glad that Drs. P and V said that she was truly a cold, cold person. Pastor Cal knows nothing. I don't think Erik and Virginia will make it to a year. I don't think they should pick couples for couples' cam until they have been married at least a full year. They were faking the whole time and trying to pretend they were the best love story ever. Not. Bri and Vinnie will be fine and are adorable. Boring to me, but just a normal couple, so good for them. I am also glad that Clara and Ryan are together and I think will be fine. I am happy they are not camera whores and are even staying off social media. If they wanted their privacy that much, this was not the right venue for them, but I think they are fine. This whole season was awful and had so much filler crap that I really don't think I will watch the next season and see how I feel with a season off. I'm sorry - if those experts were ALL totally bamboozled by Chris, then they need to find a new job. We all could tell even from the scenes BEFORE the wedding when he insisted that she MUST be beautiful. They should have pulled the plug then before they were married, since this was obviously a "different" Chris than the "catch" they selected. And I still don't believe they did the selections at all - all production driven. ETA- I think the fact that there are so few posts speaks volumes as to how this season was dragged out for far too long. Whether it was just the Paige and Chris crap or the fact that, generally, the couples weren't interesting or likable (except maybe 2), I think that people dropped off a while back.
  15. Will be interesting, if true, to see how this plays out on Couples Cam or if they lost that job. Or are they already done shooting that for now? Or was it supposed to start with the new season? I would bet that they will try to pretend they are together. They are good at that.
  16. I don't know that he would want any of Chris' bed partners.
  17. In that picture, Jackee looks so much thinner than she does when I see her in her scenes.
  18. We didn't see any of that - that is from Chris as he was spewing his anger.
  19. The preview I saw for Reunion part 2 says that Jake and Haley will be the "explosive" content we can't miss! Does that mean that we are done seeing anything that has to do with Chris???? I know that Paige cannot keep her smug face off the camera, so I expect to see her when they show all of the couples together, but it will be a nice change if Chris doesn't show up.
  20. I didn't get that impression at all. I believe they were dating, in love, whatever, but when he left to go serve and they wanted to go together, they had to be married. I never got the impression that it was a platonic relationship. Why would a "friend" want to go live with him on a military base? I am just guessing, but they were probably living together before he left, so, of course they wanted to be together. Maybe they got married too soon in the relationship, and it obviously didn't work out, bur I think they were a legit couple before the move.
  21. Do we want to place bets on how often Chris gets up and leaves? I say at least twice. And that Paige will follow him.
  22. Unfortunately, he IS reality TV and I would bet that he will be seen again. (Not by me, but I would be surprised if another show just doesn't grab him for ratings.)
  23. So, how long has Chloe been gagged and tied up in that trunk? Whose car is it and wouldn't she be dead by now since she was gagged and couldn't breathe?????
  24. That was show driven. I think they recorded the couples separately first, then did the women, (I don't know if they did the men), and then all the couples together. Or maybe all the couples together and then the women? Anyway, it was how they put together the Reunion. I am sure that when we see their couples' interview, we will hear more from Jake. At least I hope so. I can totally do without any more Chris and Paige, but we know that won't happen. If not for them, I am sure the ratings would be in the toilet.
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